I have a 1948 Santa Fe timetable and it shows 1 mixed train roundtrip Lamy-Santa Fe (Mon-Sat) and 5 motor coach roundtrips that connect with the various trains through Lamy.
Eric, I got around to to my sources this morning and came up with the same info.
Should anybody not be quite sure what a "mixed" train is, it means a mix of passenger and
freight.The "passenger " service on such a train is nearly always very minimal, coach only,no food, etc at least not normally. Usually only goes a very short branch line distance. Sometimes it meant passengers allowed in the caboose.
The concept is long since out of date, at least in the U.S. It was more meaningful back in the days when lots of roads were not paved, etc.
I guess most were gone by the 60's.Never, ever on Amtrak. ( and do not confuse freight with mail).