If you rent a car at your AMTRAK destination....

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OBS Chief
Feb 2, 2010
Sunny North Dakota
If you rent a car at your AMTRAK destination....and need directions to go somewhere....and you have a cellphone.... this may help., :cool:

Older cellphones -- Turn-by-turn directions

Maps aren't just for smartphones! And neither are instant directions. Just send a text that reads "directions (location a) to (location b)" to 466453. In seconds, you'll get back a step-by-step list of directions for how to get there, even if you're on a flip phone.

Type the text message in exactly, without quotation marks or parentheses, and replace "location a" and "location b" with actual places -- it recognizes cities, zip codes, and even street addresses. The service costs nothing beyond what it costs you to send and receive text messages normally.
Great tip -- I never knew that. The link in the original message takes you to a Google page with a bunch more things that you can get by texting 466453 (which corresponds to GOOGLE on the phone pad).
If you rent a car at your AMTRAK destination....and need directions to go somewhere....and you have a cellphone.... this may help., :cool:
My text: directions Amtrak Station, Wilmington, DE to Cape May, NJ



Distance 87 mi (about 2 hours 0 mins)

Sorry, the requested route is too long for SMS Get Google Maps for mobile at [remainder deleted by me but it was a link]
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I'm not sure if the page lists it (didn't look) but if you text "help" to google, they'll text you back a bunch of keywords to use for features. I need to look over the list again, as they've changed some up (weather used to be "w zipcode" now its "weather: zipcode")

I'd rather take a train to my destination!
I have connections, and they lay tracks right to the front door!
If you rent a car at your AMTRAK destination....and need directions to go somewhere....and you have a cellphone.... this may help., :cool:
My text: directions Amtrak Station, Wilmington, DE to Cape May, NJ



Distance 87 mi (about 2 hours 0 mins)

Sorry, the requested route is too long for SMS Get Google Maps for mobile at [remainder deleted by me but it was a link]
Perhaps their software excludes ferries, especially the Lewes, DE ferry to Cape May Point, NJ.
If you rent a car at your AMTRAK destination....and need directions to go somewhere....and you have a cellphone.... this may help., :cool:
My text: directions Amtrak Station, Wilmington, DE to Cape May, NJ



Distance 87 mi (about 2 hours 0 mins)

Sorry, the requested route is too long for SMS Get Google Maps for mobile at [remainder deleted by me but it was a link]
Perhaps their software excludes ferries, especially the Lewes, DE ferry to Cape May Point, NJ.
No. Google would not do the ferry thing as it is out of the way to go via ferry. I have already tried google directly and the route matches the mileage and time of the SMS message. Apparently, the number of turns makes the route too long so it is probably only useful for simple trips like station to suburbs.
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