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As far as 7pm goes, I don't know about early evening hours. I drove to WAS and parked in the garage November 2021, at 3:30am. I went through the station and took a walk towards the Library of Congress. When I came back an hour later, they were checking tickets at the main entrance. No zombies present inside.

The story of WAS may be filtered for many by the fact that it was a surprisingly popular mall and movie theater twenty years ago, after decades of lull. Like many such places, it no longer is, so that gets wrapped up into an exaggerated story of decline. The main thing it is in normal hours is busy. Train stations should be safe environments., agreed.
Back pre-2019, when I was still working, I would take a 7:10 PM Regional out of Washington a couple of days a week. Back then, the evening lineup ofr Amtrak was something like 1900, Acela, 1910 Regional, 2000 Acela, 2045 Regional, and then the 10 PM overnight Regional to Boston. There were arrivals from the north into Washington at 1952 (Acela), 2005 (regional), 2047 (Acela), 2102 (regional), 2140 (Regional), 2152 (Acela), 2202 (Acela), 2220 (Vermonter), 2317 (Acela), 2325 (regional), 1225 (AM) regional, 0125 (AM, regional).

There were also a few MARC trains that left after 7 PM. Not sure about the late night VRE service.

Back then there was quite a bit of rail traffic in and out of the station after 7 PM, even until the very early morning hours. It was only empty from 2 - 5 AM or so.

Covid killed most of the post 7 PM northbound train service and cut back some of the late arrivals from New York and Boston. Back in 2021, I once did a transfer to the Palmetto (departs 2030) due to a very late Capitol Limited, and Union Station was really, eerily empty. A number of the business were closed down from the lack of traffic (especially the fact that MARC and VRE weren't dumping hordes of commuters into the place due to work-at-home.

I started noticing more homeless people hanging around the station starting in 2017 or so. It also seemed like the business at the food court downstairs was dropping off after 6 PM, except when school groups were having their spring class trip to Washington. The homeless people weren't very appealing to look at, but they never bothered me.

I think the station is now rebounding, except that when I pass through now, it's usually in the morning or during the middle of the day. They did open a new eatery on the main level (Caine's chicken), but there are still a lot of closed businesses in the downstairs food court. I miss the old Center Cafe in the Main Hall, which was a great place to get a martini while waiting to board the train.
Two openings (well, one is a return) in DC's Union Station. Bullfrog Bagels are sort of a middle-of-pack local chain...okay for Washington, unlikely to satisfy a NYC or Baltimore palate. But far, far better than the white bread with a hole sold on Amtrak. Admittedly a very low bar. From our local PoPville blog:


What's the best way to exit the Metro to get into Union Station? Ideally I'd like to be appear in the station close to either the gates or the food court. Looks like there's an escalator on the west side of the building that might go down, but Google Maps doesn't have any good pictures that would help me get oriented.

Looks like I'm doing a Dulles-to-Union Station speed run, so I know how that part will go. However, if the plane is late I may have less time to make the transfer than what I have currently planned.
What's the best way to exit the Metro to get into Union Station? Ideally I'd like to be appear in the station close to either the gates or the food court. Looks like there's an escalator on the west side of the building that might go down, but Google Maps doesn't have any good pictures that would help me get oriented.

Looks like I'm doing a Dulles-to-Union Station speed run, so I know how that part will go. However, if the plane is late I may have less time to make the transfer than what I have currently planned.
The Metro exit into WUS is at the northeast end of the Metro platform, where there are escalators and an elevator up to the mezzanine fare control area, followed by another set of same to the west end of the station concourse.

So arriving from central Washington and the Silver Line transfer points, you would walk past the front of the train. At the top of the 2nd escalator, turn right thru the sliding glass doors, then left to the concourse & gates.
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The Metro exit into WUS is at the northeast end of the Metro platform, where there are escalators and an elevator up to the mezzanine fare control area, followed by another set of same to the west end of the station concourse.

So arriving from central Washington and the Silver Line transfer points, you would walk past the front of the train. At the top of the 2nd escalator, turn right thru the sliding glass doors, then left to the concourse & gates.
Perfect - that helps a lot. I'll make a note in my itinerary.
Just so you know: the other escalators lead to the inside lower level of Union Station and to the outside. They are only a little farther from the trains, so if you end up coming out one of those exits, just go inside or up one level.
I have an uncanny ability to pick that one weird escalator or exit from many in a metro or train station and end up in a completely different place than I need to be, often wandering around for fifteen minutes amid multiple backtracks before getting oriented. 😄
At Dulles, board the middle of the Silver Line train (maybe 4th car); this puts you in front of the Metro Center escalators to the Glenmont bound Red Line.

At Metro Center, board the front car of the Red Line train; that puts you in front of the correct escalators at Union Station.

Once out of the Metro, you can turn right to the Amtrak concourse (past Pret A Manger). Or, if you're taking MARC (or an Amtrak NER train boarding from a low-numbered platform) you can continue straight ahead and follow the signs out to the MARC platforms. This is more direct, but I've been questioned by Amtrak staff when taking that route.
Once out of the Metro, you can turn right to the Amtrak concourse (past Pret A Manger). Or, if you're taking MARC (or an Amtrak NER train boarding from a low-numbered platform) you can continue straight ahead and follow the signs out to the MARC platforms. This is more direct, but I've been questioned by Amtrak staff when taking that route.
Going straight to the platforms is only an option if you're taking a MARC train, as Gate A is always open. However, you would probably want to go out to the Amtrak concourse anyway, as you would want to see the departure board that shows what track your MARC train is on. Amtrak trains always board at gates D and beyond, and they definitely want you to line up at the indicated gate and not just saunter out to the platform on your own.

During the 19 years that I commuted through Union Station, if I was taking the Metro, I'd use the rear (south) escalators and turnstiles, which takes one to either a set of escalators that drops you off next to the Main Hall or an underground entrance that leads to an escalator that drops you off near the Pret a Manger. I used to prefer being able to pass through the station before getting to the concourse. I never really liked using the north entrance. I don't really know why, but I that's the way it was for me.