I can tell you that on wed july 20th,I boarded an east bound train, number4 the Southwest chief from LA to Chicago. late Thursday nt, early Friday morning, around one am the train stopped........Dodge City Kansas, and the entire train was evacuated for over 7 hours do to a suspicious package being found in the shower of a sleeper. Amtrak was clueless in how to handle the situation.....The salvation army brought us food and the huundreds of security officers/firemen watched over us in some old town hall building, while the bomb squad swept the train......Possibly amtrak needs to invest in security measures for their LDd trains...... stops that can not accomodate should be withdrawn....... earlier in the trip in albuerquerque, a Police officer searched two men and their belonginngs on the train..... I was traveling with 3 children.... this all was very scary to them..... I personally will never, ever ride amtrak again....... i feel they are rude, imcompetent, and quite frankly, very unsafe.