the_traveler has left the building!

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I survived the overnight Ambus from OKJ, and am waiting for 768 in SBA.
BTW: The Ambus goes from OKJ to SFC before going south.
Hey Traveler! I just found a picture while doing some Google photo searching and figured that it just had to be you when you were a young kid! CLICK HERE to see it! :lol:
Nah! It's too good looking! :lol:

Besides - mine tried to go the other way - to Hawaii! :p
Just had dinner, had 5 pm - 2 people (including me)! 5:15 - family of 4. 5:30 - none! Where is everyone?
Assuming that the crew is following the SDS plan to the letter of the law, then there is no 5:30 seating. Dinner should see a 5:00, 5:15, 5:45, 6:00, 6:30, 6:45 ...... seating plan.
Just had dinner, had 5 pm - 2 people (including me)! 5:15 - family of 4. 5:30 - none! Where is everyone?
Assuming that the crew is following the SDS plan to the letter of the law, then there is no 5:30 seating. Dinner should see a 5:00, 5:15, 5:45, 6:00, 6:30, 6:45 ...... seating plan.
Could be that all the pax were glued to the windows in the ssl admiring the beautiful scenery east of LAX!Probably lots of later dinners on this train Dave,

Ive noticed that every time I rode it!Also lots of folks that ride coach( :D )tend to be poorer down in this neck of the woods and the high prices for the mystery meat flat iron steak scares them off! :lol:
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Just had dinner, had 5 pm - 2 people (including me)! 5:15 - family of 4. 5:30 - none! Where is everyone?
Assuming that the crew is following the SDS plan to the letter of the law, then there is no 5:30 seating. Dinner should see a 5:00, 5:15, 5:45, 6:00, 6:30, 6:45 ...... seating plan.
Alan does SDS stand for : Starve!Deny its not pot roast!Splain to those that order it,especially those that have to pay $22.50! Jim :rolleyes:
Alan does SDS stand for : Starve!Deny its not pot roast!Splain to those that order it,especially those that have to pay $22.50! Jim :rolleyes:

Simplified Dining Service, the plan that Amtrak came up with in response to Congress' edict to cut food service losses. It's what gave us Diner-Lite cars and the CCC's, as well as paper table cloths, plastic plates, and reduced staffing in the dining cars.

Thankfully Amtrak has increased the staffing levels some from the levels seen right after SDS went into operation. Still would be good to see them come up a bit more, but it is better than it was originally.
Just had dinner, had 5 pm - 2 people (including me)! 5:15 - family of 4. 5:30 - none! Where is everyone?
Assuming that the crew is following the SDS plan to the letter of the law, then there is no 5:30 seating. Dinner should see a 5:00, 5:15, 5:45, 6:00, 6:30, 6:45 ...... seating plan.
Every time I've been on the Crescent SDS protocol has been thrown out the window, they announce a meal, and its first come first serve, they fill the diner then seat people in the cafe. As tables clear up they take groups of four to the empty tables until everyone is served. I have known them to go over the allotted meal times and have to delay the next one to clean and reset the car.

Usually they announce the meal in the sleepers first, then give them time to fill the car. After that coach gets a shot, and the SCAs work the stragglers from sleepers in as tables clear. The SCAs seem to help alot in the diner and replace the crew lost to SDS.
Alan does SDS stand for : Starve!Deny its not pot roast!Splain to those that order it,especially those that have to pay $22.50! Jim :rolleyes:

Simplified Dining Service, the plan that Amtrak came up with in response to Congress' edict to cut food service losses. It's what gave us Diner-Lite cars and the CCC's, as well as paper table cloths, plastic plates, and reduced staffing in the dining cars.

