I have been a fan of Amtrak for a long time but, I have a few questions that might seem silly..but, I have always wanted to know. Can anyone out there answer? 1) On average, how long is your duty day? Are you limited as I am in aviation? We can work up to 14 hrs duty. 2) When it comes time for a break, who takes over? Or do you have to wait til in a station? 3) Can you order food from the dining car? Do you get meals from the train or do you have to bring a bag lunch? and lastly 4) Do you have engines that you prefer over others? Ex..#206 is always running smooth but #1 is a dog. At my company we fly certain planes that are dreams and others that when we see the number...we are like..how is this plane able to stay in the air...(well...almost) 
Thanks for any responses...I have more technical questions but do not want to be too boring on the first time out.
Thanks for any responses...I have more technical questions but do not want to be too boring on the first time out.