Amtrak 2017 Autumn Excursion October 14-15 up and down the Hudson

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Terrific trip.

Well wishes to all who get to enjoy it tomorrow!
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As they say in the Navy...."Bravo Zulu", Amtrak!

Another well planned, executed, and successful seems that each year, they get better and better. Can't wait to hear where next year's is going... :)
I am not on FB....could you relate what it shows?
From one of many posts on FB

Amtrak Phase III Heritage Unit P42DC No. 145 leads KP-701 headed to New York for it's big day on Saturday and Sunday on the Autumn Express with Veterans ACS-64 No. 642 behind, Metroliner No. 9800, 2 cafes, and Phase I P42DC No. 156 in the back
Thanks! :) ......But what is KP-701? :unsure:
It's a work trains call sign. Usually runs from Philly to the Bear, DE shops.
For me, the most interesting part of the trip was going thru the various freight lines to get from Newark to the River Division. Fortunately, I had a very knowledgeable seatmate, that was familiar with the territory, and all the connecting lines. We carried both Conrail and CSX pilots out of Newark.. The Conrail pilots got off when we reached the North Bergen Yard.

I also found it interesting that the ACS-64 (642), second in the consist, could be controlled from the lead P-42 (145), on the segments leaving Penn Station to Newark, and returning from Empire Jct.....

The P-42 on the other end (156), led us after reversing direction shortly after Newark, until reversing again at Selkirk.

Another interesting thing was two original Metroliner cars bracketing our the conference car, the other, a cab-control car... :)
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Welp, my turn today :)

Don't know where I'll be sitting (most likely Hudson-facing on the northbound leg), but I'll clip on a llittle badge with this nick and the logos of various sites I use it under (this one, RR.Net, O Gauge RR'ing and YouTube).

You'll probably spot the big Audio-Technica headphones before that though. Or my phone (running GPS) and cupholder suction-cupped to my window :D

Edit:7:47a on board, and all the river-facing northbound seats are taken :p

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There should be close to 200 vacant seats on this train, since booking was cut off before all seats were sold.

Yesterday I rode in the Ex-Metroliner Cab Car just to ride on its GSI trucks. Being next to one of the two P42s that powered the train throughout its journey outside electric territory was an added plus.

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Here's a couple more videos from yesterday. This one was taken at Fort Montgomery, New York by Catch A Train Railfan Productions.

Yesterday I rode in the Ex-Metroliner Cab Car just to ride on its GSI trucks. Being next to one of the two P42s that powered the train throughout its journey outside electric territory was an added plus.

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I was on the train Very early ;) , and got to pick my seat in that car, where I usually ride, to hear the "horn music", as well as less through passenger traffic. The only problem, was, when I checked the 110v outlets, they were dead. Since I like to watch the live map on my phone, that is important to me. So reluctantly, I went back to the next car, and the power worked, so settled in. About ten minutes after I sat, the volunteer crew came aboard, and after exchanging greetings, I reported the lack of power in the next car. She said she would report it to the tech... Not having complete confidence that they might get it going, I decided to stay at a great seat where there was a sure thing, power-wise.

She walked thru later with the tech, I related my findings, and he went to see what he could do. Then boarding began, and after the train was mostly boarded, he came back to inform me the good news that he got the power restored. By that time the choice seats were taken, so I had to be content with my conservative decision. I was still able to hear the horn well, and an added benefit of being in the second car, was occasionally seeing the locomotive when we negotiated sharp curves...

I was glued to my seat until we reached Selkirk, as that was all new territory for me....sorry I didn't get to meet you on board....maybe next year? :) .
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