Weird Silver Star #92 Consist June 7

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AU Supporting Member
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Jun 18, 2004
Casselberry, Florida
I was sitting at Kappy's Subs (a long time institution in the Orlando area) at about the A783.0 MM, about 4 Miles North of WPK, just South of the Maitland Sunrail Station, and 92 (NB) went by, at about 8:30 PM EDT. The Consist was an Engine, two Sleepers, and a Baggage Car. in that order. And that was IT. Nothing else. I checked online and the Amtrak web site confirmed that 92 had just cleared through WPK. ????
WOW. I heard the train around 8:20pm, and checked status maps and confirmed that it was 92. I am too far away to see it, but I heard it.
Very odd consist. @RebelRider, do you have any idea what was going on with 92?

BTW, I know where Kappy's is located, but have never eaten there.
Hi pennyk - Kappy's has great made-to-order subs, although a little on the greasy side - I've been getting those once in a while since the early 70s. That was the weirdest consist I think I've ever seen. I just about dropped my jaw when it came by. I think there was a SB Sunrail waiting at the Maitland Station for 92 to pass, as the gates started coming down about 15 seconds after they had finished clearing. Maybe they had an equipment problem on the way up from Miami and had to just drop off the rest of the consist at Tampa or something and are expecting to pick up something at JAX? (Or maybe there would be something they could use at Autotrain, even a couple of pieces with a Transition Superliner?) I'd hate to be bustituted up I-95 all the way up the East Coast instead of in Coach - that's for sure!!
Someone on the Florida Railfans FB page posted a video of the Silver Star from a SunRail station with the normal consist, but I can’t tell which station.

Maybe this was an extra move?
Someone on the Florida Railfans FB page posted a video of the Silver Star from a SunRail station with the normal consist, but I can’t tell which station.

Maybe this was an extra move?
I just viewed the video and it appeared be with normal consist. The poster mentioned it was train 92. I could not tell which SunRail station either.
Could be a special used to train first responders. I remember a few years ago Amtrak sent one to the small town of Lugoff, SC. With one engine and one cafe.
I'm guessing that it was either a special move or a deadheading situation. The 92 Silver Star, if it isn't late (or early) is scheduled to arrive at WPK at 7:49 PM.

The normal consist could have been late, which would make it difficult to figure out what the special consist was for.
I believe it would of been a shuttle move from the Sanford Florida shop to the Hialeah Shops. It has been reported on this website before. Why use a special move, and not a regular train? See the tread about PV and required timeframe for such movements.
The OP described the train as going in the other direction. Also, there's no good reason for Viewliners to be shuttled to/from Sanford.

I am sorry a shuttle from Miami to Sanford. The Sanford shop does work on equipment that is not Auto Train related. Done it in the past, no reason to think there still not doing it.
I'm guessing that it was either a special move or a deadheading situation. The 92 Silver Star, if it isn't late (or early) is scheduled to arrive at WPK at 7:49 PM.

The normal consist could have been late, which would make it difficult to figure out what the special consist was for.
It passed by me in Maitland (+-A783.0) a little after 8:30 PM, Northbound, which tallies with the Amtrak web site, which reported 92 having stopped there at about 8:30 pm - I was about 4 miles North of WPK. It was such a really WEIRD consist with just the engine, two sleepers and a baggage. I thought maybe there had been a derail of the next car behind that and they decided to continue the train, maybe to pick up coaches in JAX or Savannah or something like that, but that it was worth a post to see if anybody would hear anything. I should have turned on my scanner when I got home to see if I could catch the Longwood/Lake Mary DD broadcast for the Axle Count, but they probably would have been past it before I would have gotten home anyway. I'm also a ham op and I hear that DD pretty well from home. Oh, well, another of life's unsolved mysteries, I guess....
You know when they move an engine from Sanford to Miami they tend to tack a few cars along so they can run full track speed otherwise it’s dreadfully slow at I believe 25 mph. So let’s say they had an engine in Miami to go to Sanford and vice versa. You grab whatever is available and run with it to Sanford. And turn around and bring it back. They do this with auto carriers all the time.