IndyLions, you make some excellent points, especially about the dining car economics.
I used to love getting out of my room, meeting a variety of people—all different and all interesting—and learn about their different occupations and different areas of the country.
However, I think some of us who used to love communal dining, and may again, are not quite ready for it yet because of the pandemic.
After a year of keeping my distance from everyone, I am just getting used to allowing people within six feet of me on the sidewalk.
I am sure I read way too many of the articles last year about all the disgusting germs people breathe on each other all the time, which I’d never thought about before, and I’m just not ready to have strangers breathing, sneezing, or coughing on my food. (I’m sure some would feel the same about me

.) I’m not ready to even go inside a restaurant yet, let alone sit next to a stranger at a meal.
if I traveled now, I would have meals in my room, which is a bit ironic because I never used to because I though the pull-down tables were old and dirty and did not pull them out.
However, I hope to feel differently in another year or so and travel LD again and have meals in the dining car. It’s just an adjustment period some of us are going through more slowly than others.
Heck, if I go any slower, maybe the eastern trains will have real food by the time I’m ready!