Wish List for Amtrak/Train Service Expansions

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Jul 25, 2015
Philadelphia Area
You don't have to tell me that these (or most of these) aren't feasible now, I already know. I just want to put as many of my pet projects in one place just in case Amtrak does hit the (Congressional/states/private investments) lottery one day. I also wanted to fight the myth that I am selfish and only care about projects that help me (and my city). Consider this my Amtrak platform if I were running for office (the PA primary is Tuesday, don't ask who I'm voting for).

Service to cities that currently don't have it: Phoenix, Las Vegas, Nashville, Louisville, Columbus, OH

Service outside of the graveyard shift to cities that only have graveyard shift (or just outside of it) service: Cleveland, Cincinnati (pretty much most if not all of Ohio who has any service at all), Indianapolis

LD service (or more LD service) to cities/areas that have little or no LD service: Boston/New England/Connecticut, San Diego, San Jose, Detroit/Michigan

One seat rides without a transfer being required: Chicago to Philadelphia/Eastern PA/New Jersey, Florida to Boston/New England, NEC to Detroit/Michigan,

Chicago to Boston (hoping the delay doesn't become permanent). Way Down the Line: Chicago-Florida/Southeast, NEC-Texas, Cross Country)

More frequent service: Philadelphia/New York to Pittsburgh, Chicago to Indianapolis/Cincinnati, Chicago to Minneapolis-St. Paul, Dallas to San Antonio, Houston to San Antonio, San Francisco to Los Angeles (overnight), Atlanta to Carolina/NEC, Orlando-Miami, Orlando-Tampa

New or restored routes: Cleveland to Cincinnati (3-C), Dallas to Houston, Los Angeles to Las Vegas, Florida to New Orleans (possible extension to Texas), Atlanta to Florida, Kansas City to Texas, Cincinnati/Columbus to Pittsburgh/Philadelphia, Toledo to Detroit/Michigan, Indianapolis to St. Louis

Opportunity for same day transfers in New Orleans from east to west like there currently exists in Chicago so passengers in the south can travel across the country faster without having to come north to Chicago or stay overnight in NOL.

So this list is clearly national in scope and not just Philadelphia.

Feel free to share other wish list ideas I haven't mentioned.
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First, more Thruway bus connections (here, there, and everywhere - or close to it), for at least a few reasons - to extend the "rail network" to areas that are unlikely to see actual rail service anytime soon, to test the waters and/or develop ridership prior to introducing rail service, and to add additional frequencies at times that may not support a full train. I know that "no one rides buses" but California proves otherwise. And adding Thruway bus service is extremely inexpensive, especially compared to adding train service.

Second, more and better corridor service - faster and/or more reliable trains, additional frequencies on existing lines (with a goal of service every hour on major lines and every 2 hours on many other lines), extensions to existing lines, and entirely new lines.
If this list is without consideration of money, feasibility or whether it passes operational muster....and deals STRICTLY with what we WANT to see if we had money and equipment, I accept your list and add a few of my own "personal" projects.

I want the Auto train extended!

Shut up everyone....it's my list!! :ph34r:

Just hear me out, Ok?

When the GM plant in Linden, NJ closed and with the high speed catenary construction poised to begin and CSX planning on upgrades to its Virginia Avenue tunnel, I lobbied for leasing the former Conrail yard and propping up the Auto train. You'd capture a larger segment of travel and the location to that yard is ideal.

I proposed two segments that split/merged. The passenger consist would run between Linden, NJ and Sanford, Florida. You'd load the appropriate passengers and their cars in the auto racks at Linden and depart for Lorton. Upon arrival at Lorton, passengers would step into the consist just like they board any other train en route. However, their cars would already be loaded in another set of Auto racks in Lorton. When the main train came in, the crew would add the additional Lorton auto racks to the rear end, and the train would continue south.

