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Way back when, when my money was not as tight as it is now, I gave someone I knew only over the internet a small gift in the form of a premium membership to a website. They felt obligated to return this with a gift. Money was tight for them, and at the time, many of my friends liked to draw themselves as animals. It wasn't quite my thing, but the person felt really obligated to return the spirit of my gift, and so, offered to design for me a so-called "fursona". I specified that the body be the same colour of brown as my '79 Mercedes 300SD (a kind of electro-metalic brown- god love the 70s) with hair the colour of the car I had just sold, a '95 Mercedes C220, which was hunter green.
She had several explanations as to why she drew me as a lion. I do like cats, to some degree- more than dogs, which I find too noisy. She said I'm imperious and lazy, the way male lions seem to be. I dunno. But she drew me as a lion. The body was brown, and the hair (mane) was green. Since I had never heard of any green maned lions before, I started using "Green Maned Lion" as my internet name, retiring "TrabantKid", which joined a long line of previous names, ("MartyVBuren", "Sen JCCalhoun", "I Love Ladas", and my first initial/last name) in permanent retirement. Its been a long time with this name, I might keep it now.
Don't think I'd recognize ya without it!

Great art, interesting story, and definitely a unique name...but I have to say that there is one tiny thing that bugs me (sorry, I was trained as a copyeditor)--it should be "Green-Maned Lion," not "Green Maned Lion."

A green maned lion would be a green lion that happens to have a mane, which may or may not be green, as opposed to a green non-maned lion (which might be a lioness, I suppose). A green-maned lion would be one with a green mane, which seems to be your case.

I am most definitely not saying this in a spirit of nitpicking (I know you're annoyed by people who dispute your points by nitpicking your grammar)...it's just a random observation that probably only bugs me and no one else...
Great art, interesting story, and definitely a unique name...but I have to say that there is one tiny thing that bugs me (sorry, I was trained as a copyeditor)--it should be "Green-Maned Lion," not "Green Maned Lion."
A green maned lion would be a green lion that happens to have a mane, which may or may not be green, as opposed to a green non-maned lion (which might be a lioness, I suppose). A green-maned lion would be one with a green mane, which seems to be your case.

I am most definitely not saying this in a spirit of nitpicking (I know you're annoyed by people who dispute your points by nitpicking your grammar)...it's just a random observation that probably only bugs me and no one else...
Naw, not just you.

It bugged me too, but I didn't have the kahunas to bring it up.

The English language can be tricky, and one must be careful with it's usage.
After Hurricane Katrina (remember the thing that killed the Sunset east of New Orleans) we decided to turn our photographic skills (well - improve them anyway) into an effort to show that Louisiana was not the wastland that the media was showing it to be. Our state was still open for tourist business, our food was still as good as ever, and after a period, our trains were running again.

Our Louisiana was the pbase site that we created to accomplish this. We use this now as our primary other than immediate family e-mail site. We have made many new friends both photographically and railfan wise.

Donna n Paul Scott, La. BNSFmp149.1 Lafayette Subdivision

Operation Lifesaver Louisiana
Great art, interesting story, and definitely a unique name...but I have to say that there is one tiny thing that bugs me (sorry, I was trained as a copyeditor)--it should be "Green-Maned Lion," not "Green Maned Lion."
A green maned lion would be a green lion that happens to have a mane, which may or may not be green, as opposed to a green non-maned lion (which might be a lioness, I suppose). A green-maned lion would be one with a green mane, which seems to be your case.

I am most definitely not saying this in a spirit of nitpicking (I know you're annoyed by people who dispute your points by nitpicking your grammar)...it's just a random observation that probably only bugs me and no one else...
Naw, not just you.

It bugged me too, but I didn't have the kahunas to bring it up.

The English language can be tricky, and one must be careful with it's usage.
Fair is fair. The word you were looking for is "cojones" which is spanish for "a mans testicles". Kahunas is a plural form of "Kahuna" which means in Hawaiian, "big boss" or "leader".

