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Lead Service Attendant
Jul 7, 2005
Flowery Branch, GA
It was just a typo... but since President Obama has signed the bill, it is law... for now at least.

It sounds absurd. But President Obama actually signed a bill into law Wednesday that would require passengers who carry firearms aboard AMTRAK be locked in boxes for their journey.
It’s a mistake. But for now, the clerical error is the law of the land....

...The bill text was correct when the House approved the legislation last week and the Senate followed suit Sunday. But somewhere in between, the language that referred to putting the guns in locked boxes morphed into stuffing “passengers” into locked boxes.
Source: Fox News
It was just a typo... but since President Obama has signed the bill, it is law... for now at least.
It sounds absurd. But President Obama actually signed a bill into law Wednesday that would require passengers who carry firearms aboard AMTRAK be locked in boxes for their journey.
It's a mistake. But for now, the clerical error is the law of the land....

...The bill text was correct when the House approved the legislation last week and the Senate followed suit Sunday. But somewhere in between, the language that referred to putting the guns in locked boxes morphed into stuffing "passengers" into locked boxes.
Source: Fox News
I've seen some passengers who probably should be in locked boxes! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Think MrFSS hit the nail on the head, some of these politicians need to be locked in a box and hauled away on the

Crescent or Cardinal or Silvers or a Regional, even better an Acela cause they are fast! :lol:
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Too funny! I know some of think that's a good idea. There are some that might benefit from a short ride in a locked box. (NOT!) This is a fine example of our tax $ at work!
Ladies and gentlemen.... Please place your guns, rifles, and bazookas on your seat and folow me to your holding pen in the baggage car. For those in first class, your pens include air holes and feeding tubes.
With all the gun owners I've met, the world probably would be a lot safer if they were kept in a locked box.
(Sound of Amtrak Baggage Handlers "high-fiving" each other)

"ATTABOY!! We bagged another Sonufagun!!!".....

"HOLYCOW!! This thing is waayyyyyyyyyyyy over the weight limit. Toss it back off!!"

(Muffled response) "AHHHHHHHH, SHOOT!!!"

News Report: Amtrak Decides to Bite the Bullet -- Seeking to Hire More High-Cailbre baggage Handlers.
Are you sure it was a mistake??

I'd be in favor of locking Pelosi and Reid into a big box and throwing away the key!!
I tried to confirm this tale, but the only place it shows up is Fox news, so I'm not convinced it's true.
I tried to confirm this tale, but the only place it shows up is Fox news, so I'm not convinced it's true.
No its probably true...

... Fox would be the only ones who'd be this desperate for an anti-Amtrak anti-Obama anti-anti-gun (thus pro-Right) piece.
I tried to confirm this tale, but the only place it shows up is Fox news, so I'm not convinced it's true.
I just reviewed the "Enrolled" text (IE: The actual text on the document President Obama signed) and compared it to the language as passed by congress... there IS a difference.

The bold italic text below was not in the bill as passed by congress, but was included in the version the President signed...

(1) In General- Not later than one year after the enactment of this Act, Amtrak, in consultation with the Assistant Secretary, shall develop and implement guidance and procedures to carry out the duties and responsibilities of firearm storage and carriage in checked baggage cars and at Amtrak stations that accept checked baggage.
(2) Scope- The guidance and procedures developed under paragraph (1) shall--

(A) permit Amtrak passengers holding a ticket for a specific Amtrak route to place an

unloaded firearm or starter pistol in a checked bag on such route if--

(i) the Amtrak station accepts checked baggage for such route;

(ii) the passenger declares to Amtrak, either orally or in writing, at the time the

reservation is made or not later than 24 hours before departure, that the firearm

will be placed in his or her bag and will be unloaded;

(iii) the firearm is in a hard-sided container;

(iv) such container is locked; and

(v) only the passenger has the key or combination for such container;

(B) permit Amtrak passengers holding a ticket for a specific Amtrak route to place

small arms ammunition for personal use in a checked bag on such route if the

ammunition is securely packed--

(i) in fiber, wood, or metal boxes; or

(ii) in other packaging specifically designed to carry small amounts of ammunition; and

(C ) include any other measures needed to ensure the safety and security of Amtrak

employees, passengers, and infrastructure, including--


(i) in fiber, wood, or metal boxes; or


(ii) in other packaging specifically designed to carry small amounts of ammunition;
It is clear to see based on the broader context of the bill that the italic text wasn't meant to be included there. I am sure these typos happen every day, but Fox's analysis of this one was simply hilarious, even if it may have been slightly exaggerated.

