Acela 21 (Avelia Liberty) development, testing and deployment (2018 - 1Q 2024)

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ThirdRail, it isn't gospel, obviously, but the photos of the Avelia Liberty that I have seen the most has the same color scheme for the passenger cars. The power cars look better with a kind of dove grey chin and a nice looking logo, but the passenger cars we are seeing may have the intended paint job, maybe. Just my 2 cents.

I hope they come up with a decent Phase for this thing because it is pretty funny looking.
Seems to be just the complement of the standard TGV livery

TGVs have grey above and below the windows and blue band along the windows, this has grey along the windows and blue above and below the windows.

Very Western Europe. They are liveried that way even today in the basic form. Units used for specific services like Thalys, Ouigo etc. have other liveries.
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If the TGV photo was taken 1989 like the link implies, we are still looking at a 30 year old European color scheme but it is one that is relatively timeless and attractive.
But they could paint them pink for all I care, as long as they deliver them reasonably close to their expected delivery date.

Seems to be just the complement of the standard TGV livery

TGVs have grey above and below the windows and blue band along the windows, this has grey along the windows and blue above and below the windows.

So much for learning from your past mistakes.

While Amtrak is hyping that the new Trainsets are coming in 2021. The OIG says, not so fast.

As long as it's not delayed by almost 2 years like the current fleet, I'll take it as a win.

Well, everyone knew that would happen. According to that report, things don't bode well for the current Acela in the future.
Hi Thirdrail7,

Thank you for your delivery information!!
Ok folks.. Here is some info thanks to the "Ambuff-Amtrak Equipment Roster News & Notes" Facebook page.

Power cars will be numbered from 2100-2155.

There is a planned Media event on Tuesday in Chicago around 115pm. It's planned to leave shortly there after. The plan is leave Chicago after 345pm.
Given the waiver and associated speed restrictions, it will likely depart at 3:45p, the scheduled departure time. Otherwise, it could run into schedule trouble.
Given the waiver and associated speed restrictions, it will likely depart at 3:45p, the scheduled departure time. Otherwise, it could run into schedule trouble.
The special train must get out of Chicago ahead of the evening commuter rush hour trains. It will follow the Southwest Chief by about one hour for starters, at least as it passes through Illinois. Do you know if the "Chicago Event" will be at Union Station, or elsewhere?
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What night is this going to be through northern Ohio?

It passes through OH Monday afternoon-evening, depending on your location.

The special train must get out of Chicago ahead of the evening commuter rush hour trains. It will follow the Southwest Chief by about one hour for starters, at least as it passes through Illinois. Do you know if the "Chicago Event" will be at Union Station, or elsewhere?

It should remain in the station for the event. Don't vandalize it.
It passes through OH Monday afternoon-evening, depending on your location.

It should remain in the station for the event. Don't vandalize it.
I will try to take a late lunch and walk over to the station. :)
It seems like Amtrak must have sent out press releases to the media along the route. I think that’s a clever idea...something rarely seen in this day and age, that was always done back in the “streamliner era”, whenever a new train hit the rails, to generate positive publicity, and excitement to the public.

To really capitalize, they should set up public displays at various points...perhaps on its return trip?

Has anyone spotted any other media reports besides the Toledo ine?
The Buffalo news put out a short report, got some facts wrong.

Has anyone heard of where it's at along the line? I was thinking of driving down to Toledo after work, but don't want to make the drive if it's gone by already.
Has anyone heard of where it's at along the line? I was thinking of driving down to Toledo after work, but don't want to make the drive if it's gone by already.

It just went by Erie about 20 minutes ago. It's about 75" down. I doubt it'll be at TOL before 830p. Realistically, it'll be closed to 10p-11pm
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