Anyone played this? I was thinking of "Trainz Railroad Simulator 2006 DVD Edition" only 10 bucks at Amazon.
I got the download version, which I've now installed so can expect to waste many hours playing around with it.TRANZ 2009 world builder edition has been released. you can order the download version or a boxed DVD-rom version+shipping. the boxed copy's will ship in December while the download copy is available now. you can order here NOTE YOU MUST HAVE A ACCOUNT it is not yet available at retail outlets. i ordered the boxed copy. the engineers edition will be released later in 09
sorry the mac verson was Cancelled. if your mac can run windows then thats the only way it will workAnything out there for those of us of the Macintosh persuasion?
Anything out there for those of us of the Macintosh persuasion?
As far as I know,(I have Trainz2006.) there is a BUNCH of stuff here:;products_id=1 Also there is a superliner car that comes with 2006.It also has inside view.I use it for all my amtrak content that i make. It's a good simulator, but its way better than MSTS in terms of user friendliness and making routes and such.