Thankfully Amtrak has increased the staffing levels some from the levels seen right after SDS went into operation. Still would be good to see them come up a bit more, but it is better than it was originally.
A little Hyperbole for emphasis Alan!Im aware of SDS but appreciate the update,it does seem to be getting better and as I and OP have said the SCAs

are helping out where needed which is great! :) :) :) Jim
I survived the overnight Ambus from OKJ, and am waiting for 768 in SBA.
BTW: The Ambus goes from OKJ to SFC before going south.
Hey Traveler! I just found a picture while doing some Google photo searching and figured that it just had to be you when you were a young kid! CLICK HERE to see it! :lol:
Nah! It's too good looking! :lol:

Besides - mine tried to go the other way - to Hawaii! :p

Here he is in SAN
I survived the overnight Ambus from OKJ, and am waiting for 768 in SBA.
BTW: The Ambus goes from OKJ to SFC before going south.
Hey Traveler! I just found a picture while doing some Google photo searching and figured that it just had to be you when you were a young kid! CLICK HERE to see it! :lol:
Nah! It's too good looking! :lol:

Besides - mine tried to go the other way - to Hawaii! :p

Here he is in SAN
Like in San Quentin? :lol:

I haven't been to San Quentin in years! They let me out for BAD behavior! :lol: I was transferred to Folsom Prison - "... Here that train a coming ..." :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Arrived in Alpine, TX over 1 hour EARLY! :eek: A long extended and unscheduled smoke stop!
Are you able to see any alpines??? :lol: :lol:
Used to be a Lumber yard that had a big sign next to the Depot/tracks that said: "We put the Pine in Alpine"! :cool:

This Bulletin just in: Homeland Security has raised the Alert Status to RED! in nWest Texas,reports of strange characters roaming around the train station have been received!LOL
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Arrived in Alpine, TX over 1 hour EARLY! :eek: A long extended and unscheduled smoke stop!
Are you able to see any alpines??? :lol: :lol:
Used to be a Lumber yard that had a big sign next to the Depot/tracks that said: "We put the Pine in Alpine"! :cool:

This Bulletin just in: Homeland Security has raised the Alert Status to RED! in nWest Texas,reports of strange characters roaming around the train station have been received!LOL
Good thing I'm going to central Texas then! I'll be safe from those characters! :lol:

BTW: There's a sign "Welcome to Alpine!" (Except the_traveler) :( I get no respect!
No, but I have to wait for lunch. 1:15 reservation was on MT - even though the TE was on CT! And at lunch (while I was at the table), they took dinner res! :eek: (I took 8:00.)
Is that MT or CT,it changed @ Sierra Blanca,does that confuse the OBS coming east?Last chance to have the mystery meat on the "real" diner before the switch tomorrow to the famous CCC on the Eagle!BTW: The Governor has been alerted and theres an APB out for all of Central Texas for suspicious

persons that may be riding Amtrak from California through Texas!When they called(they know everything)since Im catching the Eagle in the AM I told them Id keep my eyes peeled like the posters in the stations say!Is there any Bonus Points for turning in suspects? :lol: My advice on Dinner,which should come after the Del Rio stop,order the special or the chicken!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
There are many characters in coach - good thing I'm in a sleeper. I heard that there will be more getting on tomorrow! (My SA Veronica is so scared that she is leaving in SAS and a new SA will go SAS-CHI! :lol:

I have to be careful when walking from the 422 sleeper (the last car) thru the 3 coaches & SSL to the diner! :lol:
There are many characters in coach - good thing I'm in a sleeper. I heard that there will be more getting on tomorrow! (My SA Veronica is so scared that she is leaving in SAS and a new SA will go SAS-CHI! :lol:
I have to be careful when walking from the 422 sleeper (the last car) thru the 3 coaches & SSL to the diner! :lol:
Ill arrange for the Texas Rangers to board and help protect the pax from any suspicious characters lurking in the sleepers or coach!Personally Ill feel safer on the Train than outside since Texas thinks its still 1880 and lots of nuts are running around with guns,guess they have to hunt supper and kill Indians

and bandits!(Know this isnt PC,a little hyperbole mixed in with the humour for sure! :rolleyes: )If I offended any gun nuts or survialists thats OK,I meant too! :p (but not Native Americans<love your casinos!!!)
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