OBS Chief
If you rent a car at your AMTRAK destination....and need directions to go somewhere....and you have a cellphone.... this may help., 
Older cellphones -- Turn-by-turn directions
Maps aren't just for smartphones! And neither are instant directions. Just send a text that reads "directions (location a) to (location b)" to 466453. In seconds, you'll get back a step-by-step list of directions for how to get there, even if you're on a flip phone.
Type the text message in exactly, without quotation marks or parentheses, and replace "location a" and "location b" with actual places -- it recognizes cities, zip codes, and even street addresses. The service costs nothing beyond what it costs you to send and receive text messages normally.
Older cellphones -- Turn-by-turn directions
Maps aren't just for smartphones! And neither are instant directions. Just send a text that reads "directions (location a) to (location b)" to 466453. In seconds, you'll get back a step-by-step list of directions for how to get there, even if you're on a flip phone.
Type the text message in exactly, without quotation marks or parentheses, and replace "location a" and "location b" with actual places -- it recognizes cities, zip codes, and even street addresses. The service costs nothing beyond what it costs you to send and receive text messages normally.