new rider with some basic questions

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Sep 29, 2010
Well I am taking my first rail trip next month from Cincinnati to Williston, ND. I have a simple question, what is the boarding process/procedure. I've never been on a train (except nyc subway). How long do you have to get onboard? What about going through security?

Also, if anyone has originated in Cincy en-route to Chicago how soon can you arrive at the station? This is of particular concern seeing as the train doesn't leave until 01:10, and I'm pretty sure it's not in a part of town that would be good for a midnight stroll.

I am currently booked coach through, and was wondering if the roomette from chicago to Williston at $245 for 20 hours would be worth it.

Hope the questions aren't too mundane, it's just that I've never even looked at train travel because the nearest station to me is 2-3 hours away but my anticipation for this trip is building more and more each day.

Any help will be appreciated!


I wish there was a day train through Cincinnati - but you are right 1:10 AM. At least it's not 2 or 3 AM. But I would think the station is open several hours prior to the train arriving. I hear it is a great old station.

First - I would recommend the Roomette. It's another world - compared to coach. Plus - it includes meals (like a cruise). The food is good too. We just rode the Silver Star - with a Bedroom (includes meals), and we were quite surprised at the fresh salad, the steak, it was tender and tasty. And breakfast was great.... So in your case you would get dinner out of Chicago, use of the First class lounge in Chicago (Union Station), use of a shower on the train, comp. coffee, and you may get breakfast - depends on when you arrive (after 7 AM I guess would have time for breakfast)

Also - on your trip out of Chicago you must go to the lounge car. It is wonderful (Sightseere Lounge). It's like a dome car, and you can look out at the countryside and talk with other passengers. Enjoy a beer or a glass of wine or a cup of tea, etc... You will really find it a relaxing way to travel.

Good luck on your trip.

*Also - if you enjoy this trip, you should join the Amtrak points program - earns free trips - even trips with Roomettes and bedrooms, meals included. Our recent Silver Star trip was completely paid with points.
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If you aren't checking any bags, you could get to the station 20-30 minutes before departure. Call 1800-USA-RAIL before you head to the station to check the status of your train. If it's on-time or running just a few minutes late, you should plan on an on-time arrival. If the train is running a couple of hours late, then you can wait just a little bit longer before heading to the station (however, please note that recovery time is built into the schedule at certain points, so a train that is an hour late at one station might wind up only 20-30 minutes late at another station, and maybe even on-time further down the road).

Boarding procedures depend on the station. I've never used Cincinnati, so I couldn't tell you. In Chicago, you'll wait in the north boarding lounge to wait for the Empire Builder (if you're returning by train, then your trip back to Cincinnati would board from the south lounge). At some smaller stations, you just wait on the platform, the train shows up, they open the doors, and you get on.

Security is fairly unintrusive. They don't put you through a metal detector or anything. In Chicago, they have bomb-sniffing dogs that make their rounds, and sometimes they'll randomly select passengers during boarding to do a quick search of their stuff. Not airport-style at all.

In factoring whether or not the upgrade is worth it, you should also note that your meals are included in the sleeper fare, so you'd get a dinner out of Chicago, and a breakfast before you get off in North Dakota. That, plus a bit more comfort and privacy. On the Empire Builder, you also get a little welcome package that includes a free bottle of champagne or sparkling cider, and some other goodies.
I agree with the previous posters - go for the Roomette. It is definately worth the $245.

You will also find the passengers in the sleepers are generally more friendly than in coach.

You will meet other passengers in the dining car at meals and share stories.

I hope you have an enjoyable trip.
What day will you be on the Westbound Empire Builder?

Well I am taking my first rail trip next month from Cincinnati to Williston, ND. I have a simple question, what is the boarding process/procedure. I've never been on a train (except nyc subway). How long do you have to get onboard? What about going through security?

Also, if anyone has originated in Cincy en-route to Chicago how soon can you arrive at the station? This is of particular concern seeing as the train doesn't leave until 01:10, and I'm pretty sure it's not in a part of town that would be good for a midnight stroll.