Northbound, the train would depart Sanford. Upon arrival in Lorton, the passengers for Lorton would disembark and a crew would grab the Lorton bound auto racks. After they are cut off, the train would continue to Linden with the rest of the passengers and their cars.

Limitations include the need for another set of Superliners, the obvious costs of the facility and a few places where the catenary would need to be raised. The gauntlet track in the B&P tunnel would need to be restored and the route between the Philadelphia bypass and Amtrak (The High Line) would need restoration. Additionally, it is contingent on Amtrak chipping in for CSX's Virginia Ave tunnel project to allow passenger operation. This is because the trains would not be able to enter of go through Washington DC. It would have to use the Landover Line (the bypass) through Anacostia. That line used to allow for 50mph operation. That's not too bad for its length and throw in a truck upgrade for the auto carriers and the train could do 90 mph in some spots on the NEC.

Another variation of this move was to use the former Chrysler Auto Plant Yard in Newark, Delaware (just south of Wilmington). It is convenient to route 95, 495, 141, 279, 13, and route 1. Originating the train at Chrysler would save billions in upgrades since most of the route between Chrysler and Landover is already set up for Auto Rack operation (since it was an auto plant.) You may be able to squeak by using the existing set up if you originate at Chrysler, but you'd need a good move (and we know that is unlikely in the summer.)

Ok, you can laugh now.

Additional wish list items include:

The previously mentioned through Florida trains to Bos, linking North and South station Boston to allow the Downeasters to run into south station, easing connections.

Restoration of the Broadway. At the very minimum, another Pennsylvanian which is likely to occur.

Restoration of the inland route.

Restoration the the Gulf Breeze section of the Crescent, splitting the consist at BHM for operation to MOE. This allows for much needed additional capacity between NYP-ATL while serving another market. The train could possibly meet a restored Gulf Coast trains for better route between ATL and points in Florida.

Restoration of the Cape Codder, a weekend train from Nyp to Cape Cod. It performed quite well when it operated. It was cut due to equipment constraints and the associated costs. They tried running it as a New England express to Boston, with a transfer to an MBTA set of equipment at PVD for points on the Cape. This sank the service since as previously indicated, some people really hate transferring...especially to a commuter set of equipment.

An additional stand alone train from NYP to CLT via Roanoke. I actually timed this train on another board and found equipment ( you can start here and read the next few posts). Unfortunately, I wasn't pleased with the return train operating as scheduled NEC train. There was just too much room for error with little chance for manipulation. However, that was with the current fleet plan and constraints. If equipment isn't an issue, run it as a stand alone train with passengers being received/discharged only on the NEC. Why not? We're rich, funded and flushed with equipment in this La La land. Plus, the host railroads love us all of a sudden. We might as well extend the damn thing to Columbia while we're at it. This would provide additional service to Charlottesville and Lynchburg as well, giving them a better pattern of service.

Restoration of the Montrealer with its original consist, including the piano bar, sleeping car and cafeteria car. This train ran quite well and had a good amount of patronage even though it ran in the middle of the night between the main cities. That may have been the point though. It was canceled when the route (NECR) basically fell apart.

Restoration of the Sunday only Niagara Rainbow, which ran overnight train from Toronto to NYP. This train also ran surprisingly well. That's because people in the 90's certainly knew how to party. Equipment losses killed this train.

Here's one that is low hanging fruit and may be the feasible. Through WAS-ALB-MTR service. This was done be cutting an engine and few cars and adding an engine to the opposite end of a scheduled NEC train. It was a bit unreliable though due to the late connections south/west bound.However, the north/east train ran like a champ!

A daily Cardinal would be nice, I suppose. Why not? We're rich! We'll finally be able to see if increased service would enhance the route.

Restoration of a daily Pioneer and Desert Wind. They could split away from the Zephyr like days of old, but if additional equipment is available and we're flush with cash, the portion between CHI-DEN could see three trains a day provided the timing works. They key point is daily operation of each section. None of this Pioneer runs three days, the Desert Wind runs three days and everyone takes Sunday off! It needs to be a daily operation.

