What does your Forum User Name mean?

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AKA --not also known as.--Any Navy people out there? It was a ship designation. Lets see if anyone can come up with the answer. My first user name was APA. Got lost in a misfire in the forum some how. Same deal, a ship designation.My member number would be lower if I had not lost the APA. I thought some one might pick up on the letters and make the connection. I guess my shipmates are not train people. :( or none of you guys where my shipmates. You will have to go back a few years to find the APA AKA desingnation. If anyone does find the answer, be kind about my age. :D :D :D Hint Viet Nam :(
HA, I found it! AKA is Attack Cargo Ship, and APA is Attack Transport. Neither designation is currently in use. Googled "Navy Ship Designations" and looked around.

Great stories, folks. My handle probably needs no explanation, but What's on second, and I Don't Know is on third.

Anchors aweigh, AKA!

Edit: Oh yeah, and the 999 comes from the New York Central locomotive that was the first machine to break 100 mph. It's on display at the Chicago Museum of Science & Industry.
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Hey guys, havent been around in a while. Use to be Stuck in Tuscaloosa, password problems have me re-registering as "Stuk in Tuscaloosa". Made friends here quickly back in April by making some disparaging remarks aimed at the Amtrak Terminal in Tuscaloosa, AL. I found myself apologizing rather quickly that Saturday morning!! LOL!! Fortunately, everyone here gave me the benefit of being a newbie, and all was forgotten.(I think, I hope, LOL) My families trip to NYC on the Crescent on July 21 is fast approaching, and we are "geeked up"!!!

I work in the Oil and Gas industry up here in Tuscaloosa Al. I wasnt really use to the place when I signed on as S I T. After being here for some months now, I really enjoy it. It isnt home, but its the next best thing.

Hate to admit it, but I always HOPED someone would initiate a topic like this.
My name was actually chosen prematurely. I live a short distance from what was once the "other" PRR Main Line (the old Northern Central) in the Northeast, running between Baltimore and Harrisburg. I first became intrigued by this line as a child in the late 70's, when it was just a disconnected freight line, and finally rode it in 1992 when our Light Rail line opened.
And back in the 60's I was involved in running excursions on the NCR to York, Harrisburg and Altoona.

Although the B&O is my #1 railroad, still enjoyed riding the Light Rail along Lake Roland.


Oh, and JAC are my initials.
You can blame my parents for mine. They'd never heard of a certain soul singer / sex machine and had no problems christening me James (although I've always had a slightly different first name within family circles). When I headed across the Atlantic to Canada for the first time in 2002 I needed a new email address and naturally found that every combination of James and Brown had already gone. To reflect an increasingly mobile life, I appended 'ontheroad' since I only expected to use the address while traveling.

...and it stuck. jamesbrownontheroad became the tag for my blog, first on Blogspot and now on Wordpress. It may even make it onto other things as time passes.

As you'll see from this page, there are quite a few of us out there... these are just the more famous ones :D


*j* :blink:
Very unglamorous. It is the user ID I was given at work before I retired. For simplicity, I kept it. Now that I'm retired (7 years now), I don't do complicated.
Retirement is great. I tell folks I get up in the morning with nothing to do and by the time I go to bed at night I've done about 1/2 of it!
The source of my name is pretty typical for most internet forums- it comes from a movie. In this case, one of my favorites, "The Princess Bride". I just like it because it sounds like it might be my real name, but it's not.
Oh- I get it! "Dread Pirate Roberts!" I love that movie!
When I was 15, I talked my parents into taking a planned cross-country trip by train. This would be my first ever overnight train trip. The first train we used was the Pennsylvania Railroad's "General" from North Philadelphia to Chicago. Years later when I first signed up for a rail discussion board I decided to us that first ever overnight overnight train ride as my name: "PRR 60" for PRR Train #60.

However, several months later I was looking through an old PRR timetable. Turns out my memory had been faulty. The westbound General was PRR Train 49, not 60. PRR #60 was the eastbound Pittsburgher that was an overnight trip between Pittsburgh and New York (all Pullman for at least a while). I guess it was a nice train, but I definitely never rode it. I might have seen the westbound version in my train watching days, but as far as I can recall, I never saw #60, the eastbound Pittsburgher. However, by the time I realized my error, I was PRR 60 in too many places to change. So PRR 60, Mr. Pittsburgher, it is.
Very unglamorous. It is the user ID I was given at work before I retired. For simplicity, I kept it. Now that I'm retired (7 years now), I don't do complicated.
Retirement is great. I tell folks I get up in the morning with nothing to do and by the time I go to bed at night I've done about 1/2 of it!
Agreed! After breakfast with some other retired buddies (don't they realize they serve breakfast at 10:00 too?) this morning, I have no plans until a golf outting tonight. What a life!
You guys are good. Congrats on finding AKA. I was really was on an APA in the Pacific. It was given to Spain and became thier amphibious fleet flag ship. Was broken up in 1980. I can say what the name or number was. This was a great idea!!. :)
The 'Palmland' was a wonderful 'slow train down south' operated by the Seaboard. I had the pleasure of riding it when in college in Virginia on a spring vacation trip from Washington to Ft. Lauderdale.