Jackal: The site where I originally used it required no dashes or spaces. So "GreenManedLion". Unfortunately, I got tired of being called a green mandolin, so I simply added spaces.
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Great art, interesting story, and definitely a unique name...but I have to say that there is one tiny thing that bugs me (sorry, I was trained as a copyeditor)--it should be "Green-Maned Lion," not "Green Maned Lion."
A green maned lion would be a green lion that happens to have a mane, which may or may not be green, as opposed to a green non-maned lion (which might be a lioness, I suppose). A green-maned lion would be one with a green mane, which seems to be your case.

I am most definitely not saying this in a spirit of nitpicking (I know you're annoyed by people who dispute your points by nitpicking your grammar)...it's just a random observation that probably only bugs me and no one else...
Naw, not just you.

It bugged me too, but I didn't have the kahunas to bring it up.

The English language can be tricky, and one must be careful with it's usage.
Fair is fair. The word you were looking for is "cojones" which is spanish for "a mans testicles". Kahunas is a plural form of "Kahuna" which means in Hawaiian, "big boss" or "leader".

Jackal: The site where I originally used it required no dashes or spaces. So "GreenManedLion". Unfortunately, I got tired of being called a green mandolin, so I simply added spaces.
Oh, you're forgiven... ;)
Great art, interesting story, and definitely a unique name...but I have to say that there is one tiny thing that bugs me (sorry, I was trained as a copyeditor)--it should be "Green-Maned Lion," not "Green Maned Lion."
A green maned lion would be a green lion that happens to have a mane, which may or may not be green, as opposed to a green non-maned lion (which might be a lioness, I suppose). A green-maned lion would be one with a green mane, which seems to be your case.

I am most definitely not saying this in a spirit of nitpicking (I know you're annoyed by people who dispute your points by nitpicking your grammar)...it's just a random observation that probably only bugs me and no one else...
Naw, not just you.

It bugged me too, but I didn't have the kahunas to bring it up.

The English language can be tricky, and one must be careful with it's usage.
Fair is fair. The word you were looking for is "cojones" which is spanish for "a mans testicles". Kahunas is a plural form of "Kahuna" which means in Hawaiian, "big boss" or "leader".

Jackal: The site where I originally used it required no dashes or spaces. So "GreenManedLion". Unfortunately, I got tired of being called a green mandolin, so I simply added spaces.
Yup, You're right. But you got my drift. :blink:
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My name -- how creative of me. :)

My sig block, however, is a tribute to Christa McAuliffe, who died in the Challenger Explosion. She was to be the first "Teacher in Space." That was one of her comments regarding her as a teacher.

I, too, am a teacher. I teach computers and electronics at a local tech school. As Christa said, "I touch the future. I teach." I know that I'm affecting the future in te way I teach my students. I know that they'll be great Electronics Technicians.
My name -- how creative of me. :)
My sig block, however, is a tribute to Christa McAuliffe, who died in the Challenger Explosion. She was to be the first "Teacher in Space." That was one of her comments regarding her as a teacher.

I, too, am a teacher. I teach computers and electronics at a local tech school. As Christa said, "I touch the future. I teach." I know that I'm affecting the future in te way I teach my students. I know that they'll be great Electronics Technicians.
Welcome! Thanks for being a teacher!
I'm a new one - this is my 2nd post.

My name is quite simple. Mark is my first name, and the Crescent is my favorite Amtrak train. It comes through Atlanta and I've traveled on it on a few journeys. Good times!
PlanetCadillac - original name of our shop. We had to change it because another automotive business trademarked the website and we did not want to get into trouble. So we are now Cadillac Craft Center. We primarily do antique cars although we are an AC DELCO dealer and service anything that comes in the door. Many of our older clientele remember when trains were the primary means of transcontinental travel so trains and old cars usually go hand in hand.
AAARGH is my license plate. It is an expletive non-deletive and my favorite exasperation.

It was used on occasion by Charlie Brown when Lucy pulled the football out just before he was going to kick it. Garfield the cat also used it.
Hi. I am looking into train travel. My only experience is having taken the Sunset Limited, LFT to NOL about sixteen years ago.

My family is of Acadian descent, and lives in southern Louisiana, thus the Cajun. I am a fan of the old transatlantic express liners, thus the Liner.
I'm a huge Journey fan, and my nickname is taken from their song, "Stone In Love."

An ex bestowed this nickname upon me years ago. He's ancient history, but the name lives on...


