Greyhound seats and fleet questions

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Honestly, while drivers should be allowed to remove passengers when necessary, they shouldn't be tasked with that duty on a regular basis.

Permit me to tell a non-Greyhound story to explain my reasoning.

Here in Seattle, drivers on King County Metro buses are supposed to firmly request that all passengers pay a fare as they board. If they don't they're not supposed to do anything else except radio it into their supervisor, who may request that the transit police meet the bus and remove and cite the passenger. In practice, most drivers won't say anything to passengers who won't pay and won't radio in the violation, because drivers have been assaulted (punched, stabbed or shot) by passengers who they requested pay the fare.

On the other hand, we also have a few routes that operate as "proof-of-payment" where contracted fare enforcement officers board and ask to see passengers valid passes or transfers. These officers always travel in teams and wear protective vests. To my knowledge, none has been seriously assaulted by a passenger.

Back to Greyhound... if drivers are having to regularly confront passengers it creates an us versus them situation on the bus. It's much cleaner and less emotional if a security officer is the one who demands a passenger gets off the bus. But to make that work Greyhound would either need to spend more money to hire a nationwide contractor to staff and train guards or create its own security department that employs and trains guards.
What the heck? #6389 is sitting in Reno while #86308 gets sent to Salt Lake on the 1308. I'm very unhappy with this bus. It smells like pee inside and the seats are ALL broken. Greyhound better step it up from here on out or else I'm boycotting Greyhound. My armrest has been unhinged. I'll be requesting a refund. These Painful Premiers are unacceptable and need to be replaced immediately!

Next time I'm flying.
Hopefully you won't have that bus your entire trip. Maybe you can convince other passengers to file complaints also
What the heck? #6389 is sitting in Reno while #86308 gets sent to Salt Lake on the 1308. I'm very unhappy with this bus. It smells like pee inside and the seats are ALL broken. Greyhound better step it up from here on out or else I'm boycotting Greyhound. My armrest has been unhinged. I'll be requesting a refund. These Painful Premiers are unacceptable and need to be replaced immediately!

Next time I'm flying.
You should request a refund, I'll be interested to hear what kind of response you get.
Oh yeah, I'm definitely requesting a refund. No one should be made to endure a 9.5-hour ride on a rotten D4505 smelling of excrement. But I don't think the other passengers would do it with me, considering their questionable behavior. The guy across from me insisted on offering me a cigarette as a gift. I don't smoke. This bus not only reeked of urine, but also had some of the worst clientele I've seen on Greyhound. The seat also left me with back pain.

Thankfully, I'm in the Radisson SLC for a night's rest before continuing. This is an excellent hotel, in case you guys ever come out here. BusTracker isn't working properly, so I need some time to figure out what tommorow's bus will be.
Good luck with your complaint and with the rest of your trip.

I'm not surprised that the other passengers were like u said. People both don't know and don't care that there are rules and that there should be courtesy given to fellow riders.

I hope greyhound actually does something besides a refund about that bus. That's a good way to lose customers
1314 - G4500 #7045

1318 - D4505 #86398 (There's a note that there was more than one vehicle was operating on 1318 today and those additional vehicles are not tracked.)
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Well, I'm in Denver now. The bus was D4505 #86317. Seat was uncomfortable, but otherwise OK. Clientele was better. Overall, considering the uncomfortable seats, I'd still rather fly. Since Greyhound still has tons of rotten D4505, my boycott of Greyhound stands. I will lift this boycott when Greyhound gets rid of every last Painful Premier. GLC west of Sudbury is exempt from the boycott due to having zero Painful Premiers, as well as GLI short hauls near Reno. Also, GLI north of Seattle is exempt since a driver told me the GLI D4505s are prohibited from Canada. GLC D4505s don't have Premiers.

BoltBus is boycotted due to Painful Premiers.

OK, my next step is to choose a good intercontinental airline alliance and stay loyal to make the best use of Frequent Flyer miles. OneWorld sounds like the best. AA is their member from the USA.

Looks like BusTracker was broken and reported the previous day's buses. But thanks anyway for checking, Ricky. This is Greyhound's fault.
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Doesn't matter. I'm just going to fly. No big deal.

