Permanent Way Inspector
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OK, so it actually helps convey nothing extra except that we are all proud members of a cabal that likes that term. Got it.So help me understand how calling SEPTA with a unsavory name helps you communicate that an ACS0-64 is going to SEPTA for test runs. Which part of the message "For those who are interested a very reliable source has stated that 664 will be moved to SEPTA today." would have been inadequately communicated had you not used the derogatory term for SEPTA?
Allow me. SEPTIC was a pretty common nickname that has been handed down. Most of the railroads had nicknames although as the old timers have died off, so did their usage.
It was not uncommon to hear the names SEPTIC, Joisey Twansit, Wrong Island Railroad, PATHetic, the "Shark" trains and Mafia North in the industry. I won't even go into the common name for Norfolk Southern and I've never heard about anyone complaining when someone brings up C(rash) S(pill) X(PLODE).
Let us not forget that the basic nickname for our lovely railroad was AMcrap, which operated the Pigeon, the Late for Sure Limited, the Silver Slug (and this train has apparently been renamed the Silver STARvation...which is CLASSIC), the Crapitol Limited (aka the Capitol Punishment) and the Auto Pain.
While I don't agree with Acela150's characterization of their employees, the nickname has been around for years. It was as common as the buffs on the boards referring to the AEM-7s as "toasters," which is a term the most railroaders never heard of.