Had a roomette and saw lots of interesting towns, trains and people. In spite of its leisurely schedule (two nights to get to the palmland) it had very fast running through the carolina low country. It was even more enjoyable with the good food and cold beer fromt the heavyweight grill car and suberb Seaboard crew. Couldn't beat standing at the dutch door with the warm breezes and well maintained jointed rail after a cold winter. My home in retirement is now on the route of the Palmland in SC.
AKA - was that the APA / LKA-248 Paul Revere? If so:

Comm. USS Paul Revere (APA-248), '58, at Long Beach

Redesig. Amphib Transport (LPA-248), Jan '69

Decomm. Jan '80

Sold to Spain, Jan '80,

became the Castillia (L-21)

Retired (Spanish Navy), 6 Jun '98
Deimos - [diymos] is one of two Martian moons (captured asteroids). Astronomy is another one of my hobbies, though I don't seem to have time to do much star gazing.

I use Gingee because it was my last dog's name. She died a year and a half ago. I had used her name on so many forums that I decided to keep it anyway. We have a dog now named Snuggles. Shall I call myself Snuggles?
I use Gingee because it was my last dog's name. She died a year and a half ago. I had used her name on so many forums that I decided to keep it anyway. We have a dog now named Snuggles. Shall I call myself Snuggles?
You are probably better off with Gingee. I have a feeling that if you were to google snuggles you might end up with some embarrasing moments.

Since my screen name is my name, what can I say? I tend to be unimaginative? I don't have to worry about hiding from anybody? For names and such, yes, I guess I am unimaginative. My passwords, when I set up my own, involves numbers and names that were in my life before I was 7 years old, so they should be stuck in my brain if the more recent stuff starts fading away. Haven't got to retirement yet. Looking forward to that in a few years, in that there are a lot of things I would like to do that working interferes with.

By the way, if you think you are talking only to the people here, you might be surprised. About a year ago I got an email from a former co-worker that had seen something that I had posted on another forum, asking if I was the George Harris that had made the post. He had done a google search on a particular issue and that post popped up in the list. He was in England. We are dealing with a relitively specific set of issues in a very small world.

I was born and raised in Florida then I went to "see" the mountains of N.C. but met and married a native North Carolinian and never left! and here it is 28 years later... haha

I registered today but have been reading the forum since our trip to NYP on the Silver Star in March of this year to visit our grandchild. My husband's first train ride and he loved it...
I was born and raised in Florida then I went to "see" the mountains of N.C. but met and married a native North Carolinian and never left! and here it is 28 years later... haha
I registered today but have been reading the forum since our trip to NYP on the Silver Star in March of this year to visit our grandchild. My husband's first train ride and he loved it...
When I was 15, I talked my parents into taking a planned cross-country trip by train. This would be my first ever overnight train trip. The first train we used was the Pennsylvania Railroad's "General" from North Philadelphia to Chicago. Years later when I first signed up for a rail discussion board I decided to us that first ever overnight overnight train ride as my name: "PRR 60" for PRR Train #60.
However, several months later I was looking through an old PRR timetable. Turns out my memory had been faulty. The westbound General was PRR Train 49, not 60. PRR #60 was the eastbound Pittsburgher that was an overnight trip between Pittsburgh and New York (all Pullman for at least a while). I guess it was a nice train, but I definitely never rode it. I might have seen the westbound version in my train watching days, but as far as I can recall, I never saw #60, the eastbound Pittsburgher. However, by the time I realized my error, I was PRR 60 in too many places to change. So PRR 60, Mr. Pittsburgher, it is.

PRR 60---about the Pittsburgher.

I am going to go out on a limb here and say something I cannot easily prove.(yeah, I know, it won't be the first time)

The Pittsburgher used to leave Pittsburgh at 11 p.m. . and you could board the sleepers at 9.30. Nothing unusual about that---happened all over the country hundreds of times every night.

However, I believe I read an article in TRAINS a few years ago that the diners opened,for full dinner service (not just for snacks ) at 9.30 also. .

