Waiting on a Train - Book about Amtrak

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But I did order the book: "Opening Minds: Conservatives and Public Transportation." I haven't received it yet, but it's basically written by a conservative on why righty's should support transit. Although not Amtrak related, its probably a good read. If you're a liberal, it'll give some good arguments when speaking with conservative people on why transit is important.
You know, I picked that up about three months ago and it's been sitting on my shelf since then. I do need to get into it. A little bit more of an academic read than Waiting on a Train, but something I definitely want to tackle.
Waiting on a Train is next-up on my reading list (having gotten it for Christmas); and it sounds like Opening Moving Minds is going on my Amazon Wish List. (I'm actually really, really curious about whether I can expense-account it ... it sounds like it's 100% relevant to my work.)
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I am on Silver Meteor #97 now and the book is very good so far. I have to laugh because there are some real great parts to Amtrak and also some real crummy parts. We were more than an hour late leaving NYP for some reason,,,the equipment needed addtional servicing from what we were told. Not a biggie...but then we get to WAS and there is no diesel engine for us. Now how does that happen? The train is late getting into DC and one would think the engine would be all ready to go.

I'm a big Amtrak supporter and sitting here in the station doesn't bother me (too much) but it doesn't help win Amtrak supporters when your ride at the other end hears the train will pull in closer to midnight rather than early evening.

Update: the service attendant said our engines are being located and we will be here for awhile. We are all rail fans but we need to collectively stand up and demand better service - mostly from the politicians so they fund passenger rail properly. We may have all the time in the world to ride trains but most folks consider Amtrak an alternate form of transportation. Constant delays won't win support....I know I am preaching to the choir so excuse me.
On a positive note, NE regional #93 was a flawless ride this morning from BOS to NYP. So scenic and the train ran almost perfectly to the timetable. Very clean coaches, nice and comfy warm, and the staff was friendly and accommodating. So there are some wonderful parts to Amtrak, too!
I just finished the book and enjoyed reading about the attitudes taken by the various Class 1 RRs toward passenger service. A happy surprise to discover that, other than UP, most have a positive outlook.

But I was most amused by the author's continued and consistent reference to the train "whistle." Then I began to think about this: where "whistle" is used as a noun, "horn" is more appropriate. But what word ought to replace "whistle" when it's used as a verb? "Listen to the train horning down the track?" NOT!

I just finished the book and enjoyed reading about the attitudes taken by the various Class 1 RRs toward passenger service. A happy surprise to discover that, other than UP, most have a positive outlook. But I was most amused by the author's continued and consistent reference to the train "whistle." Then I began to think about this: where "whistle" is used as a noun, "horn" is more appropriate. But what word ought to replace "whistle" when it's used as a verb? "Listen to the train horning down the track?" NOT!

Blowing? :unsure:
that book just proved that UP sucks and management should be fired. they don't care if passengers die from there actions of stalling a train and having pax freeze to death in winter. nothing will change with UP untill you get rid of the ****s that run UP. UPs attitude to amtrak is go to hell. to bad amtrak doesn't have the money to buy the tracks from UP then amtrak could give UP a taste of there medicine by delaying there trains all the time.
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that book just proved that UP sucks and management should be fired. they don't care if passengers die from there actions of stalling a train and having pax freeze to death in winter. nothing will change with UP untill you get rid of the ****s that run UP. UPs attitude to amtrak is go to hell. to bad amtrak doesn't have the money to buy the tracks from UP then amtrak could give UP a taste of there medicine by delaying there trains all the time.
Yeah, no kidding. It's obvious UP is not only non-cooperative towards passenger rail, they are downright hostile. Why doesn't Amtrak fight them more, perhaps through a lawsuit(s)? Not enough resources on Amtrak's part? No chance of winning against UP? At least UP seems to be the only Class 1 that are such a bunch of jerks.
I am on Silver Meteor #97 now and the book is very good so far. I have to laugh because there are some real great parts to Amtrak and also some real crummy parts. We were more than an hour late leaving NYP for some reason,,,the equipment needed addtional servicing from what we were told. Not a biggie...but then we get to WAS and there is no diesel engine for us. Now how does that happen? The train is late getting into DC and one would think the engine would be all ready to go.
IMHO, the problem is that these are not rare occurrences. In particular, not having the engine ready and waiting in DC points more to gross mismanagement, than to unexpected equipment failures.

