Two AGR Mastercards

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user 1215

Jan 23, 2007
What are the two types of AGR Mastercards? I know one has an annual fee, and the other doesn't. What are they called and what are the differences? Anyone successfully move from fee to no-fee?
There is only one AGR MasterCard, which has no annual fee, but I think the OP maybe referring to something like the UR card that has been referred here where can transfer points to your AGR account, and does have an annual fee.
There is only one AGR MasterCard, which has no annual fee, but I think the OP maybe referring to something like the UR card that has been referred here where can transfer points to your AGR account, and does have an annual fee.
Is the UR (Ultimate Rewards ?) card the same as the Chase Sapphire card or is that another card as well? I am about to make the plunge to get a Chase card that I can transfer points 1:1 to my AGR account.
Ultimate Rewards points are the currency of the Chase Sapphire/Sapphire Preferred/Ink/etc. programs.

They transfer 1:1 into Amtrak and a bunch of other different places. (edit: IF YOU HAVE A CARD THAT PERMITS THIS)
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My understanding is that while the standard (non-Preferred) Sapphire card does accumulate UR points it does not (on its own) allow for 1:1 transfers (unless paired with another card).
Ultimate Rewards points are the currency of the Chase Sapphire/Sapphire Preferred/Ink/etc. programs.

They transfer 1:1 into Amtrak and a bunch of other different places. (edit: IF YOU HAVE A CARD THAT PERMITS THIS)
Thanks for the clarification. I recall you mentioning recently there is an extra points sign up bonus going on now. I cannot locate the thread however. Could you outline the details again please? Thanks.
Well, it seems like there are three Chase AGR Mastercards - Standard, Platinum & World. World has no annual fee. Platinum and Standard do. I'm sure one could (and probably will) argue that they are the same card, but different levels.
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Looking at the fine print, just 2:

Before we approve you for a credit card, we will review your credit report and the information you provide with your response to confirm that you meet the criteria for this offer. Based on this review, you may receive a World MasterCard or Platinum MasterCard with different costs and/or benefits, or you may not receive a card.
That said, that's different from the Sapphire/Sapphire Preferred, Ink Plus/Ink Bold/Ink Cash, MilesPlus Explorer/MilesPlus Club, Marriott Rewards/Marriott Rewards Premiere, Disney Rewards/Disney Premeire, etc lines of cards that have different versions of the cards that have different benefits and fees that you can choose from.
To the best of my knowledge, there's only two kinds of AGR Mastercards -- Platinum and World. Neither has an annual fee. If you qualify for a credit line of $5000 or more, you get the world; otherwise you get platinum.

Only Chase Ultimate Rewards-earning cards with annual fees get the transfer privilege. Those cards are the Sapphire Preferred, Ink Bold (a charge card), and Ink Plus. You can transfer points from other UR-earning cards (Sapphire, Freedom, Ink Cash, etc.) to a fee card and, then, on to a transfer partner, such as Amtrak.

All of those fee cards are World (if Mastercard) or Signature (if Visa), and do not come in platinum or other lower-end varieties. The other UR cards come in both platinum and World/Signature varieties.