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  1. R

    Lake Shore Limited Host Railroads through Cleveland

    So it sounds like the LSL follows the old NYC mainline all the way through. That answers that question. Thanks! I'm guessing PRR trains from Alliance back in the day would have also switched to the CUT line to the same station, or did they have their own? Where does maintenance on the...
  2. R

    Lake Shore Limited Host Railroads through Cleveland

    Does the Lake Shore Limited still stick to the old NYC mainline all the way through Cleveland, or did the old trains used to follow a different routing? Also, where exactly is the demarcation point between CSX and NS maintenance on the current route?
  3. R

    NYC Amtrak tracks

    For what it's worth, I managed to find a few of them hosted here: Don't know about its legality or how long they'll be able to stay up, though. And I don't know if that was all of them or if there were more made.
  4. R

    NYC Amtrak tracks

    It seems the site is no longer online. Any idea where I can find this PDF now?