Why Do You Tip on Amtrak? [Poll]

Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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What is the Main Reason that you tip on Amtrak?

  • To Reward Exceptional Service

  • To Make an Impression on Staff

  • To Supplement Staff Wages

  • Because it is an Expected Tradition

  • As Thanks for Special Requests

  • I've Never Considered Why

  • I Rarely or Never Tip on Amtrak

  • Other (Explain Below)

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Why tip on Amtrak? Good question, But hey, it falls in line with why, along with paying high prices someone would ride in a seat next to a stranger in coach or miss out on the major sights along the way while sleeping in a less than comfortable condition’s in a small room while lurching to and fro wondering if the train has left the tracks. I’m guessing it’s just because.
We usually tip generously. On the CZ from Denver, we didn't tip anything for the SCA because she didn't do anything. We had to clean the room, make our beds, get our towels, etc.. The only time we saw her was at the beginning and the end of the trip. OTH, the staff on the Coast Starlight were phenomenal and we had no problem tipping them extra.
Since we hadn't been on Amtrak since 2019, we forgot the tipping in the diner part. We were on California Zephyr going west and the service got progressively worse. Service was superb at the first meal, passable at the last meal. No one we sat with tipped either. By the last meal, we realized that we should have been tipping.

Going eastbound on the Southwest Chief heading back to Chicago, we tipped at each meal and had great service.

We have always tipped the SCA with one exception being the SCA that never helped us years ago.