i went and complained to amtrak 3 times they said they would try and fix this problem :angry: me and my fellow railfanners care alot obout the change sum of you guys might not beacuse you just ride amtrak for the heck of it well me and my family are not likr that we ride amtrak for the raifanning reasons :angry:
Hints and suggestions for the new forum poster:
First, to engender respect, attempt to properly type anything. You don't have to succeed. But some punctuation, paragraphing, capitalization, and words spelled in a form approximating the actual English language helps.
Second, speak for yourself. I may speak on my own transit-leaning fringe of sanity, but I never claim that "Everyone wants..." eg cars to disappear and the world is in a conspiracy against us! I know I am in the minority on elimination of highways. I admit it.
Third, we aren't idiots. There might be a few ding dongs on the board, although I can't think of any in particular at the moment. But the vast majority of our members are unusually bright and knowledgeable people who have mild affection for, like, or love trains. Talking to us like we are one of the anti-rail blockheads in Congress doesn't make us like you or place much weight on what you have to say.
Fourth, if you care to search our board, we discussed this particular issue at some length in another thread. The reasons for this change were clearly explained. I don't particularly like the aesthetics of it myself, but that doesn't matter in the least.
Fifth, if you're married, or you have living parents, or really dear friends, you may have some people who actually care that you are unhappy about unimportant and specialized issues. For the vast majority of the world, we don't care about it at all. We have given you the best advice we can give you: contact Amtrak with a viable alternative that does not sacrifice safety.
Sixth, among the many reasons why this is the only solution, the Viewliners must be oriented with the H-room facing the diner.