My Canadian info is almost 10 years old, but perhaps they put up the sign when there is a separate Skyline car for sleepers, when the Park Car is totally reserved for Prestige during the day. I'm thinking of travelling in late January. I'm expecting/hoping that there won't be any Park car restricted times, and if by some chance there are no Prestige customers, they won't bother with the seating limitations.
I'm all in favor of Prestige and VIA making more money to keep things going, but when you can buy a perfectly good cabin for two with ensuite toilet for $1k per person, hard to imagine paying $5k per person for a nicer bed, view, and free drinks.
In the summer it's another story. Plenty of wealthy tourists that don't mind spending the big bucks. Cruise ships have special areas for people with too much money
I'm all in favor of Prestige and VIA making more money to keep things going, but when you can buy a perfectly good cabin for two with ensuite toilet for $1k per person, hard to imagine paying $5k per person for a nicer bed, view, and free drinks.
In the summer it's another story. Plenty of wealthy tourists that don't mind spending the big bucks. Cruise ships have special areas for people with too much money