This would plug a few holes in the system network including providing service to Wyoming. Additionally, it would restore service to the city I like pronouncing the most: Winnemucca. Say it with me: Winnemucca. Now, say it fast! Winnemuccawinnemuccawinnemuccawinnemucca. Pocatello is fun to say too, but nothing beats Winnemucca.

Had enough yet? I have...for now. I'm sure I can think of a few more when my brain is fully charged.
As long as it's what we personally would like to see, I would like to add one more city to the list of those I would like to see service outside of graveyard shift to: Spokane. Spokane is my "home" station (a city that, by the way, would LOSE service under one of your propsals, Philly,that of truncating the Empire Builder at the Twin Cities :p ) and I would love to see daytime service there.
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If this list is without consideration of money, feasibility or whether it passes operational muster....and deals STRICTLY with what we WANT to see if we had money and equipment, I accept your list and add a few of my own "personal" projects.

I want the Auto train extended!

Shut up everyone....it's my list!! :ph34r:

Just hear me out, Ok?

When the GM plant in Linden, NJ closed and with the high speed catenary construction poised to begin and CSX planning on upgrades to its Virginia Avenue tunnel, I lobbied for leasing the former Conrail yard and propping up the Auto train. You'd capture a larger segment of travel and the location to that yard is ideal.

I proposed two segments that split/merged. The passenger consist would run between Linden, NJ and Sanford, Florida. You'd load the appropriate passengers and their cars in the auto racks at Linden and depart for Lorton. Upon arrival at Lorton, passengers would step into the consist just like they board any other train en route. However, their cars would already be loaded in another set of Auto racks in Lorton. When the main train came in, the crew would add the additional Lorton auto racks to the rear end, and the train would continue south.

Northbound, the train would depart Sanford. Upon arrival in Lorton, the passengers for Lorton would disembark and a crew would grab the Lorton bound auto racks. After they are cut off, the train would continue to Linden with the rest of the passengers and their cars.

Limitations include the need for another set of Superliners, the obvious costs of the facility and a few places where the catenary would need to be raised. The gauntlet track in the B&P tunnel would need to be restored and the route between the Philadelphia bypass and Amtrak (The High Line) would need restoration. Additionally, it is contingent on Amtrak chipping in for CSX's Virginia Ave tunnel project to allow passenger operation. This is because the trains would not be able to enter of go through Washington DC. It would have to use the Landover Line (the bypass) through Anacostia. That line used to allow for 50mph operation. That's not too bad for its length and throw in a truck upgrade for the auto carriers and the train could do 90 mph in some spots on the NEC.

Another variation of this move was to use the former Chrysler Auto Plant Yard in Newark, Delaware (just south of Wilmington). It is convenient to route 95, 495, 141, 279, 13, and route 1. Originating the train at Chrysler would save billions in upgrades since most of the route between Chrysler and Landover is already set up for Auto Rack operation (since it was an auto plant.) You may be able to squeak by using the existing set up if you originate at Chrysler, but you'd need a good move (and we know that is unlikely in the summer.)

Ok, you can laugh now.

Additional wish list items include:

The previously mentioned through Florida trains to Bos, linking North and South station Boston to allow the Downeasters to run into south station, easing connections.

Restoration of the Broadway. At the very minimum, another Pennsylvanian which is likely to occur.

Restoration of the inland route.

Restoration the the Gulf Breeze section of the Crescent, splitting the consist at BHM for operation to MOE. This allows for much needed additional capacity between NYP-ATL while serving another market. The train could possibly meet a restored Gulf Coast trains for better route between ATL and points in Florida.

Restoration of the Cape Codder, a weekend train from Nyp to Cape Cod. It performed quite well when it operated. It was cut due to equipment constraints and the associated costs. They tried running it as a New England express to Boston, with a transfer to an MBTA set of equipment at PVD for points on the Cape. This sank the service since as previously indicated, some people really hate transferring...especially to a commuter set of equipment.

