Court Jester
Gaming the system, duh!
(sorry, couldn't not swing at that hanging curve ball)
(sorry, couldn't not swing at that hanging curve ball)
More Comedy from the Marx Brothers @_BOA! The Chase Sapphire Select requires excellent Credit to get, so BOA's crack Credit Card Department really missed the boat on this! ( and many others! )Wife and I both got denied by BA. So we both applied and got Chase Sapphire cards instead and will use the Sapphire card on our travels to burn up the 180,000 Chase AGR points we accumulated over the past 18 months. So BA can suck it.
Dog Rancher may be speaking about the Preferred card, but did not use the word Preferred. Chase also offers a Sapphire card (without the Preferred) that is not as hard to get. Could be that card.More Comedy from the Marx Brothers @_BOA! The Chase Sapphire Select requires excellent Credit to get, so BOA's crack Credit Card Department really missed the boat on this! ( and many others! )Wife and I both got denied by BA. So we both applied and got Chase Sapphire cards instead and will use the Sapphire card on our travels to burn up the 180,000 Chase AGR points we accumulated over the past 18 months. So BA can suck it.
Just to be clear, we could earn points on the Sapphire card and transfer them to AGR? And while it may end someday, it's still an option?If you do your spend before Chase drops Ultimate Rewards transfers to AGR you could transfer $40,000+ points to AGR. It is unknown how long the transfer option will last.
Yes, That is correct. It is also what I currently do.Just to be clear, we could earn points on the Sapphire card and transfer them to AGR? And while it may end someday, it's still an option?
Thank you for that heads up.Yes, That is correct. It is also what I currently do.Just to be clear, we could earn points on the Sapphire card and transfer them to AGR? And while it may end someday, it's still an option?
Are there any other tips you can pass along? I do most of my business travel on UA and DL.Yes, That is correct. It is also what I currently do.Just to be clear, we could earn points on the Sapphire card and transfer them to AGR? And while it may end someday, it's still an option?
I put everything I can on my Sapphire Preferred card and pay it off monthly. I have earned enough points to pay for our sleeper trips the past two years and have enough for two or three future trips.Are there any other tips you can pass along? I do most of my business travel on UA and DL.Yes, That is correct. It is also what I currently do.Just to be clear, we could earn points on the Sapphire card and transfer them to AGR? And while it may end someday, it's still an option?