I think right now that flying is a very bad way to go, for a bunch of reasons.
1. I am tall (personal preference), which makes me hit my head every time I want to stand up.
2. The bathrooms are tiny, I can't crap without kissing the ceiling, wiping the sink, and catching my pants on the lock, which opens the door.
3. It is very loud, I usually travel on smaller aircraft, for shorter commuter flights, some recent flights all in CRJ900/CRJ700 from Winnipeg to MSP, CHI-SAS, MSP-CLE-MSP, and several flights from MSP-CHI on Boeing 737's, which all the coach seats are next to the engines, which make it so you need to yell to hear, a guy in the seat next to me asked me if I wanted some of his newspaper, and I had to yell YES PLEASE!
4. Airplanes are fuel inefficient compared to trains, but cars are my main competitor, which I am trying to educate HSR is better than both of these options.
5. They are extremely cramped, I have accidentally stepped on people, elbowed people, and knee'ed(?) people when trying to get to the tiny bathroom, which is occupied, and the aisle can't let two people pass eachother without physical contact.
6. Expensive, plane tickets for short to medium distances are usually a lot more expensive than train tickets.
7. You don't see anything, only for a short while, on commercial jets and most turbo-props/piston planes, you only see the ground during take off and landing, (I like light aircraft, just not commercial planes).
8. The food, the food is pretty terrible, I have had transatlantic flight food, and it is terrible, Amtrak dining car food (if there is any), and some of the café car food, (some is bad, some is good), is a HUGE improvement over plane food.
9. Security, with a train, you simply walk on board, but on a plane, you need to take your laptop out of your bag, take off your shoes (stink?), no knives, no fluids over 3 OZ, etc.etc.
10. Baggage fees, I know there are free checked bags for frequent flyers, but $25 for a bag MSP-CHI? I checked my oversized and heavy bag on VIA Rail, FOR FRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VAC-Winnipeg on the Canadian
I know there are many advantages to planes, like flying over water, and high cruising speed, once you get to the airport, get through security, wait for your plane, board, taxi to the runway, and take off. I now many people disagree, but here are some reasons why I hate flying.