An additional stand alone train from NYP to CLT via Roanoke. I actually timed this train on another board and found equipment ( you can start here and read the next few posts). Unfortunately, I wasn't pleased with the return train operating as scheduled NEC train. There was just too much room for error with little chance for manipulation. However, that was with the current fleet plan and constraints. If equipment isn't an issue, run it as a stand alone train with passengers being received/discharged only on the NEC. Why not? We're rich, funded and flushed with equipment in this La La land. Plus, the host railroads love us all of a sudden. We might as well extend the damn thing to Columbia while we're at it. This would provide additional service to Charlottesville and Lynchburg as well, giving them a better pattern of service.

Restoration of the Montrealer with its original consist, including the piano bar, sleeping car and cafeteria car. This train ran quite well and had a good amount of patronage even though it ran in the middle of the night between the main cities. That may have been the point though. It was canceled when the route (NECR) basically fell apart.

Restoration of the Sunday only Niagara Rainbow, which ran overnight train from Toronto to NYP. This train also ran surprisingly well. That's because people in the 90's certainly knew how to party. Equipment losses killed this train.

Here's one that is low hanging fruit and may be the feasible. Through WAS-ALB-MTR service. This was done be cutting an engine and few cars and adding an engine to the opposite end of a scheduled NEC train. It was a bit unreliable though due to the late connections south/west bound.However, the north/east train ran like a champ!

A daily Cardinal would be nice, I suppose. Why not? We're rich! We'll finally be able to see if increased service would enhance the route.

Restoration of a daily Pioneer and Desert Wind. They could split away from the Zephyr like days of old, but if additional equipment is available and we're flush with cash, the portion between CHI-DEN could see three trains a day provided the timing works. They key point is daily operation of each section. None of this Pioneer runs three days, the Desert Wind runs three days and everyone takes Sunday off! It needs to be a daily operation.

This would plug a few holes in the system network including providing service to Wyoming. Additionally, it would restore service to the city I like pronouncing the most: Winnemucca. Say it with me: Winnemucca. Now, say it fast! Winnemuccawinnemuccawinnemuccawinnemucca. Pocatello is fun to say too, but nothing beats Winnemucca.

Had enough yet? I have...for now. I'm sure I can think of a few more when my brain is fully charged.
But Winnemuc-muc-mucca already has service by way of the CZ. And yes it is fun to say. :lol:
Did we miss the Crescent Star?

I would also like to see a Front Range Rocket running all the way from El Paso through Denver all the way up through Great Falls all the way into Canada.

A San Francisco Chief from Chicago via the Santa Fe trans con route and then across Tehachapi all the way to Oakland.
The Interamerican via the old Texas Chief route ( with a Houston Section from the Metroplex) could connect in Laredo with a revived Aztec Eagle, and the current Texas Eagle should go daily between CHI and LAX with the long discussed SAS-NOL Shuttle being actually started!

I totally agree with the Broadway coming to life again, but failing that the long planned cutout cars from the Pennsylvanian to the Cap in PGH should become a reality!

Last dream train is a LD Route through Vegas however it can be worked out!YMMV
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What is very important is the thru passengers connecting at stations. Especially the number of different destination of inbound CHI trains. Not just one train but many. It is not enough to warrant a dedicated thru car but still. And those passengers are going from one small city thru CHI, WASH, ETC to another small city. You are getting the beginning of hub and spoke systems.

Hub cities in the future may be Richmond, Raleigh, CLT, ATL, JAX, MEM, STL, NOL, DAL, DEN, MSP, will make a real national Amtrak system. That will be like the hub systems in Europe.
I'd like to see a direct NYP to London UK tunnel being built (with spurs serving both Boston & Dublin- Ireland) after all its only 3,500 miles. On the West coast I'd like to see a connection made to Alaska and then under the Bering Straits and make a connection to the transib. This could then make a round trip from New York to New York possible in about 3 to 4 weeks non stop?

