Probably because it's not all that interesting frankly. Because it's a two-track line with three cities only a short distance from each other, it's almost like just a small segment of a full route.
You have to use suppression / full service, AND also hit the acknowledge key (Q) after throwing brakes into suppression in order to prevent a penalty application.Hi Fan Railer,
Have you noticed a bug with the AWS ? It seems it doesn't work properly on the ACS-64, I always get an emergency braking if a speed restriction is detected, even if I use full service brake immediately after the alert.
Any idea ?
It's out: Kawasaki Metro-North M8 EMU is scheduled to be online at the steam store mid afternoon tomorrow, so stay tuned
The ACS and HHP signalling / ATC system is not compatible with the old NEC signalling system on the original segment. Hit CTRL + D to operate in ATC cutout mode. No penalty brakes will be applied in this mode. Speed awayI finally sprung for the ACS, HHP, and M8 packs. I have a problem though.. When I goto run the ACS on the Philly-NYP section I get to a certain point and get slapped with a major ATC penalty stop.. To the point where I can't clear it.. On the cab signal display it's blank nothing there.. And on top of that the ATC light blinks where max auth speed is listed. Anyone have an idea on how to clear it? The alerter reset doesn't work..
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