Twitter names

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Nov 15, 2007
Whatever siding I'm sitting on!
Since many AUers are on Twitter, you may want to follow other AUers. If you do want to be followed, add your AU handle and Twitter handle to the list, if you want.

I'll volunteer to compile the list. (I have TOO much time on my hands! :p )

Perhaps this can be pinned!
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(If your name is listed wrong, please PM me.)

Acela150 = amtrak1971

ALC_Rail_Writer = RailWriter

amamba = amamba11

amtrakwolverine = amtrakwolverine

andy = andyotto

Bobalski = bobalski

chertling = chertling

CHamilton = GrowTrains

CHI_Amtrak_Fan = chitrainfan

chuljin = chuljin

DaveKCMO = kclightrail

dlnybid = dlynbid

guestlsa = msgkitty

jis = jmukerji

Long Train Runnin' = stephenmontero

lrdc9 = lrdc9

mercedeslove = mercedeslove_ (revised)

MistyOLR = MistyOLR

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Navy 118 = amtrak1007

(for NEC delays) = Amtrak NEC

NomDePlume = TrineDaely

nomis = etcsimon (also prslhs)

ns4eva = str33t_fir3

Oldsmoboi = CheersnGears

PetalumaLoco = SkinnyDennis

profwebs = profwebs

RTOlson = QuesoGuapo

Ryan = ryanstavely

saxman = saxmanb777

SereneFury = SereneFury83

Shanghai = princearchibald

Shawn Ryu = t3hk0r34n

SRJ Rails = SRJTwits

Steve4031 = Steve4031

the_traveler = traveler51

Tracktwentynine = Tracktwentynine

Tracy = tmrmsu

Trainman74 = trainman74

TransitRider = mytransitrider
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My Twitter account is QuesoGuapo.

I don't "tweet" about trains very often, but there _is_ something train-related on my profile page.

Edit: As for what Twitter is all about, I have two different answers.

- Are you familiar with Facebook? If so, Twitter is similar to the Facebook home page after you've logged in -- there are a lot of different status updates from you and your friends depending on when they're entered. It's a little more limited in some ways (like replying to comments) but that's compensated by being more open (you can follow most people without having to get OK'd and search everyone's account for information).

- If you're not familiar with Facebook, Twitter is known as a micro-blog. It's a Web page where you can post updates about events and details about your life that are happening _now_. It has the opportunity to be really stupid, but kinda fun too. You can repost people's items and share information with your friends.

Like this board, there are some little shortcuts that help keep conversations going once you learn them. Several examples can be seen on the National Train Day Twitter page:
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What is "Twitter"?
Twitter is a micro-blogging service. Meaning us users of twitter can speak to our following (The people who chose to follow your micro-blogs) about what ever you want in 140 characters or less. For example my last tweet was "Thank god its friday lets get this long weekend started"
I'll start.
the_traveler = railfan51
your page does not exist according to twitter and doesn't seem like you, but comes back as not an account??
Sorry! :( It should be traveler51.

I was wrong! :eek: (Railfan51 is my other email addy.)
:lol: Now I can't follow you :p just pointing out a mistake since I usually the one who is wrong :lol: :lol: You should have a new follower around 3 P.M. as I can't get to social networking sites from school who would have guessed?
- If you're not familiar with Facebook, Twitter is known as a micro-blog. It's a Web page where you can post updates about events and details about your life that are happening _now_. It has the opportunity to be really stupid, but kinda fun too. You can repost people's items and share information with your friends.
Twitter's question prompt where you type your post asks, "What are you doing?" This has been labeled as "lifecasting" and has the tendency to get boring to your followers rather quickly. (Who really cares that you're getting in the shower, a minute later soaping up your hair, and then three minutes later drying off?) Where I see Twitter's real power is in "mindcasting," or posting short but poignant observations and ideas. Rather, the prompt should be, "What are you thinking?"

This post by Jay Rosen really identifies, IMHO, how truly paradigm-changing Twitter can be. I follow the people I do because I appreciate their great insights, observations, and thoughts about life, media, technology, or whatever. I'm actually kind of glad that not very many of my personal friends use Twitter, because then I'd feel obligated to follow them and then would be subject to having to read about every moment of their pitiful lives. :ph34r: ;)

I don't tweet at all about trains (mainly because I don't really have much opportunity to ride them, but also because I'm somewhat of a closeted train addict who hasn't come out yet...). I tend to tweet fairly rarely because I tend to not really have terribly insightful thoughts or keen powers of observations about life and human nature and I don't want to subject my [few] followers (most of whom, though, I have no clue who they are) to the lackluster details about my mundane life. I do tend to post more in the rare case I'm doing something mildly interesting (like my recent experience doing jury duty), but I do try to keep it limited so as to not incur the wrath of those absolutely uninterested in such silly things.

I'll refrain from subjecting you all to the boring details of my personal life and spare you from the giving out of my Twitter name. :p
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I noticed that when I use twitter from my Iphone, it has a way of updating my location. I don't know if everyone can do this, but it would be a fun way of following somebody on a train trip across the country.
Twitter is a micro-blogging service. Meaning us users of twitter can speak to our following (The people who chose to follow your micro-blogs) about what ever you want in 140 characters or less. For example my last tweet was "Thank god its friday lets get this long weekend started"
Or tweet "I need to remember I just changed my bank password to Silver91". :lol:
I noticed that when I use twitter from my Iphone, it has a way of updating my location. I don't know if everyone can do this, but it would be a fun way of following somebody on a train trip across the country.
and an AU member AndyOtto is doing just that right now. He updates his location a few times through out the day.
Note to everyone:
I intended to keep updating the list, but for some reason, my posts do not include an "EDIT" button. Thus I can not add to the above post #2. I would do so if I could!
Alan would know for sure but I would guess there is a limit to how many times you can edit a post :lol: if you don't get it right the first 5 times then you should quit while you ahead :lol: Granted this is different I'd wait for Alan to buzz in with the right answer.

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