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(Isn't it a drag to have to drive or fly MILES in order to board a train?)
Yes - the 4 mile drive to the station seems to go on and on for me! :lol:
Yes -

Nearest Amtrak station is nearly two hours away and it is served only during the wee hours. Finding a day train means driving at least three hours.

My wife and I are considering relocating when the economy improves and the Raleigh, NC area is high on our list.....in part because of the availability of transportation OPTIONS...... ie: busy train stations.
(Isn't it a drag to have to drive or fly MILES in order to board a train?)
Yes - the 4 mile drive to the station seems to go on and on for me! :lol:
Yes -

Nearest Amtrak station is nearly two hours away and it is served only during the wee hours. Finding a day train means driving at least three hours.

My wife and I are considering relocating when the economy improves and the Raleigh, NC area is high on our list.....in part because of the availability of transportation OPTIONS...... ie: busy train stations.
Supposedly NC is a growing, great place to live and they support trains! :) Other considerations might be the WAS Area (if you can take the winters and the prices),Texas :eek: (yes!4 of the top ten Yahoo places for growth are Texas Cities, only Houston is short of trains (two West and East, Sunsets, but only three days a week!)and the ALB,New mexico area.The NW (Seattle and Portland)are great also!Cold winters but Illinois,Missouri,Wisconson and Minnesota are also good for trains and have a fairly good economy! Of course Wyoming,South Dakota, Alaska and Hawaii have zero LD trains! Down here we envy the NEC for all their trains!
My last name is Pressley but I am not related to Elvis......


And a shout out to the Kentuckians I've seen posting here - "Go Big Blue"!

Welcome to this forum, Notelvis. I have read you before on another forum.
Sure have Bill! You even shared some copies of timetables from an old Official Railway Guide with me. Thanks.

I enjoy the other forum a great deal but it seems like the cast of regulars there keeps getting smaller....... and this one seems to be pretty active.

Sometime next week I hope to have the time to play with this one a bit and see if I can add a signature with real name, what area I live in, etc....... For now I'm about to be totally off-line from about this time tomorrow until late Monday. I'm going to fly out west and catch #6 back! Had some 40,000 Guest Reward Points burning a hole in my pocket.
I chose my username because I live just a few blocks from where the Frisco Ozark Southern Railway used to operate. Today it's a freight-only BNSF line. Amtrak did a study on using it for passenger service a few years ago, and it was determined that the line would lose $3 million per year, and that it's not a candidate for high-speed rail because certain sections have a maximum operating speed of 10 mph. Alas, I shall have to continue to drive two hours to the nearest Amtrak station.
Alas, I shall have to continue to drive two hours to the nearest Amtrak station.

To make you feel a little better it takes me about 8 hours to get to my nearest Amtrak station (about 1.5 hours due to TSA)
Until Amtrak builds the High Speed tunnel to HI! :lol: But I hear the sharks, whales, jellyfish and salmon are complaining about the noise! :blink:

Welcome Ozark Southern! :)
Alas, I shall have to continue to drive two hours to the nearest Amtrak station.

To make you feel a little better it takes me about 8 hours to get to my nearest Amtrak station (about 1.5 hours due to TSA)
Yes, but there's a geographic reason you don't have an Amtrak station. My problem can be fixed by more people riding the train; yours can only be fixed by a land bridge to California.
Just a really big fan of Back to the Future and Michael J. Fox. I wanted to use the number 85. If you're a fan, you'd know why. But apparently this forum has a BTF fan as well...the number was already taken.
SereneFury is just a name I adopted for gaming, actually. I'm nice and sweet to my friends, but get on my bad side and the fury comes out. And it's just kinda stuck. :D
Someone who specializes in the science of chemistry is a chemist. Someone who specializes in the science of physics is a physicist. Someone who specializes in the science of botany is a botanist. I specialize in the science of frugality. Therefore I am a frugalist. I like to think I have taken the study and practice of frugality from an art form and turned it into a science.
My frugality has led me to many, many, many long, long, long trips for a low cost - namely $-0-!
(I'm very cheap!
I believe you may be up for nomination for a Nobel Prize in Frugality this year. ;)
It was offered to me last year, but I didn't accept it!
I couldn't take Amtrak and use AGR points across the Pond!
Northerns, especially the Niagaras, are my favorite steam locos. Alas, the last one went out of service about the time I was born. My HO Niagara is 6008 (my repaint, number chosen at random).
One of my pursuits is chasing Mexican rail, hence CH-P for the Chihuahua-Pacifico railroad that runs from Topolobampo, Sinaloa to Chihuahua, Chihuahua. Amtrak is a blast, but still wish they could run a train like the Chepe Segundo, almost anything goes! :cool:



With my spelling and typing I am sure glad I don't have to type those names. Good Luck getting Amtrak to do a run to/from Mexico.
Great thread. You've got me "howling and barking" with laughter!

Funny thing I saw one day was while walking in Ciudad Chihuahua's outdoor mall was a woman taking her Chihuahua for a stroll; the setting couldn't have been any better.

As you say, NYC is the place that never sleeps. But man, do those Mexicans ever know how to party just as long! Depends on the city of course.

And yes, not holding my breathj for an Amtrak run into Mexico City just yet, just a dream.....One run to consider though that is about five to six hours long is the Felipe Pescador, Zacatecas to Torreon, Coahuila passenger train. A one car affair with either a SD40-2 or Geep. Since it's a low status job, the train dives into the "hole" whenever there is a meet with freights. I prefer this since I get to see the diesels up close whereas just flying by is the norm. otherwise on Amtrak.
Its a nickname they called me while working in Hawaii. . not sure why but I just adopted it. for I help people realize the true way of living

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