I am currently booked coach through, and was wondering if the roomette from chicago to Williston at $245 for 20 hours would be worth it.

Hope the questions aren't too mundane, it's just that I've never even looked at train travel because the nearest station to me is 2-3 hours away but my anticipation for this trip is building more and more each day.

Any help will be appreciated!

:hi: Welcome, nice first trip! :) The roomette is a great deal, and if someone was riding with yoo they would be included in the room cost including meals, the price is the same for one or two, all they have to do is pay their rail (coach)fare! ;) If you upgrade to the roomette you also get to use the Metro lounge in Chicago Union Station, like a first class lounge @ the Airport!(cofee/juice/sodas,snacks, clean luggage, you can check your luggage with the Redcap in the luggage room inside the lounge,reember they appreciate tips, it is free! This allows you to tour the beautiful old station, nice food court upstairs, also great resturants around the station etc. Two blocks away is the Sears ne Willis Tower if you want to ride up to the second tallest building in N. America!

Since you are boarding in the great old Cinn Station (you are correct ,you wouldnt want to walk in the area that time of morning)Id suggest taking something to read, some tunes or DVDs, lap top/phone if you use such,a few snacks (they have a cafe car on board trains that sell snacks,sandwiches,small pizzas, beer, Pepsi etc, but they are pricey and not that great!).Also have a light blanket and travel pillow, if you have trouble sleeping ear plugs and perhaps even a sleep mask! Go to for a nice review of the station in Cincinnatti. I d recommend ,as others said, checking with Julie (automated Amtrak system, 1-800-USA-RAIL for what time your train (should be #51, the Cardinal)will be arriving. Most of us always get there an hour early to check luggage,make sure our tickets are in order etc. Boarding should be no problem, someone will show you where to go when the train is announced and youll be off on your adventure! Please read all the trip reports/tip to first time riders etc. on this site and don't hesitate to ask questions, contribute to our forum and when you get back give us a trip report, we love to read them on this site! All aboard! :cool:
You will also find the passengers in the sleepers are generally more friendly than in coach.
It would be more fair to say that Shanghai finds the passengers in the sleepers are generally more friendly than in coach. It is a bit presumptuous to say how anyone else would rate fellow passengers.
It looks from the Amtrak website that the Cincinnati station opens at 11:00 pm. I've never boarded the train in Cincinnati but I have been to the station -- Union Station is one of the great old stations but now largely filled with museums. The Amtrak station itself is small and, as I recall, on the right side towards the rear as you enter the front of Union Station under the great arch. There will be an announcement as the train approaches, you can then exit onto the platform and there will be someone there to point you to your car.
We are leaving next month from Cincinnati Union Terminal to Chicago then Seattle on The Empire Builder in Roomettes (highly recommended if you can afford). CUT is just off I-75 and sits way back from Western Avenue with mancured lawns, fountains and waterfalls. The museum parking lot is on the right, no charge when it is closed. We leave our car overnight and our daughter picks it up in the morning and viceversa on our return. The waiting room is in the back next to the Imax. It can get crowded but you aren't restricted there, you can walk around. There are drink and snack machines. The agents will take you downstairs 10-15 minutes before The Cardinal arrives, there is an elevator, steps or ramps. They will tell you where to stand for coach or sleeper. Groups will be boarded first, then couples and singles. Stay back until the detraining passengers are off. Hope this helps.
We are leaving next month from Cincinnati Union Terminal to Chicago then Seattle on The Empire Builder in Roomettes (highly recommended if you can afford). CUT is just off I-75 and sits way back from Western Avenue with mancured lawns, fountains and waterfalls. The museum parking lot is on the right, no charge when it is closed. We leave our car overnight and our daughter picks it up in the morning and viceversa on our return. The waiting room is in the back next to the Imax. It can get crowded but you aren't restricted there, you can walk around. There are drink and snack machines. The agents will take you downstairs 10-15 minutes before The Cardinal arrives, there is an elevator, steps or ramps. They will tell you where to stand for coach or sleeper. Groups will be boarded first, then couples and singles. Stay back until the detraining passengers are off. Hope this helps.
I am leaving on 10/21 @ 01:10. Probably the main reason I haven't taken a train is that I live SE of Columbus, and Cincy is the closest station. My sister is going to drop me in Cincy that night, but can't stay that late. Being from Cincy would you have a place to recommend waiting (with bag(s)) until the station opens and I grab a cab to cut?
It looks from the Amtrak website that the Cincinnati station opens at 11:00 pm. I've never boarded the train in Cincinnati but I have been to the station -- Union Station is one of the great old stations but now largely filled with museums. The Amtrak station itself is small and, as I recall, on the right side towards the rear as you enter the front of Union Station under the great arch. There will be an announcement as the train approaches, you can then exit onto the platform and there will be someone there to point you to your car.
Perhaps I'm borderline stupid, but, I couldn't decipher the hours that are stated on the website. Call me crazy but 11:00 pm didn't jump out to me from what I saw.
What day will you be on the Westbound Empire Builder?

