We should start a new subject "Edmonton to Calgary train" and have some fun with this.
I will.....and I'll start by quoting my post in the other thread......
If there is anyplace for a new rail service outside of the eastern corridor it's Calgary <> Edmonton and even then.....they're really not large cities: Calgary 1.4M and Edmonton 1.3M....about 300km/180mi apart. There's a lot of travel between the two and for years when the Edmonton Municipal Airport was open close to downtown...PWA operated an Eastern Airlines style Shuttle......the 'Chieftain Airbus' between the two.
Perhaps initially the CPR track between the two cities could be upgraded but if an entirely new HSR route was built.....the Queen Elizabeth II Highway is relatively flat and straight with a wide median that could possibly accommodate a rail line.
And what stations would be used? CP Rail/Calgary Tower that hasn't seen a daily train in 31 years and Strathcona? There is no easy route to the VIA Edmonton Station and even that is in an out-of-the-way location.
Build new glass and aluminum stations (a la Brightline) downtown portraying a contemporary image with easy access to the LRT in each city. Something to grab the public's attention. Not old railcars arriving at an old heritage station!
(And would it even have to be run by VIA??)
I rode between Edmonton and Calgary several times back in the '70s and '80s. Here's VIA Train #196 for Calgary at South Edmonton on July 7, 1980......and looking no different than the CP Rail 'Dayliner' that had been on this route for years. Even back then....a single RDC-3 (half passenger/half baggage-express) was sufficient to handle the passenger traffic.

Note the grill/bars across the front windows. No this is not a rough neighbourhood.... just protection from the pheasants and other birds that were like projectiles when encountered on the flat prairies. There were also about 300 grade crossings through farmer's fields along the route.
And these trains were fast: 190 miles in 3 1/2 hrs and back in the '60s the 'Dayliners' would make it into 'Trains' Magazine's annual speed survey of the fastest runs in North America.

Going back to the 50s.....there were even overnight sleepers:

CN also had a 'Railiner' on a longer route: Edmonton-Camrose-Calgary but the big competition was an almost hourly bus service and Pacific Western Airline's 'Chieftain Airbus'...........

Just show-up and go, no reservations and modelled on the Eastern Air Shuttle. Back then the Edmonton Municipal Airport was near downtown. (It's been bulldozed and is a Business Park). Now all flights use the International Airport well south of the city along the highway to Calgary. There's really no advantage to flying now as you can almost drive as fast when you take into consideration the early check-in/security requirements. Greyhound has exited the market but there is still some bus service between the cities.
Perhaps it's time to look at restating a rail service.....and do it right! New trains and new glass and aluminum stations (a la Brightline) downtown with easy access to the LRT in each city portraying a contemporary image! Something to grab the public's attention. Not 70 year old railcars arriving at old heritage stations!
This is a busy Canadian Pacific rail line so I'm sure CP will require a lot of government funding for upgrades.
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