Thanks for the well-thought out suggestions - you are so right! It is embarrassing and nerve-wracking to have a fussing or active child in public just b/c of people the the ones below. I thought train travel would be preferable to air simply for the reasons you provided. Thank you again for your response.I totally understand your situation. Last spring just prior to our first train trip, we had to take a flight for a funeral. The return flight was difficult.
There was a couple with a toddler who alternated between sleeping & crying through the flight.
At first I was frustrated that the child seemed to not stop crying-they kept shoving food in his mouth every time he cried.
It then dawned on me they really can't go anywhere to quiet him.
I was sitting a few rows back, so I tried to catch his eye & distract him with peek a boo. That helped for a while.
The flight was only 1 1/2 hours. As much as I love kids, it was hard for me to hear him crying so much. (We have kids & grandkids)
It confirmed to me that we really wanted to try the train-at least on a train, we or the toddler would be able to move about, which will help a lot.
There's no ban of toddlers or children in the sleepers.
I think that some here that the possiblity of a constantly crying child concerns them.
I think there's always that chance, but most of the time, I would think the train will have a calming effect on a toddler because it sways gently like a rocker.
You can always close the door on the roomette, too.
If you choose to stay with coach, you may want to think about getting seats on the lower level. It's a smaller area, & bit more private. We saw families downstairs in coach putting the chairs in the recline position, putting sheets & blankets just like a bed. They looked like they were having fun!
You can call Amtrak back and see if they will put you on a waiting list for the family bedroom. If any room is canceled, it goes back into the system at the lowest price.
Was it a brain tumor? :huh:. Those who have no family and scoff at others have simply forgotten that they themselves were once ill-behaved toddlers who soiled their pants and needed mommy to change them.
sorry I may have pooped and peed my pants, however my mother raised me not to be ill-behaved. when I miss behaved I got spanked, actually pretty sure I got my a$$ kicked. I was never allowed to act out, misbehave, be a spoiled brat in public; ever. More parents need to do this rather than smiled 'aren't they cute and kids will be kids'
Traveling with your kid is not a right, you're lucky you can do it. So if you are going to do it please do it with respect and parent your child. Allowing them to be ill-behaved and saying kids will be kids....or even worse 'wait to you have your own'
Which is such a cowardly and disgusting copout. Rude too
Parent them and make sure they behave, or if not drive. The world does not revolve around you and your kids.
and if this sound bit@hy blame the pain meds, I just had a tumor removed.
Just kidding. :lol:
I am not going to beat a 16 month old child for crying. Actually, it's against the law. I never said they were "spoiled brats" - I said they were kids and if you had any, you'd realize that they aren't adults and therein lies the problem. And I think we have just as much right as you to travel. I said the room would be nice to contain a toddler and a private are for changing/napping. Nowhere in there did I display permissive parenting or spoiled brats.
I am not the one displaying rude manners here.