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  1. G

    SWC #3 CHI-LAX Meal Times

    I would have trouble having a French dip sandwich (with hot mustard!) for breakfast. If I'm going to Phillipe's that early in the day, I'll have one of their breakfasts.
  2. G

    Wine/Cheese tasting schedule

    Best I can recall, we had the tasting on the N/B CS after we left San Luis Obispo.
  3. G

    TransDorm Sleeper

    Does the transdorm have its own Attendant or does the one from the next sleeper do double duty?
  4. G

    If you rent a car at your AMTRAK destination....

    Great tip -- I never knew that. The link in the original message takes you to a Google page with a bunch more things that you can get by texting 466453 (which corresponds to GOOGLE on the phone pad).
  5. G

    Lamy Station Cafe

    Like others have commented, I saw the cafe, walked through it, looked at their menu (which was enticing), and always meant to eat there but never did. I guess there were too many like us.
  6. G

    VIA rail Canada

    Oh that is a trip I have wanted to take for so long! Does anyone have any thoughts on whether it is better to go Vancouver to Toronto or Toronto to Vancouver? Does one way or the other give more daylight time in the Rockies?
  7. G

    Empire Builder Meal Question

    We had cold salmon on our last trip out of Portland, and it was marvelous. We brought along a bottle of Oregon pinot noir to go with it, and had a lovely meal as we went up the Columbia River Gorge at sunset in a light rain. They do not take orders in advance (at least not on our trip), and...
  8. G

    Government shutdown possible

    There have been several postings, with conflicting information, about who owns Amtrak. This is the answer as set forth in notes 5 and 10 to Amtrak's audited 2009 financial statements (which can be found on Amtrak's website): The preferred stock of Amtrak is owned by the United States Secretary...
  9. G

    Wine on Empire Builder?

    I've only gone from Portland to Chicago (not reverse). We did get champagne or sparkling apple cider at the beginning. There is a nice afternoon wine tasting (free for sleeping car passengers, $5 or something for coach). Quite a few bottles of wine (some unopened, some partially full) were...
  10. G

    Roomettes- Upper or Lower Level Best?

    The room location diagrams can be found at Though I prefer the upper level, I don't find the lower level claustrophobic. The lack of traffic on the lower level is actually very nice, though I don't think that factor outweighs the better views from...
  11. G

    When are the Beds Made?

    In my experience, some SCA's will already have the beds made and others will not have them made. If the beds are not already made, it only takes them a minute to make them.
  12. G

    Shuttle options at Emeryville

    There is a single bus that makes 3 or 4 stops -- Ferry Building is first, then Fisherman's Wharf, then Market Street up around Union Square. (There might be another sotp that I've forgotten.) Transferring to the bus from the train is easy as can be -- just walk thru the station and the bus is...
  13. G

    Tucson Station

    I assume that you're headed east on train 2, arriving Tucson at 12:06 am. I was on that train a few weeks ago on my way to Houston, and got off and stretched my legs in Tucson. There were a number of taxis waiting for the train. The Hotel Congress is right across the parking lot from the train...
  14. G

    3 Questions about the CZ

    Are you in coach or sleeper? If sleeper, every room has an electrical outlet. If in coach, then as others have said it's maybe yes, maybe no
  15. G

    Has anyone been to Denver's temp station?

    "Approximately 15 short-term parking spaces are available at the lot on the east side of the [temporary] station for passenger pick-up and drop-off."
  16. G

    Breakfast if Boarding CZ5 in Denver?

    We'll be boarding the westbound CZ 5 in Denver. Scheduled departure is 8:05 am. I assume we'll be able to have breakfast in the dining car, assuming the train arrives halfway on time. In the event that the train is running late, does anyone know how late breakfast is served in the dining car?
  17. G

    Lower level vs. upper level on EB

    My experience on the EB is only in the roomettes, but I've been both upper and lower and did not notice any real difference in noise or ride. View is better from upper level, but I usually ended up in the lounge car anyways for the scenic parts (and there is spectacular scenery!).
  18. G

    10 pm arrival in San Antonio

    I was on the SL through SAS a couple of weeks ago. I walked throughout the area surrounding the station and never felt unsafe. There were a lot of people out at the restaurants and bars even at 11:30 pm.
  19. G

    When to actually print tickets?

    I could be wrong on this, but I believe that if you cancel reservations after printing your ticket you get less of a refund than if you cancel before printing your ticket. So that would be a reason to delay printing tickets until closer to the actual departure/return date.
  20. G

    Are there storage lockers at LA Union Station?

    There are no lockers at LA Union Station, but you can leave bags at the baggage check area for $3.00 per bag per day. I had two bags but the attendant looped the strap on around around the handle on the other one and counted it all as a single bag, so only $3.00 for both. The baggage check...