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  1. T

    Winter Park (Colorado) Express is back

    Exactly. There have been rumors reported - but any of the ones where there have been official announcements have happened. Amtrak announced restoration to the Silvers and then that it would be expanded to the Capitol route with the Floridian and it indeed occurred. They have expressed a desire...
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    Winter Park (Colorado) Express is back

    Don’t really see any reason to doubt it. When they said they were putting the diner back on the City of New Orleans and Crescent this past year they pretty much followed through on it.
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    Winter Park (Colorado) Express is back

    Correct just one. They are putting a Sightseer back on the Eagle in March so it’ll be a moot point.
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    Rumors about Amtrak move to the MIC at Miami International Airport (not happening)

    The best solution at this point if Amtrak is staying put and there is a desire to improve connectivity is to have Amtrak implement a thruway bus that can stop at the airport trirail station and then a convenient location downtown sort of like they do with the thruway bus out of Emeryville CA
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    Amtrak cancellations and delays 2025

    There have been numerous software fixes and some physical fixes as well. Amtrak’s service agreement includes some Siemens technicians who work at the major shops that service ALC-42s. They also staff a desk at CNOC to help assist engineers on the road. The one on 8(10) was a wheel issue. I...
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    Amtrak Management issues Here is Amtrak’s compensation report for 2024. The executive leadership team did not get a short term incentive bonus in FY2024 as they did not meet the more aggressive...
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    Amtrak cancellations and delays 2025

    No one likes to see problems with new equipment but unfortunately with the limited passenger rail market in North America there really weren’t many choices and that’s not really something you can blame Amtrak for and all indications is they are taking it seriously. Siemens really seems to be the...
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    Amtrak Dining and Cafe Service Discussion 2025

    The first provision is not a bad idea though Amtrak has kind of already started to do some of it in their budget requests. They made a request to restore traditional dining to the Eagle and even included dollar amounts. I’m not against either bill but I’m also not a huge fan of unfunded mandates...
  9. T

    Is Quick Trak still around to print tickets?

    Im pretty sure the new kiosks are capable hardware wise of doing a video connection with an agent. Not sure the feature has actually been implemented but I believe with the machines they put in it’s supported. They are at most large major stations and intermediate medium sized stations on the...
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    Speculation about remaining life of Superliners

    Overhauls and wreck repairs and major rehabs are cap ex. Cap ex dollars are affected by the operating side however as essentially Amtrak uses what is left of their revenue and annual grant funding for capital projects. If they decrease the operating loss there are more capital dollars available...
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    Rumors about Amtrak move to the MIC at Miami International Airport (not happening)

    It’s possible there was some sort of sticking point. This is pure speculation but if I had to guess what happened was one of two things. One of the two possibilities I think is most likely is they got into some kind of impasse funding or otherwise on some improvement that Amtrak wanted done as...
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    MARC meltdown --- in the snow!

    It’s important to remember that running in the storms means bringing all the employees in sometimes in areas where authorities are saying keep off the roads and keeping the railroad going in a snow storm is in many ways even more labor intensive. You’re also going to see a natural decrease in...
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    VIA Rail Canadian and the Canadians 2025

    They are talking about having an ultra premium full width sleeper room in the new bilevel Amtrak equipment on the lower level instead of the “family bedroom” style room. It would be the full car width and have a real legit larger bed and a much better restroom. It’s important to remember that...
  14. T

    Does Amtrak misrepresent lateness

    Some of that is because of padding in the schedule. With the padding if 42 left Pittsburgh 45 down but had zero issues and got through it’s station stops promptly the rest of the way it would indeed arrive at the time stated.
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    Amtrak Siemens Charger Locomotive (SC44, ALC42, ALC42E) (2H 2024 - 2025)

    They also had early winter problems when the transformers in the ALC42 got very cold which caused electrical issues and unit shutdowns due to a design issue. They had to make a physical and software alteration to deal with that problem. There was one very prominent service disruption where three...
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    Amtrak video: "We're Becoming a Transportation Powerhouse"

    I don’t know about the padding and seat cushions but the way they “recline” is the same.
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    Amtrak video: "We're Becoming a Transportation Powerhouse"

    Amtrak probably uses CSI metrics and surveys when they say if something is a "home run." It's possible that the "flex plus" setup has improved F&B customer satisfaction metrics and survey results on the routes where they have implemented it.
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    Amtrak video: "We're Becoming a Transportation Powerhouse"

    The Brightline seats are a bit better but their recline method is the same. I would expect something similar for the Airo fleet.
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    Colorado Mountain Rail Project development plan speeding forward

    No love lost between those two organizations at the moment for sure.
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    Rumors about Amtrak move to the MIC at Miami International Airport (not happening)

    Very true and from my experience when back and forth finger pointing goes on the truth is usually somewhere in the middle with fault to go around. That’s kind of why I’m curious to see if anymore comes out. Having said that it wouldn’t surprise me if not much does as Amtrak seems to...