Amtrak dining and cafe service

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Did you ever eat the Chocolate Bundt Cake or the Bourbon Pecan Pie in the Diner?Best Amtrak deserts Ever!🥰( and I liked the New York Style Cheese Cake they served before the So called Cheescake in a Cup was substituted)

All three were so good. I would slow down and just pick at dinner to still remain hungry for the desserts.
I’m not sure why most people are down on Amtrak serving Cheesecake. If they could turn back the clock about a decade, in my opinion, the cheesecake was to die for. My first LD trip on the Empire Builder in May, 2012 was the best I’ve had anywhere. It was an orange cheesecake that I inhaled, I liked it so much! I went from Tomah to Portland and that was my go to dessert on that trip. They had an Oreo cheesecake on the return trip that wasn’t as good but the bar was set high for me. Of course, nowadays with the flex dining, which I’ve had on a couple of trips out East, I had the usual choice between the brownie and blondie, both of which I like but a far stretch from the cheesecake.
Under normal, non-pandemic, circumstances Amtrak should be able to provide meals of comparable quality to long-haul airline business (or even premium economy) class. Or First Class Acela dining considering sleeper are also considered First Class travel.
I’m not sure why most people are down on Amtrak serving Cheesecake. If they could turn back the clock about a decade, in my opinion, the cheesecake was to die for. My first LD trip on the Empire Builder in May, 2012 was the best I’ve had anywhere. It was an orange cheesecake that I inhaled, I liked it so much! I went from Tomah to Portland and that was my go to dessert on that trip. They had an Oreo cheesecake on the return trip that wasn’t as good but the bar was set high for me. Of course, nowadays with the flex dining, which I’ve had on a couple of trips out East, I had the usual choice between the brownie and blondie, both of which I like but a far stretch from the cheesecake.
At one point they had genuine Eli's Chicago cheesecake, which was pretty good.
All that said, the original dining that came with sleeper accommodations also provided too much food... who can sit all day and eat three large meals... for three days in a row?
Nobody says you have to eat three large meals.

We would tell the server what not to bring. Lunch was often the salad. We would sometimes share a meal and/or share a dessert. Sometimes eat the burger without the bread and no sides. Sometimes we'd take that lunch dessert back to the room for later because we'd leave the train before dinner and have to drive somewhere and didn't know if we'd have a chance to eat big or small.

And not all trips are three days in a row. In fact on all my trips, there was no 3-day train and always a downtime between trains when we would skip a meal or have something really light.

The point is, if I get on before dinner, I would have planned ahead and not eaten so much during the day. If I got on before lunch and knew I wasn't that hungry, I'd eat the salad. If I made breakfast, I might be off the train before lunch or I'd skip the breakfast croissant and meat and just have eggs plain. If I made 3 meals in a single day, I'd pick and choose. I could even pick a child's meal in many cases.

Moreover, at all meals I could eat carb free, or sugar free, or just the greens, or whatever, and still have a filling meal by not having them give me what I didn't want. So the crew could make meals out of the unserved food. Now, they can't make meals out of the garbage just dumped or the half-eaten "beef and garbage".
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I’m not sure why most people are down on Amtrak serving Cheesecake ..... in my opinion, the cheesecake was to die

That's just it - We all have our own opinions based on our likes and dislikes In my opinion, cheesecake is overrated ... since I do not like it. I would prefer a good angel food cake or blueberry pie made with real sugar (seems everyone want to sell blueberry pie made with NutraSweet)

I will say, even though I like brownies, I would not want to eat them with every meal.
My first time in a Sleeper wasn't until 2018 in the Zephyr, and I feel like I had real cheesecake? They definitely still had the crab cake and steak dinner, which was wonderful.
It's called "flexible dining" which is supposed to mean you can eat at your leisure. I ve been on several trains in the last year and I've had to make a specific reservation every time. The "dining" part is hardly what we had when full service dining existed.
"Flexible Dining" is blatant extremism when it comes to a concept gone wrong. 😔😕😣🤢
"Flexible Dining" is blatant extremism when it comes to a concept gone wrong.

My guess is Amtrak's implementation of flexible "dining" and its related touting of the concept as new and "improved" are being studied by some enterprising MBA student and/or PhD candidate as the basis for a thesis, and it will be taught in business schools for generations to come as a perfect model for what not to do. Never has any corporate concept been so completely wrong (not Edsel, not New Coke, etc. imho).

I for one will nominate Amtrak's Flexible dining for inclusion in the Museum of Failures, "a collection of failed products and services from around the world. The ... museum showcases these failures to provide visitors a fascinating learning experience. Every item provides unique insight into the risky business of innovation." Museum of Failure

Please feel free to second my nomination. "For ... suggestions for new exhibits please contact: "
My guess is Amtrak's implementation of flexible "dining" and its related touting of the concept as new and "improved" are being studied by some enterprising MBA student and/or PhD candidate as the basis for a thesis, and it will be taught in business schools for generations to come as a perfect model for what not to do. Never has any corporate concept been so completely wrong (not Edsel, not New Coke, etc. imho).

