On which I'll add, if you do use the AGR credit card through the shopping portal, you'll get the 1 point/dollar that the CC provides AND the points per dollar that the merchant provides.Go through the shopping portal at AGR.
On which I'll add, if you do use the AGR credit card through the shopping portal, you'll get the 1 point/dollar that the CC provides AND the points per dollar that the merchant provides.Go through the shopping portal at AGR.
FlyertalkThe partnership between Amtrak Guest Rewards® and Chase will end as of September 30, 2015. If you have the Amtrak Guest Rewards MasterCard® credit card from Chase, you can continue to use your card and will continue to earn Amtrak Guest Rewards points until September 30, 2015. After September 30, your account will be replaced with a Chase Freedom card and you will begin to earn points on your Chase Freedom Account. If you have an eligible Chase Card with Ultimate Rewards, you can continue to transfer points to Amtrak Guest Rewards until further notice.
My autopay to card accounts will need to be changed to my Marriott Rewards card. No problem, since AGR points have really been devalued for me, living in Texas.Hmmmm- I have the AGR World MC from Chase that is Paid in Full each Month.
I also have the Chase Ultimate Rewards Card/No Annual Fee with a Debt Consolidation Balance ( Medical Bills) that I'm paying off over time with a fairly good Interest Rate. . And I have a VISA Card from my Credit Union with No Annual Fee and an 8% APR Rate that I pay off Monthly.
So I guess my Chase AGR MC will suddenly be obsolete Oct. 1st even though all my Recurring Monthly Bills are done as Autopay on this card?
30 Days notice sure isn't much notice Anthony! Not Good Customer Service!!!
Guess the Bean Counters are running AGR too! Sad!
Actually, looks like it's going to be LESS than 30 days notice, since we don't yet know the terms, nor are applications being accepted yet, for whatever card(s) will replace the current Chase AGR Mastercard.Hmmmm- I have the AGR World MC from Chase that is Paid in Full each Month.
I also have the Chase Ultimate Rewards Card/No Annual Fee with a Debt Consolidation Balance ( Medical Bills) that I'm paying off over time with a fairly good Interest Rate. . And I have a VISA Card from my Credit Union with No Annual Fee and an 8% APR Rate that I pay off Monthly.
So I guess my Chase AGR MC will suddenly be obsolete Oct. 1st even though all my Recurring Monthly Bills are done as Autopay on this card?
30 Days notice sure isn't much notice Anthony! And just in time for the Gathering in WAS so we don't get the AGR Amtrak points from the Chase Card!
Poor timing and Not Good Customer Service! Anthony!! Why aren't we getting the same lead time as the current AGR program is giving us?? ( ie to Jan. 2016)
Guess the Bean Counters are running AGR too! Sad!
As far as Chase is concerned, the card is not being eliminated I suppose. It is just that the affiliation is going away. If you do nothing you'll still continue to have the card. It will get a slightly different branding and will start earning some kind of Chase points instead of Amtrak ones. Any payments that were being automatically charged to the card will continue working as before.I just called Chase to ask about the regular monthly payments charged auctomatically each month for insurance. The lady was clueless and had no idea the AGR card was being elminated.
The replacement card will almost certainly not have the same umber since it will have a B of A bin number (the first 5 digits) and not a Chase one..Please excuse my ignorance, but what is a Freedom Card? A regular credit card, and that's just its name? Or something different?
Even more important, should I call hotels I have reservations at after September and am holding with my Amtrak card and have them hold the reservations with another card? Or would the replacement card still have the same card number?
Thanks to all for your always excellent advice....
I suspect it would, but one can never tell for sure until it happens. you could ask them. When Continental changed from Amex to Chase, Amex did not change my card number. Of course since then it has changed twice due to fraud related replacement.I'm sorry, jis, I wasn't clear. I meant would the replacement card that Chase sends have the same number, not the new AGR card.