I made myself a list of all the publicly accessible railcams I could find that show LD trains. So I decided to clean it up a bit and upload it to Google, so anyone who would like to look at is welcome, using this link:
Railcam train times
- Column A includes a link to the camera.
- Cols D & G are my guess at the approximate time the train passes the camera if it's on schedule. Some of the cameras are between stations, and I tried to come up with a time by looking at the cameras & the maps on transitdocs, but it's just a guess and YMMV.
- Cols E & H are the same times adjusted to Eastern time, for convenience and sorting.
- Col I has the station code for cameras that are at stations; or for cameras not at a station, I tried to estimate the time to the nearest station. Again, it's just a best guess, as actual times are highly variable. I suggest using it as a guide to find the nearest timepoint on the map on transitdocs.
For those not familiar with Google Sheets, you can sort the table by clicking on the column letter. It will only change your view, not the actual sheet. I find it useful to sort by train or by Eastern time.
Please let me know of any issues or questions.
One more thing: most of these cameras are from Virtual Railfan. Public access to some VRF cams is sponsored on an ongoing basis, but others are sponsored for a limited time or made available by donations within YouTube. Therefore, public access to any particular VRF cam may be removed at any time.