Drive, or ride-share. At least until roadside security checkpoints become commonplace.I wonder what the people who ran away from airports will do when the TSA (or similar) eventually comes to passenger rail.
Or seeking new ways to justify increasing their funding.Got super bored telling people to take their shoes off at the airport and decided to railfan a bit.
I recall getting a snack pack during the Tunnel 11 fiasco few months ago, when CS did not run between EUG and KFS and replaced with buses for a week or two.Yeah I got one of those pathetic snack packs on the SWC when we were delayed 5+ hours. Now on the San Joaquin, for a 4 hour delay train, we got a much more substantial snack pack and also bottled water.
They are also the go-to agency (along with their parent, Department of Homeland Security) when incidents are reported to Amtrak Police and/or Amtrak Police are not available. Contrary to the "See something, say something!" promotions and impression of universality, outside of the Northeast Corridor and major hubs, Amtrak Police doesn't have an effective presence elsewhere in the country, so they rely on other Federal agencies.Even though they don't normally do rail passenger screening, the agency has responsibility for rail safety (anti terrorism type, not FRA stuff) including freight and does periodically look at rail infrastructure, and respond to incidents. A friend of mine did a 10 year stint as an inspector for them after he retired as an MTA-PD detective.
Even more...NJT police often ride their trains in and out of NYP, especially on holiday's like New Year's Eve or St. Patrick's Day....and the area around the Diagonal Platform, and the "Moynihan train hall" are patrolled by US Postal Police, (or at least they were)....A big part of what they do is facilitate inter-agency coordination and information sharing. Lots of things happen in areas where multiple agencies overlap. Look at NYP- you have APD, MTA-PD, and NYPD patrolling various parts of the station complex and exterior
That (above note)We don’t need the TSA for that anymore, we have a plane load of passengers that have demonstrated that they’re not going to sit and let that happen again.