I'm actually on X3-45 #60414 right now. It's actually quite comfortable and I was able to mitigate the Painful Permier by sitting on my jacket. This X3-45 has TVs and window shades. It's based from Dallas. I got the front row seat. Driver Joseph Dent is great. Bus ride is smooth, quiet, and fast. Perhaps the D4505 is a bigger problem.
Hearing this just makes me want more to take a long trip on greyhound to find out what you guys are complaining about. Lol. Unfortunately the trip I'm planning u have to either fly it drive. Greyhound would take too long for me to get there.
So, I slept at a hotel in Plainview, and I'm heading to Fredericksburg today on the 7261. They sent a White G, #7077, which suffered a front end suspension failure right in Plainview. We're waiting in Plainview for a replacement bus from Lubbock.
Unless they have someone who can't drive, your replacement bus shouldn't be much longer if not have you on your way. That's if I remember my way around from my truck driving days. Lubbock really isn't too far from where your at.
Yeah, they promptly sent us the replacement bus. I'm in Lubbock already. It's DL3 #6309. Much more comfortable and cleaner than the White G. The DL3 never disappoints. Lubbock actually has a very nice terminal.

This bus was supposed to run Lubbock-El Paso, but that run has now been canceled. Passengers to El Paso transfer at Big Spring to a Dallas-Los Angeles run. The driver from El Paso is now driving. The driver from Amarillo is just riding. There was actually a cushioning driver heading to El Paso who is now going through Big Spring as well. So basically, we have 3 drivers on the bus right now.
The DL3 is heaven compared to a White G or D4505. Those buses have a weird odor; the DL3 rarely ever has an odor. Also, the X3-45 yesterday had no odor.

The Amarillo driver got off at Lubbock. Driver Gilbert from El Paso is driving and Rhonda is cushioning to Big Spring. Currently heading south on US 87 at 75 mph. Should be in Fredericksburg two hours late. These Texas drivers are definitely better than the Nevada/Utah/Colorado drivers.
I'm on I-10 headed to San Antonio. The bus is late again, but that just gave me more time in the museum. I'm on second-hand J4500 #6989. We're convoying with J4500 #6992 from El Paso.

My seat is a FAINSA Brasil with the narrow headrest. Loads of legroom. I don't think I've ever seen so much legroom on Greyhound except in the wheelchair position.
I just realized that I forgot to tell you guys that the J4500 was also driven by Joseph Dent. He's cool.

I saw J4500 #6993 in San Antonio and then J4500 #6990 in Houston headed to Dallas. I'm sure Greyhound has them based in Dallas. #6990 has American Seating 2003.

I'm in Houston now and I rode Blue G #7274 from San Antonio. Great smooth ride and lots of legroom; vastly superior to the D4505 and White G. Ugh, I hate those pieces of junk.

A question for the bus drivers: Why would the driver pump the brakes? Apparently thee was a front end brake failure on #7077 and the driver said the bus would bottom out if they hit any bump.

I saw C2045 #86808 in San Antonio with a VTC driver and another VTC Van Hool in Houston.
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Swadian, regarding pumping the breaks, some drivers will do that to try to ease the jolt as he comes to a complete stop. It definitely wasn't to build up pressure because on air brakes the more you pump them the more air pressure you lose. A lot of older and old school style drivers tend to do that.

Hope they get the brake problem fixed right on 7077 because that's deadly. You wouldn't have liked it too much if it would have bottomed out. Your lucky that bus even did anything.
That's why I couldn't understand the driver. She wasn't pumping to brakes to come to a stop. We were already stopped. Heck, the bus actually didn't do anything. It pulled up to the stop at Plainview, and I got on, and the driver got on. Then we went nowhere, except to park the bus to get it out of the way.

She said the bus had a front end air pressure problem, so she called for help and opened the first luggage hatch in the left. Keep in mind this is an old driver. She tinkered around that for a bit, then came back in and started pumping the brakes for about 5 minutes, all while we had already been stationary.

I'm not sure if the problem involved the front end brakes, front end suspension, or borh. What I did see is that the bus was stuck in kneeling position and knelt even more the longer we stopped. I think it would've bottomed out on the spot with the front sinking down.

Not sure how Greyhound handled it eventually as we simply ditched the bus at the gas station, door open, engine off, and unattended. The engine was actually working properly all the way.
Sounds like she was trying to get the air compressor to kick on and build air up. The bus can only drop so far then it hits stops

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