Could you please provide a link to what you are referring to? Thanks.Does anyone know what the consist of the 1993 Sunset Limited derailment was?
I was looking at an accident report, and the information inside appeared to be incorrect. you at least provide a link to whatever the heck you are referring to?
Do you have the rest of the consist? I personally find the numbers/identification of cars involved in accidents.The Baggage Car I have in my files as 1163 an EX Union Pacific St. Louis Car Company Baggage No. 6331.
Do you have the rest of the consist? I personally find the numbers/identification of cars involved in accidents.
Gotchya. Maybe this would be worth it's own thread? Or is there another site that could use this info...I don't but I'm sure I could probably find it somewhere. Right now I'm working on the dispositions of all of the Heritage Era HEP cars. I started with baggage cars which is why I had that so easily accessible.
I am not sure what this diagram is, but it appears that the accident report misnamed the superliner lounge.
Accident report diagram
View attachment 26988
Current diagram
View attachment 26989
I'm still confused about the consist. I am using this for a paper for a college class.
Was it:
P42, F40, F40, baggage, high level coach dorm, superliner coach, superliner coach, superliner coach, superliner lounge, superliner diner, superliner sleeper?
Was the Pacific Parlour car on the train as well?
The consist was as follows:
819 P40
262 F40PHR
312 F40PHR
1139 Baggage ex UP 6331 (1962 SLC)
39908 Hi Level Coach-Dorm
34083 Superliner I Coach
34068 Superliner I Coach
34040 Superliner I Coach
39973 Hi Level Lounge - eventually became a Pacific Parlor Car
38030 Superliner I Diner
32067 Superliner I Sleeper
Reconstructed from diagram in the NTSB Report with car details from Warner @ Simon "Amtrak By the Numbers"
Hope this answers your question fully and helps move along your paper for the college class!
Here is a nice diagram showing the dispostion of the cars, nopt precisely correct in final location of things, but close enough:
EthicsJust curious - what class is this for?![]()