Who wants to join me?

Costs? - I reckon perhaps 12 maybe 18 months worth of the global arms budget should cover it.
Did we miss the Crescent Star?
I have family in Dallas I'm looking to visit so I'd certainly be in favor of it. I'm hoping the schedule is better than the Thruway Bus arriving in Dallas at 3:40am. The train gets into Meridian at 2:58pm and the Thruway Bus route is listed as 507 miles so at 50 mph the train isn't going to make it Dallas by midnight. It might have to be a separate train from the Crescent for it to be feasible.

What is very important is the thru passengers connecting at stations. Especially the number of different destination of inbound CHI trains. Not just one train but many. It is not enough to warrant a dedicated thru car but still. And those passengers are going from one small city thru CHI, WASH, ETC to another small city. You are getting the beginning of hub and spoke systems.

Hub cities in the future may be Richmond, Raleigh, CLT, ATL, JAX, MEM, STL, NOL, DAL, DEN, MSP, will make a real national Amtrak system. That will be like the hub systems in Europe.
If we're not going to have any coast to coast train, I think we need some transfer point similar to Chicago down south. New Orleans is the obvious choice if you can adjust the Crescent and Sunset Limited schedules as I proposed previously (and if the NOL-Florida train is added, two trains to transfer to/from the SL). Perhaps if the Crescent Star or similar NYP-DAL service is started, DAL or SAS could work.

Certainly what is realistic and what isn't is a good debate, let's avoid obvious sarcasm here.

Sunset Limited Heartland Flyer Reschedule Proposal January 2016.pdf


  • Sunset Limited Heartland Flyer Reschedule Proposal January 2016.pdf
    185.2 KB
The Broadway restoration (or, more accurately, any direct PHL-HAR-PIT-CLE-CHI train) seems like the most no-brainery of no-brainers for restoration. Most of the other proposals would require meaningful amounts of capital funding for track improvements. This doesn't.
The Broadway restoration (or, more accurately, any direct PHL-HAR-PIT-CLE-CHI train) seems like the most no-brainery of no-brainers for restoration. Most of the other proposals would require meaningful amounts of capital funding for track improvements. This doesn't.
I'd be more than thrilled if it came back using the current tracks but I think the detour into Michigan as All Aboard Ohio suggested is worthwhile to introduce Michigan to PHL/NYP traffic. Of course if we can get both a PHL-PGH-CHI train and a Michigan-NEC train (assumedly via Empire Route to NYP) that would be even better.

Amtrak just needs tracks between TOL and DET. Sure it will cost money but you wouldn't have to pay NS TOL to Porter access then.
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The Broadway restoration (or, more accurately, any direct PHL-HAR-PIT-CLE-CHI train) seems like the most no-brainery of no-brainers for restoration. Most of the other proposals would require meaningful amounts of capital funding for track improvements. This doesn't.
Are you sure? If you use the current Pennsylvanian spot, then the HAR-PIT leg would be capital cost free, but especially NS on the crowded line into Chicago is probably not interested in another train without upgrades. The "South of the Lake" project which would make room for more trains is projected at a couple of billions AFAIR. And do anyone know anything about CSX for PIT-CLE?

I think the only connection that could be started with minimal capital costs is the through cars. Which on the other hand could build momentum for the necessary investments for a train on it's own.
Are you sure? If you use the current Pennsylvanian spot, then the HAR-PIT leg would be capital cost free, but especially NS on the crowded line into Chicago is probably not interested in another train without upgrades. The "South of the Lake" project which would make room for more trains is projected at a couple of billions AFAIR. And do anyone know anything about CSX for PIT-CLE?
Why would we want to consider CSX for the PGH (not PIT unless you are talking airport) - CLE, when there is a perfectly good NS route that is already used by the Capitol Limited? And yes, trying to use a CSX routing would actually require some addition track work probably.

