the_traveler has left the building!

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I threw caution to the wind, and tried the fried squirel/raccoon/sea gull (or whatever the mystery meat is). :lol: It's not bad, tastes like pot roast, is certainly not like the real flat iron steak - and I would be very upset to pay $22.50 for it! :angry:

422 has arrived into SAS - and now it's time for a long winter's nap (or at least an 8.5 hour layover in a non-moving roomette)! :lol:
422 has arrived into SAS - and now it's time for a long winter's nap (or at least an 8.5 hour layover in a non-moving roomette)! :lol:

I forget which way you are traveling ( I know the train number tells me, but My head isn't functioning to well now, Information overload.) but the night I was in the TE Sleeper I had a hard time sleeping in a still train car.

I think my SA west was Veronica, The gentleman (think I wrote his name in trip report) was much better.

Mahalo for the R&R

422 is the eastbound TE. I did not have any trouble sleeping. 422 arrived SAS about 10:25 and I went to sleep shortly after and didn't wake up until 7:10 as we were pulling out -10 minutes late!

Unless you traveled since January, it was not Veronica (or the same one). She is a young (20-30ish) cute blond woman who has been on the job since January. (I may be tired, but there are reasons to take the train! :p ) Her usual run is the CS, but she did the TE run as extra board.
I threw caution to the wind, and tried the fried squirel/raccoon/sea gull (or whatever the mystery meat is). :lol: It's not bad, tastes like pot roast, is certainly not like the real flat iron steak - and I would be very upset to pay $22.50 for it! :angry:
422 has arrived into SAS - and now it's time for a long winter's nap (or at least an 8.5 hour layover in a non-moving roomette)! :lol:
It wasn't sea gull when I had it (or at least there were no feathers still attached). :)
Unless you traveled since January, it was not Veronica (or the same one). She is a young (20-30ish) cute blond woman who has been on the job since January. (I may be tired, but there are reasons to take the train! :p ) Her usual run is the CS, but she did the TE run as extra board.
Gurrrrrr; booooo; hissssss! Just my luck! This summer was the one and quite possibly the only time I will ever get to ride the CS... and I wound up getting stuck with Roger!!! :angry:
Welcome to jimhudson who joined the trip from A to ? by riding AUS-DAL and to saxman66 who met us on the platform at DAL!

422 left AUS about 30 minutes late and was over 1 hour 20 minutes late into FTW. However, due to padding, by the time 422 had reached DAL and departed (VERY) quickly - it was only 5 minutes late! :eek: . (In fact the departure of the 20 minute scheduled stop was so quick that they closed my normal car door and I had to use another entry door!)
Unless you traveled since January, it was not Veronica (or the same one). She is a young (20-30ish) cute blond woman who has been on the job since January. (I may be tired, but there are reasons to take the train! :p ) Her usual run is the CS, but she did the TE run as extra board.
Gurrrrrr; booooo; hissssss! Just my luck! This summer was the one and quite possibly the only time I will ever get to ride the CS... and I wound up getting stuck with Roger!!! :angry:
I've got connections! :p When you're the_traveler, you get all the cute SCA's! :lol:
422 had arrived into STL at about 6:30 (or about 45 minutes early). So of course that means 422 left STL 15 minutes LATE! :blink: The SCA said that they did not even send down the STL passengers until after the scheduled departure time! :rolleyes:

I finally got to see the Gateway Station. I like it! :cool: It's not Union Station, but at least it's not the Amshak that was "temporarily" used for 20+ years! :eek:
I can confirm that I saw the Traveler and JimHudson in DAL. Although we had a very quick visit. Except 422 still left DAL over an hour late at 4:48 pm. Still the Eagle has plenty of padding. Looks like he's only 20 mins late now!
After 422 departed STL 15 minutes late, we had slow orders much of the way, and finally reached CHI over an hour late at 2:55. The best news is that I'm sitting in the Metropolitan until the departure of the CL at 6:30! :cool:

As much as I like the iPhone, it is faster and easier to type on a netbook's keyboard! :)
#30 arrived into Cumberland, MD (CUM) before 9 AM. Since CUM is a scheduled smoke stop, and scheduled departure is not until 9:36, I expected a stop of 30+ minutes. I was wrong! :eek: The CL was moving at 9:09! (BTW - the sceduled ARRIVAL time into CUM is 9:29!)

