I feel like the big problem with keeping the Hi-Levels running is that most riders just don't care or appreciate the history and beauty of those cars. Railfans know that they're 60 years old and were operated by Santa Fe and on the El Capitan, etc. but the average rider booking a ticket on the CS may only know that there is a nice lounge car for first class passengers called a Pacific Parlour Car. If a bad-ordered PPC were replaced by an SSL instead, the average passenger who's never been in the real deal might not even notice. Sourcing parts, possibly replacing trucks, this is all tremendous hassle and cost for Amtrak, and possibly a very small portion of ridership may care.
It wouldn’t take much to make the SSL a worthy replacement for current PPC. Take out the cheap plastic chairs and tables. Replace with the comfortable swivel chairs in the PPC, attractive and comfortable 4/2 table seating, and a nice bar/snack counter. Downstairs, perhaps a private dining room for groups, similar to the Turquoise Room on the ATSF that could also serve as the wine tasting area with quality wines.
Now if you really wanted to have fun with it, put the sleepers on the rear of the train with the PPC as the last car and put in rear facing glass windows. But that’s the railfan in me talking.
I very much support this solution. Amtrak has plenty of SSLs on the roster, so if provided the necessary funding, they should be able to modify and allocate the necessary cars to the CS relatively easily. When you think about it, the SSLs do actually give a better view of the scenery than the Hi-Levels, due to it's large windows. Amtrak could very well mimic the interior of the PPCs, giving passengers familiarity and the same level of comfort, with it only being an upfront cost for them, instead of the continuous and frequent maintenance involved currently.
Honestly, I think it's about time for Amtrak to give up on the PPCs. They can't keep them in service reliably any more. I'm hoping to see one on my upcoming trip to catch the Tacoma Narrows route before it goes away... but I'm not expecting to. I've taken the Coast Starlight twice before and it was always a substituted SSL. The PPC does act as relief for the overcrowded dining and lounge cars on the Coast Starlight, though, so Amtrak will have to come up with something... but maybe there are enough SSLs.
Amtrak doesn't "have" to come up with anything. They can simply disband the entire PPC fleet and replace them with nothing. Even a 30% chance of departing with a genuine PPC is much better than the 0% odds you're advocating. The PPC is my favorite car in the fleet, by far, and in my experience the PPC creates a livelier and more memorable experience than Amtrak's SSL. Perhaps Amtrak could shrink the PPC schedule down to fewer days but schedule them in advance so people know when to expect that particular benefit. Maybe charge a few more dollars per sleeper passenger to help defray the additional costs on those particular days.
I do agree that the Starlight should have scheduled days that run the old PPCs, which would guarantee railfans a ride in the cars they love. If they get to the point that they can't keep enough PPCs running, even for irregular service, they could retire the fleet and allocate one or two for seasonal use or for special trains, as is done with Great Dome 10031 'Ocean View'.
Meanwhile, the current system frequently results in the worst possible thing that can happen to a Starlight passenger (or maybe anyone on the planet): you book a ticket, expect a Hi-Level PPC, and get a god damn CCC instead.