IMHO Neroden is correct in saying that on the face of it, with freight traffic easing off, it is unlikely that adding another train would require significant capital investment in trackage, specially if Amtrak agrees to mesh their schedule nicely with a bunch of hot shots taking a bit of a run time hit in the process.
The Broadway restoration (or, more accurately, any direct PHL-HAR-PIT-CLE-CHI train) seems like the most no-brainery of no-brainers for restoration. Most of the other proposals would require meaningful amounts of capital funding for track improvements. This doesn't.
Are you sure? If you use the current Pennsylvanian spot, then the HAR-PIT leg would be capital cost free, but especially NS on the crowded line into Chicago is probably not interested in another train without upgrades. The "South of the Lake" project which would make room for more trains is projected at a couple of billions AFAIR. And do anyone know anything about CSX for PIT-CLE?

I think the only connection that could be started with minimal capital costs is the through cars. Which on the other hand could build momentum for the necessary investments for a train on it's own.
Back after they canceled the BL they first required the connection (like today), then they had through cars (446/447), then they made a separate train. During the beginning (Nov. 96 timetable), the new TR had only overnight coaches and no overnight sleepers.




I've said before why not just run a sleeperless train first until the Viewliner II's come in?

Back in 1995, the Three Rivers was just a second Pennsylvanian so it arrived in PGH later which made the layover shorter as opposed to the current 4 hour one. So if Amtrak just gets a second Pennsylvanian and shifts the schedule, then possibly the later Pennsylvanian arrives in Pittsburgh around 10pm as opposed to around 8pm and it would make the Pennsylvanian-CL transfer a little less lousy.

Are you sure? If you use the current Pennsylvanian spot, then the HAR-PIT leg would be capital cost free, but especially NS on the crowded line into Chicago is probably not interested in another train without upgrades. The "South of the Lake" project which would make room for more trains is projected at a couple of billions AFAIR. And do anyone know anything about CSX for PIT-CLE?
Why would we want to consider CSX for the PGH (not PIT unless you are talking airport) - CLE, when there is a perfectly good NS route that is already used by the Capitol Limited? And yes, trying to use a CSX routing would actually require some addition track work probably.
AAO (http://freepdfhosting.com/cf26514bc8.pdf) two reroutes, one through Michigan and one through Youngstown and Ravenna-Kent between PGH and CLE. I am in favor of the Michigan reroute despite it probably being more expensive. I am not yet sold on the Youngstown reroute unless it can be done relatively cheap. The report lists "Restore Ravenna track connection" at $5 million and "New stations -- New Castle, Ravenna, Youngstown" at $7 million. So that's $12 million when AAO's total price tag including the Michigan reroute is $115 million.
I hope the other connection that was built from NS to CSX near New Castle for moving the Broadway Ltd. to the B&O is still in good order. Otherwise that will need some work to restore it too. At that time it was claimed by Conrail that it was necessary only for handing the Broadway off to CSX.
Did we miss the Crescent Star?

I would also like to see a Front Range Rocket running all the way from El Paso through Denver all the way up through Great Falls all the way into Canada.

A San Francisco Chief from Chicago via the Santa Fe trans con route and then across Tehachapi all the way to Oakland.
How about corridor service between Albuquerque, Colorado Springs, Denver, and Cheyenne?
Did we miss the Crescent Star?

I would also like to see a Front Range Rocket running all the way from El Paso through Denver all the way up through Great Falls all the way into Canada.

A San Francisco Chief from Chicago via the Santa Fe trans con route and then across Tehachapi all the way to Oakland.
How about corridor service between Albuquerque, Colorado Springs, Denver, and Cheyenne?
I've dreamed about and North South route: El Paso, Albuquerque, Denver, and ??. Connecting all the Western LD trains: Sunset Limited, SWC, CZ, EB.
Did we miss the Crescent Star?