#30 arrived into Cumberland, MD (CUM) before 9 AM. Since CUM is a scheduled smoke stop, and scheduled departure is not until 9:36, I expected a stop of 30+ minutes. I was wrong! :eek: The CL was moving at 9:09! (BTW - the sceduled ARRIVAL time into CUM is 9:29!)
As lots of posters might say: Isnt this unusual,generally they cant leave early,only arrive early like the Eagle did into DAL and FTW yesterday!(an hour in both!even the subway eaters had plenty of time in FTW!)

Maybe the engineer or the conductor had a hot date in WAS!Are you gonna hang out in the lounge in WAS,with the August evac of DC underway shouldnt be too crowded,when the cats away the mice will play!! :lol: (Homeland Security has been alerted,an APB has been issued for suspicious characters but most of Congress is on vacation!!!!)
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#30 arrived into Cumberland, MD (CUM) before 9 AM. Since CUM is a scheduled smoke stop, and scheduled departure is not until 9:36, I expected a stop of 30+ minutes. I was wrong! :eek: The CL was moving at 9:09! (BTW - the sceduled ARRIVAL time into CUM is 9:29!)
As lots of posters might say: Isnt this unusual,generally they cant leave early,only arrive early like the Eagle did into DAL and FTW yesterday!(an hour in both!even the subway eaters had plenty of time in FTW!)

Maybe the engineer or the conductor had a hot date in WAS!Are you gonna hang out in the lounge in WAS,with the August evac of DC underway shouldnt be too crowded,when the cats away the mice will play!! :lol: (Homeland Security has been alerted,an APB has been issued for suspicious characters but most of Congress is on vacation!!!!)
OK, so who's more suspicious looking; The Traveler or the characters in Congress? :lol:
#30 arrived into Cumberland, MD (CUM) before 9 AM. Since CUM is a scheduled smoke stop, and scheduled departure is not until 9:36, I expected a stop of 30+ minutes. I was wrong! :eek: The CL was moving at 9:09! (BTW - the sceduled ARRIVAL time into CUM is 9:29!)
Hi Traveler,

Looks like you will be late arriving in HFY. I would have been at the station with a welcome banner but currently waiting at the house for a appliance repairman. Enjoy the lounge at WAS!
Disregard my earlier post about the time. I was going by the time on my phone - and it was an hour off! (In fact it still is.) I don't understand it! :blink: It was fine in PGH. (Maybe it's tired. :angry: )

But if it can't keep up to the_traveler - it has to go to the "old phone" home! :lol:
I've had cell phone return the wrong time zone many times on my various trips. It's not uncommon.

Seems to happen more in the western states where coverage is spottier, but it can and does happen any where.
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I've had cell phone return the wrong time zone many times on my various trips. It's not uncommon.
Seems to happen more in the western states where coverage is spottier, but it can and does happen any where.
Yeah Alan,you are correct as pertains to normal people, but the traveler has been in so many time zones that his phone is confused.
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After I threatened to send it to the "Old Phone's Home", it straightened up it's act :lol: - and is fine now!

Is my parade set up and ready to go in DC? :huh: After all, when the_traveler comes to WAS, shouldn't it be a national holiday? :huh: :lol: (It's not like it happens every day! :p )
After I threatened to send it to the "Old Phone's Home", it straightened up it's act :lol: - and is fine now!
Is my parade set up and ready to go in DC? :huh: After all, when the_traveler comes to WAS, shouldn't it be a national holiday? :huh: :lol: (It's not like it happens every day! :p )
With No Congress and no President this town is slow this week. I am not sure about the parade, it might just be a few Loco at WUS lined up.
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