Furthermore---and this is the distinct point being made here--I seem to recall that local citizens who were NOT traveling could eat in that diner also, so long as they finished before the train pulled out. I think there was kind of a local club of politicians and city fathers,etc, who ate dinner on the train, then got off, on a somewhat regular basis.

Should my memory be true, and I am not just "out of it", then PRR60 you didn't do a bad job of givng yourself the number "60" after all. (To take nothing away from the General, a train which did not get nearly enough publicity because it was stacked next to the so-very-famous Broadway Limited, and was almost as good.) Either way, you have winning train numbers and ID's.

I looked at the timetables last night and no such mention. But it was--if it existed at all l and not just in my imagination--a purely local thing, not adverised. Just for those "in the know".

I think another old train, tke Pioneer, did that in the Minneapolis overnight to CHI. And I know Amtrak has started something simiilar on the LSL out of Chicago--but not available for locals to eat only, of course.
I hate caravans and I am a woman.. (my little joke!)

I was Shania Train for a time too, but got de-frocked and outed by irate moderators! (how's that for a contadiction!)

Brad Shaw was another alias, from the early rail timetables..

Was I Sheer Luck Holmes too, or did I dream that ..

It's back to the Greenwoods and Sherwood Forest for me now..

Is George Harris a typical Taiwan handle?

Ed. B)
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When I was 15, I talked my parents into taking a planned cross-country trip by train. This would be my first ever overnight train trip. The first train we used was the Pennsylvania Railroad's "General" from North Philadelphia to Chicago. Years later when I first signed up for a rail discussion board I decided to us that first ever overnight overnight train ride as my name: "PRR 60" for PRR Train #60.

However, several months later I was looking through an old PRR timetable. Turns out my memory had been faulty. The westbound General was PRR Train 49, not 60. PRR #60 was the eastbound Pittsburgher that was an overnight trip between Pittsburgh and New York (all Pullman for at least a while). I guess it was a nice train, but I definitely never rode it. I might have seen the westbound version in my train watching days, but as far as I can recall, I never saw #60, the eastbound Pittsburgher. However, by the time I realized my error, I was PRR 60 in too many places to change. So PRR 60, Mr. Pittsburgher, it is.

PRR 60---about the Pittsburgher.

I am going to go out on a limb here and say something I cannot easily prove.(yeah, I know, it won't be the first time)

The Pittsburgher used to leave Pittsburgh at 11 p.m. . and you could board the sleepers at 9.30. Nothing unusual about that---happened all over the country hundreds of times every night.

However, I believe I read an article in TRAINS a few years ago that the diners opened,for full dinner service (not just for snacks ) at 9.30 also. .

Furthermore---and this is the distinct point being made here--I seem to recall that local citizens who were NOT traveling could eat in that diner also, so long as they finished before the train pulled out. I think there was kind of a local club of politicians and city fathers,etc, who ate dinner on the train, then got off, on a somewhat regular basis.

Should my memory be true, and I am not just "out of it", then PRR60 you didn't do a bad job of givng yourself the number "60" after all. (To take nothing away from the General, a train which did not get nearly enough publicity because it was stacked next to the so-very-famous Broadway Limited, and was almost as good.) Either way, you have winning train numbers and ID's.

I looked at the timetables last night and no such mention. But it was--if it existed at all l and not just in my imagination--a purely local thing, not adverised. Just for those "in the know".

I think another old train, tke Pioneer, did that in the Minneapolis overnight to CHI. And I know Amtrak has started something simiilar on the LSL out of Chicago--but not available for locals to eat only, of course.
I can concur with the diner in Pittsburg. I went to school in Wheeling, West Va. (thankfully only for one year) and hitch-hiked to Pittsburg. I was offered a sleeping car room on the Pittsburger to NYC and noticed people coming out of the diner and going back to the station. My GUESS is that they were people from town just coming to eat. I think I was in an all roomette car but am not sure.
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AKA - was that the APA / LKA-248 Paul Revere? If so:Comm. USS Paul Revere (APA-248), '58, at Long Beach

Redesig. Amphib Transport (LPA-248), Jan '69

Decomm. Jan '80

Sold to Spain, Jan '80,

became the Castillia (L-21)

Retired (Spanish Navy), 6 Jun '98

No , but we did operate with the Revere off the coast. [ see hint ] Most of the sister ships where in the 200 + numbers. Sorry but cant reveal name or number yet. My ship went into Spanish in navy 1964. I was the last enlisted man to leave. It was already decommissioned. My last duty was to close the post office and take off the last mail. I took off the last guard mail. I was the only enlisted man left with a top secret clearance. Went on 30 days R&R then back to amphib base in San Diego. PM me if you are a gator.