Those crazy nights, I do remember in my youth

I do recall, those were the best times, most of all

In the heat with a blue jean girl

Burnin' love comes once in a lifetime

She found me singing by the rail road track

Took me home, we danced by moonlight

Fizzball is a game described in Steve Purcell's comic Sam & Max: Freelance Police.

It involves a stick, branch, axehandle, or even a bat if you're some sort of fancypants; and "a few cases of that cheap, nasty beer that's usually found stacked and on sale near the checkout counter right before National Drinking Holidays."
I am a Hospital Corpsman in the US Navy, assigned to a Marine Corps ground combat unit.

The Marines, back in WWI, were assaulting the Belleau Woods in France. During the attack, legend has it that the Germans sent a cable back to Berlin that the Marines were fighting so intensely that it was if "The gates of hell had opened, and the hounds are loose". The Germans used the term "Teufelhunden" (sp?) to describe the Marines, which loosely translated means "Devil Dog". The Marines picked up on the nickname, and it is used still today between Marines.

Since I am a Corpsman assigned to the Marines, they call us "Devil Docs".
My father was a GI in WWII and was stationed in Germany for about a year after the war was over. During that period of time he met my mother and I was conceived. Shortly thereafter my father was shipped back to the USA. I was born in Germany in 1946 and my birth name was Hans Joachim Robert. As a little guy my German family would call me Hanno. When I was two years old my father brought my mother and me to the USA. My father's family was very large and I was the "cute" little German kid who was called Hanno. The name has stuck and all my extended family and close friends call me by that name. The "cuteness" has not stuck :( !

My parents also changed my legal name to Robert Hans instead of Hans Joachim Robert for simpilicity. All my business associates call me Bob!

That's the story of my nickname!
My father was a GI in WWII and was stationed in Germany for about a year after the war was over. During that period of time he met my mother and I was conceived. Shortly thereafter my father was shipped back to the USA. I was born in Germany in 1946 and my birth name was Hans Joachim Robert. As a little guy my German family would call me Hanno. When I was two years old my father brought my mother and me to the USA. My father's family was very large and I was the "cute" little German kid who was called Hanno. The name has stuck and all my extended family and close friends call me by that name. The "cuteness" has not stuck :( !

My parents also changed my legal name to Robert Hans instead of Hans Joachim Robert for simplicity. All my business associates call me Bob!

That's the story of my nickname!
Welcome - have you been back to Germany since you first came here? I've been once and thought it was a very beautiful place. The beer ain't bad, either!!
My father was a GI in WWII and was stationed in Germany for about a year after the war was over. During that period of time he met my mother and I was conceived. Shortly thereafter my father was shipped back to the USA. I was born in Germany in 1946 and my birth name was Hans Joachim Robert. As a little guy my German family would call me Hanno. When I was two years old my father brought my mother and me to the USA. My father's family was very large and I was the "cute" little German kid who was called Hanno. The name has stuck and all my extended family and close friends call me by that name. The "cuteness" has not stuck :( !

My parents also changed my legal name to Robert Hans instead of Hans Joachim Robert for simplicity. All my business associates call me Bob!

That's the story of my nickname!
Welcome - have you been back to Germany since you first came here? I've been once and thought it was a very beautiful place. The beer ain't bad, either!!
Thanks for the welcome. Yes I have been back to Germany quite often. I still have relatives that I visit when I can. One of the neatest experiences I had was traveling with my father back to Germany. We tracked his travels during the war as best we could. He even showed me the house where I was conceived. He told me stories only he could. I'll never forget that trip. Unfortunately he is no longer with us however my mother is still alive. She has stories of the war only she can tell (from an entirely different perspective).

And yes the beer ain't bad.
Hi - I'm David and live in Maine. I have traveled 3 times form Boston to North Carolina on Amtrak, and also have used a rail Pass to travel to Pittsburgh (Wheeling WV), Chicago, Jackson MS, New Orleans, and back to Boston. I've taken the Downeaster from Portland to Boston.

Mu girlfriend and I are taking the LSL and then the CZ in two weeks! I can't wait.

So - about my my username, radsboy: well my father's name is Radford, so I am radsboy.

Best to you all - thanks for the very useful information presented all over this site -


Town = I used to be a town manager back when I chose it, though I guess I could still just say I live in a small town.

Man = Um, hopefully self explanatory!

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