I would also like to see a Front Range Rocket running all the way from El Paso through Denver all the way up through Great Falls all the way into Canada.

A San Francisco Chief from Chicago via the Santa Fe trans con route and then across Tehachapi all the way to Oakland.
How about corridor service between Albuquerque, Colorado Springs, Denver, and Cheyenne?
I've dreamed about and North South route: El Paso, Albuquerque, Denver, and ??. Connecting all the Western LD trains: Sunset Limited, SWC, CZ, EB.
best location to meet up with the Builder would be Spokane, as there are two station tracks, and the lines that it would serve does not have any existing service. The best routing would be on MRL from Laurel through Bozeman, Helena, and Missoula. South of Laurel, BNSF is pretty much the only option till you reach Cheyenne.
How about through cars from the Capitol to Detroit/Ann Arbor? I sure hate having to get up early to get off in Toledo and wait for the Ambus.
Ditto from the LSL. Actually, even a connecting train would be prefereable to waiting the Ambus.
There used to be the Lake Cities for that purpose.



Instead of turning north to Pontiac it went south to Toledo and passengers could transfer to the LSL (the eastbound 352 missed the CL and the westbound 351 arrived about 5 hrs before the CL). It looked like 56 miles and 1:40 each way. The train is marked with Conrail tracks, who owns that track now?

Ideally the 2016 version would arrive in TOL at in time to catch the eastbound CL (11:49pm) and the leave TOL after the westbound LSL arrived (6:15am). Buf if you went LC-LSL towards NYP, you'd be in for a long wait then (CL-LS wouldn't be as long). If you wanted to make it specifically for only the LSL you could have it arrive in TOL later and not have the CL connection. Or you could try to move the LSL closer to the CL (suggested in the PRIIA's that the LSL leave CHI first at 6pm followed by the CL at 7:30pm) to minimize the wait in TOL for the second eastbound train. They could probably make those changes (or at least move the LSL to an earlier time) if they brought back a BL/TR train to be the cleanup train.

Essentially the 352/353 became a third Wolverine to/from Pontiac. I would think if Amtrak did run a new Lake Cities they might as well continue that train on to PGH/PHL/NYP as AAO proposes so passengers wouldn't have to even transfer in TOL during the graveyard shift (transfer in PHL for BAL/WAS).

If you ran a new BL or rerouted either the CL or LSL you would need track rights for about 56 miles of track but that could save about 200 from Porter to Toledo. If I couldn't get a BL/TR, I'd propose rerouting the LSL through Michigan (the CL would still remain for South Bend, Elkhart, and Waterloo, and Bryan, who can be shifted from the LSL to the CL). AAO's schedule (http://freepdfhosting.com/cf26514bc8.pdf) for its Pennsylvanian extension is CHI 7:00pm CT and 2:25am ET in TOL while the current LSL times are CHI 9:30pm CT and TOL 2:50am in TOL so it looks like about a 2 hr longer train between CHI-TOL via Michigan than via South Bend.
I would like to one day see the Floridian, Broadway Ltd, and National Ltd train service restored.

Floridian- Currently no direct service from CHI, though Nashville, Louisville, Southern Georgia to MIA

Broadway Ltd,- The tracks have been completely restored from Ft Wayne across IN to CHI. Can't see that they could be getting that much use by the freight railroad.This was an all Pullman PRR train that at one time had two dining cars

National Ltd- Originally an all Pullman B & O RR sleeper service. Train even offered a secretary, manicurist,valet,, Barber shop, showers, dining and observation cars. No direct route West from WA to Louisville and St Louis. Would require using tracks veering West from Cumberland to St Louis Union Station. That station is in pristine shape and just crying out for LD service.

That's my wish list but until the USA decides as a country that LD train service is beneficial, it will never happen. Still fun discussing it though.