I for one will nominate Amtrak's Flexible dining for inclusion in the Museum of Failures, "a collection of failed products and services from around the world. The ... museum showcases these failures to provide visitors a fascinating learning experience. Every item provides unique insight into the risky business of innovation." Museum of Failure

Please feel free to second my nomination. "For ... suggestions for new exhibits please contact: "
What has me most concerned is the total lack of reaction of Amtrak towards this immense show of disappointment and anger towards the catastrophically poor change in dining concept aboard Amtrak trains; which went into effect on the Eastern routes long before COVID.

Amtrak's lack of response of any kind shows it is poorly managed and just doesn't care about the people it serves. The United States appears to be united in its opinions of this food blunder. Is Amtrak really to be considered a service for the taxpaying citizens its supposed to be serving???

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I've been on several train rides during the past year and I paid low bucket for each one. I have always paid low bucket. If I couldn't I'd change my date or not go at all. The flexible dining gets old fast. I agree with the above comments that Amtrak just doesn't care about their riders. They must know how much negative feedback they have had and nothing has changed. Substituting one reheated TV dinner for another is hardly an improvement.

They have refrigeration.Couldn't they stock subs/hoagies and bigger salads? How about cheesecake or ice cream for dessert? The Eastern trains went to this crap before Covid. A nod to that jerk Richard Anderson for the implementation of flex dining. Never have I seen such a positive spin on such an obvious downgrade. The sleeper prices haven't budged. Biggest ripoff is the almost $500 roomette for one person from NY/Phl to Florida...and that's low bucket.

May 21 is the target date for full service dining to return to the Western trains. I booked a trip on the Texas Eagle/Sunset for that day from Bloomington Il to LA in a roomette which is one of the very few bargains on Amtrak for $448 for a three night trip. Actually I m leaving from Chicago and booked a $13 coach seat and catching the Eagle later in the day. Leaving out of Chicago would have been $600.
one of the problems is that your crossing so many time zones so you have jet lag complicating meal times / snacks / within a relatively short amount of time. On the train, you have much more time.

Traveling by train is so much more relaxing and usually less stressful than flying regardless of the Class of air fare one purchases.

Re: jet lag: that was the trip that provided me with the worst jet lag that I have ever experienced: 10 days worth!
I’m not sure why most people are down on Amtrak serving Cheesecake. If they could turn back the clock about a decade, in my opinion, the cheesecake was to die for. My first LD trip on the Empire Builder in May, 2012 was the best I’ve had anywhere. It was an orange cheesecake that I inhaled, I liked it so much! I went from Tomah to Portland and that was my go to dessert on that trip. They had an Oreo cheesecake on the return trip that wasn’t as good but the bar was set high for me. Of course, nowadays with the flex dining, which I’ve had on a couple of trips out East, I had the usual choice between the brownie and blondie, both of which I like but a far stretch from the cheesecake.
I love all the cheesecake types served on Amtrak... soooo yummy!😍🥰😃

What's there not to like about Amtrak Cheesecake??? "Enjoy the Journey!" You betcha!😇😇😇

%22Enjoy the Journey!%22 You bet!.png
Those cheesecakes bring to mind a story - a little off topic.
Near where we live in NM, there was a dessert place that specialized in cheesecakes - full-sized ones. A co-worker in another office in AZ loved to fly into El Paso (where my office was) for meetings because he'd do anything for a cheesecake. One time, when he bought one to take home for himself and his wife, he decided to eat a piece, then a second, while waiting for his flight. Then it was delayed so 2 more pieces, totaling half the cake, were consumed. Realizing that bringing home half a cheesecake was an admission he had eaten the other half - one piece was all she allowed him per day because of his weight and medical conditions, he decide to continue. Before the plane left, he had finished it by himself.
The hoops one must go through in order to get to the plane or to the airline's Lounge. Then, baggage claim is always a "zoo" after the flight.

Compared to the hoops of boarding Amtrak at Chicago, NYP, or Washington?

A few airports are particularly difficult (looks at Atlanta) but in reality it’s not too bad of a process in my experiences. In most aiports it’s pretty easy.
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Under normal, non-pandemic, circumstances Amtrak should be able to provide meals of comparable quality to long-haul airline business (or even premium economy) class. Or First Class Acela dining considering sleeper are also considered First Class travel.
They will never serve meals comparable to Asian, Middle Eastern, or even European business class meals. Those meals are all extremely high quality, and presented perfectly. Meanwhile Amtrak meals are comparable to those of a diner.

This is a China AIrlines long-haul business class meal. 1612972470462.png
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