what time do they stop dinner to sleeper passengers on SB CONO?

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Train Attendant
Jan 13, 2017
what time do they stop serving dinners to sleeper passengers on the southbund CONO?

I'm not sure, but I think there was just 1 setting since the CONO departs at 8 pm.
so if we get on the train at stations south of Chicago an hour or two later,

we won't get fed? :( if so, what time does breakfast start? :)

guess we can always just call Domino's and ask the driver to me us at

the departing station. :)
I'm not sure, but I think there was just 1 setting since the CONO departs at 8 pm.
so if we get on the train at stations south of Chicago an hour or two later,

we won't get fed? :( if so, what time does breakfast start? :)

guess we can always just call Domino's and ask the driver to me us at

the departing station. :)
That's correct except possibly Homewood depending on time the CONO arrives. Anyone who reads this forum knows that breakfast is usually served around 6:30 to 9.
Dinner on the CONO southbound is only served in one seating for Sleeper passengers departing Chicago. If you board at stations south of Chicago, you will not get dinner. Most of the time, dinner is served immediately upon departing Chicago and has been finished by the time the train gets to Kankakee. I have even been served dinner before at 7:30pm just after they boarded the sleepers. Breakfast is generally served from 6:30 to 9 and lunch from 11-1. The CONO is my home train and I have ridden the full route at least 30 times.
I also would not call what is served on the SB CONO Dinner. It is an Express Dinner of sandwiches or an entree salad only. Not anything to go out of your way for.

All along the southbound odyssey

When the train pulls out of Kankakee:

All of the sleeping car passengers have already been served their dinner.

IIRC, it was a microwaved meal with 3 entree choices.
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