In riding the Silvers for years, I always have backup plans in place for it ranging from it being a little late, to it being way late. I have to admit, the one time it arrived on time left be completely unprepared and we ended up having to wait at the station (thankfully in the Acela lounge) for my "a little bit late" plans to become viable.
that book just proved that UP sucks and management should be fired. they don't care if passengers die from there actions of stalling a train and having pax freeze to death in winter. nothing will change with UP untill you get rid of the ****s that run UP. UPs attitude to amtrak is go to hell. to bad amtrak doesn't have the money to buy the tracks from UP then amtrak could give UP a taste of there medicine by delaying there trains all the time.
Yeah, no kidding. It's obvious UP is not only non-cooperative towards passenger rail, they are downright hostile. Why doesn't Amtrak fight them more, perhaps through a lawsuit(s)? Not enough resources on Amtrak's part? No chance of winning against UP? At least UP seems to be the only Class 1 that are such a bunch of jerks.
Amtrak has taken UP to court, and recently. They filed paperwork about 3 years ago back when the CZ and the CS were suffering those horrible delays. One of the things that came out of the settlement, it didn't go to trial, was the extra padding that was put into the CZ's schedule for 2 years or so. Most of that padding has now been removed.

And other than the mud slide interuption, the CS's time keeping improved immediately. So much so that earlier this year Amtrak reinstated the connection between the CS and the EB in Portland, rather than the bus connection that had been in place for over 2 years.
that book just proved that UP sucks and management should be fired. they don't care if passengers die from there actions of stalling a train and having pax freeze to death in winter. nothing will change with UP untill you get rid of the ****s that run UP. UPs attitude to amtrak is go to hell. to bad amtrak doesn't have the money to buy the tracks from UP then amtrak could give UP a taste of there medicine by delaying there trains all the time.
Yeah, no kidding. It's obvious UP is not only non-cooperative towards passenger rail, they are downright hostile. Why doesn't Amtrak fight them more, perhaps through a lawsuit(s)? Not enough resources on Amtrak's part? No chance of winning against UP? At least UP seems to be the only Class 1 that are such a bunch of jerks.
Amtrak has taken UP to court, and recently. They filed paperwork about 3 years ago back when the CZ and the CS were suffering those horrible delays. One of the things that came out of the settlement, it didn't go to trial, was the extra padding that was put into the CZ's schedule for 2 years or so. Most of that padding has now been removed.

And other than the mud slide interuption, the CS's time keeping improved immediately. So much so that earlier this year Amtrak reinstated the connection between the CS and the EB in Portland, rather than the bus connection that had been in place for over 2 years.
Alan I am glad to hear that - it's one thing to be lukewarm towards passenger rail, but quite another to be a bunch of obstructionists when they do in fact have some obligations to uphold.
I read the book yesterday and feel that it was a good read, also. He mentioned Sharon, a sleeper attendant on the Southwest Chief. i had the pleasure of being on her car in 2008. She is soembody you would be proud to have work for you.
Finished the last 100 or so pages tonight. Perhaps I was in more of a "reading mood", perhaps it was my recent trip on the Maple Leaf, but I couldn't put it down.

I'm more than happy to pass along to anyone who wants to pay me the shipping. What 2 or 3 bucks? I don't know. PM me, I'll get your address, and let you know.

Highly recommended. Some good old stuff (that we all know). Some good insight (from a non-foamer). Overall, just a good read.

Otherwise, it gathers dust on my shelf, next to all the other RR books I'll probably never read again.

Edit: Book Gone.
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It is an interesting book IMO and there have been some who might have said the word "Waiting" in the title was rather appropriate.
I have bought 4 of those books and gave them away. I'm re-reading the first one I bought. I too, will be leaving them in places where the general public may pick it up and read it such as GreatCats has done. Maybe at the STL Gathering we can all steal the Gideon Bible books and replace them with this book in all the hotel rooms we will occupy! :lol: (I'm kidding) My sister and her boyfriend are taking the CZ to Grand Junction out of LNK in about 6 weeks, I have loaned him the book and he's really enjoying it. Its his first trip and one of the first things that was said was, "I've heard its never turned a profit?" Of course I had to remind him that the interstates and highways have never turned a profit either. :cool:
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