Well I am taking my first rail trip next month from Cincinnati to Williston, ND. I have a simple question, what is the boarding process/procedure. I've never been on a train (except nyc subway). How long do you have to get onboard? What about going through security?

Also, if anyone has originated in Cincy en-route to Chicago how soon can you arrive at the station? This is of particular concern seeing as the train doesn't leave until 01:10, and I'm pretty sure it's not in a part of town that would be good for a midnight stroll.

I am currently booked coach through, and was wondering if the roomette from chicago to Williston at $245 for 20 hours would be worth it.


Hope the questions aren't too mundane, it's just that I've never even looked at train travel because the nearest station to me is 2-3 hours away but my anticipation for this trip is building more and more each day.

Any help will be appreciated!

I will be on the Empire Builder from Chicago on 10/21.
SHEET.. I/m on it West bound from CHI on the 18th.. :( otherwise could have joined you in the dining or snack car for a meal or for a drink :p lol

What day will you be on the Westbound Empire Builder?

Well I am taking my first rail trip next month from Cincinnati to Williston, ND. I have a simple question, what is the boarding process/procedure. I've never been on a train (except nyc subway). How long do you have to get onboard? What about going through security?

Also, if anyone has originated in Cincy en-route to Chicago how soon can you arrive at the station? This is of particular concern seeing as the train doesn't leave until 01:10, and I'm pretty sure it's not in a part of town that would be good for a midnight stroll.

I am currently booked coach through, and was wondering if the roomette from chicago to Williston at $245 for 20 hours would be worth it.


Hope the questions aren't too mundane, it's just that I've never even looked at train travel because the nearest station to me is 2-3 hours away but my anticipation for this trip is building more and more each day.

Any help will be appreciated!

I will be on the Empire Builder from Chicago on 10/21.
Bobcat, What time are you planning to arrive in Cincinnati? You could hang outside in front by the dropoff area, museum closes about 5PM but there is security. There is a Frisch's Restaurant a couple of blocks away. Fountain Square is across from The Westin. You could wait at our house (just off I-74 ten miles out).Too bad you can't delay your trip two days. We leave the 23rd, plus my wife and I both have our own roomettes (we both like the lower bed). We have been looking to share and we do have one friend traveling with us. Any questions send us a PM
Bobcat, What time are you planning to arrive in Cincinnati? You could hang outside in front by the dropoff area, museum closes about 5PM but there is security. There is a Frisch's Restaurant a couple of blocks away. Fountain Square is across from The Westin. You could wait at our house (just off I-74 ten miles out).Too bad you can't delay your trip two days. We leave the 23rd, plus my wife and I both have our own roomettes (we both like the lower bed). We have been looking to share and we do have one friend traveling with us. Any questions send us a PM

I'm going to get to Cincinnati around 8pm. I had a friend recommend Fountain Square. I'll probably head there and just catch a cab at around 11. Thanks for the offer of your home, and delaying the trip though. However, I'm not sure that an upper bunk would be good for me as I'm more of a xxl.
You should be OK since you wont have to wait very long. If it's rainy you might want to just head over to CUT, at least it's covered. Also look into upgrading to a roomette on board, you will pay low bucket. Have a good time.
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