To view the bill for yourself... go to http://thomas.loc.gov/home/c111query.html and search by Bill Number for HR3288.

The Enrolled version, which was signed into law by the President (and is quoted above) is the 7th version and the version as it stood immediately before passage is version 6.

Within the document, scroll down to section 120 and select one of the following three sections:

* capital assistance for high speed rail corridors and intercity passenger rail service

* operating grants to the national railroad passenger corporation

* capital and debt service grants to the national railroad passenger corporation

Within each of those sections, a page search for firearms will get you to the relevant text.
I tried to confirm this tale, but the only place it shows up is Fox news, so I'm not convinced it's true.
I just reviewed the "Enrolled" text (IE: The actual text on the document President Obama signed) and compared it to the language as passed by congress... there IS a difference.

The bold italic text below was not in the bill as passed by congress, but was included in the version the President signed...

(1) In General- Not later than one year after the enactment of this Act, Amtrak, in consultation with the Assistant Secretary, shall develop and implement guidance and procedures to carry out the duties and responsibilities of firearm storage and carriage in checked baggage cars and at Amtrak stations that accept checked baggage.
(2) Scope- The guidance and procedures developed under paragraph (1) shall--

(A) permit Amtrak passengers holding a ticket for a specific Amtrak route to place an

unloaded firearm or starter pistol in a checked bag on such route if--

(i) the Amtrak station accepts checked baggage for such route;

(ii) the passenger declares to Amtrak, either orally or in writing, at the time the

reservation is made or not later than 24 hours before departure, that the firearm

will be placed in his or her bag and will be unloaded;

(iii) the firearm is in a hard-sided container;

(iv) such container is locked; and

(v) only the passenger has the key or combination for such container;

(B) permit Amtrak passengers holding a ticket for a specific Amtrak route to place

small arms ammunition for personal use in a checked bag on such route if the

ammunition is securely packed--

(i) in fiber, wood, or metal boxes; or

(ii) in other packaging specifically designed to carry small amounts of ammunition; and

(C ) include any other measures needed to ensure the safety and security of Amtrak

employees, passengers, and infrastructure, including--


(i) in fiber, wood, or metal boxes; or


(ii) in other packaging specifically designed to carry small amounts of ammunition;
It is clear to see based on the broader context of the bill that the italic text wasn't meant to be included there. I am sure these typos happen every day, but Fox's analysis of this one was simply hilarious, even if it may have been slightly exaggerated.

To view the bill for yourself... go to http://thomas.loc.gov/home/c111query.html and search by Bill Number for HR3288.
This is rediculous. 24 hour notice? All you have to do to check a gun on a plane is walk up and fill out a relatively simple form when you check in for the flight. It is a typical example of being force to do something and then sticking so many requirements on it that it is inconvenient and difficult. As has been said many times, the ones you would have to really be concerned about don't care whether they obey the law or not.

I still consider that "when guns are outlawed only outlaws will have gus" a statement of both reality and a most dangerous condition.
L.A. Times editorial:

Amtrak, all boxed in

"...the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence fired off the best line of all, noting archly that each year about 30,000 Americans are already securely locked away in human-size boxes, thanks to guns."
That speaks for itself for sure! Never have understood why people want to pack heat on the street (or trains!), last I heard all the train robbers were dead or in South America and supper is served in the diner, you don't have to shoot it anymore! :lol:

But that's like trying to convince a pro-lifer that the death penalty is killing a live human as opposed to a fetus! Same mentality! :blink: (as a man it's not my business what's between a woman and her doctor, it's a medical thing!These pro lifers need to get a life of their own!!)

Of course the bill will be fixed, and if Amtrak gets the funding (show me the money!)I have no problem with the gun nuts and their guns being locked in a baggage car together, perhaps well have a shot out @ the Tuscon station and it will go down in legend like the Clantons and the Earps and Doc Holiday! :lol:
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I have a hard time understanding some of you folks.

I thought you wanted to have more AMTRAK ridership.

Currently, AMTRAK goes through many choice hunting areas that are difficult and expensive to get to via the

airlines. Hunters aren't a danger to you. On or off AMTRAK.

Airlines readily accept firearms in your luggage (properly reported and packed), no reason that AMTRAK can't

do the same. In fact, they used to do this, if I'm not mistaken.
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