Lead Service Attendant
Hello there ladies and gentlemen, I haven't been on in a while, high school has taken a toll on my personal life, and my "AU'ing", but that's not the important thing right now. So I'm looking at planning a trip with my girlfriend and parents from MSP-SEA, and while my girlfriend and I are plenty fine in coach, my mother and stepfather want to have a room. Is there any way to book two coach seats and one room in the same ticket, or would it have to be two separate parties. Another question, if we do have to book as separate parties, would Amtrak be unhappy with two 15 year olds, both (in my opinion) capable travelers, traveling in coach while the "responsible adults" were up front in one of the sleepers?
Best regards,
(Pic from my previous EB trip)

Best regards,
(Pic from my previous EB trip)