(Passenger Rail U.K. Mar 30 Guardian) Modern rail travel is a slow-grinding nightmare of too many people and too little space
"This is what modern rail travel has become. It is a slow-grinding nightmare of too many people and too little space, and you have to be prepared to sell your children just to pay for a ticket. Modern rail travel turns people ugly. It makes them petty and territorial. It transforms them into the sort of people who compulsively put a full stop at the start of their tweets, so the rest of the world can see just how angry the train companies have made them.
And this reality is reflected nowhere in the wider culture. I wish it was. I have a dream that one day Michael Portillo will make a BBC 2 series entitled Great British Commuter Railway Journeys, where he will attempt to wax lyrical about Bradshaw’s description of the 7.46 Haywards Heath to St Pancras while being nudged and shoved and repeatedly smacked in the goolies by the handlebars of an unfolded bike until all his teeth turn yellow and fall out from stress."
"This is what modern rail travel has become. It is a slow-grinding nightmare of too many people and too little space, and you have to be prepared to sell your children just to pay for a ticket. Modern rail travel turns people ugly. It makes them petty and territorial. It transforms them into the sort of people who compulsively put a full stop at the start of their tweets, so the rest of the world can see just how angry the train companies have made them.
And this reality is reflected nowhere in the wider culture. I wish it was. I have a dream that one day Michael Portillo will make a BBC 2 series entitled Great British Commuter Railway Journeys, where he will attempt to wax lyrical about Bradshaw’s description of the 7.46 Haywards Heath to St Pancras while being nudged and shoved and repeatedly smacked in the goolies by the handlebars of an unfolded bike until all his teeth turn yellow and fall out from stress."