Amtrak Mastercard on Chase site seemed to disappear.

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AGR Insider has responded on FlyerTalk:

No new applications for the Amtrak Guest Rewards MasterCard from Chase are being accepted at this time. More information regarding the AGR credit card will be shared in the near future. [/size]

If you have the Amtrak Guest Rewards MasterCard from Chase, you can continue to use your card and will continue to earn AGR points. Nothing will change without notification from Amtrak and Chase. [/size]
Well, that should take care of that for now. Pretty obvious I'd say.
And yeah, there is no implication that AU-ers will get first dibs at anything either.
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Thanks Penny, looks like a New Agreement is being negotiated between AGR and the Card issuers! AUers will probably be among the first to know when new info is forthcoming!
All AGR Insider said is that more information will be shared in the future. That "more information" could be anything from news of a new card issuer to the end of the AGR card. There is no public mention that a new agreement is being negotiated. One could infer that, but he did not say that.
Just saw this thread.

What should I be panicing about?


All my "points" will disappear? Doubt it.

Amtrak negotiating another deal -- maybe, so what?

Old info posted here about AGR credit card points becomes obsolete? huh. Happens all the time with these "reward" programs.

Whaat? me worry? (thanks A.E.N)
True/False? Which bank will pick this up?

Edit -- I see this is already on the AGR section, didn't see it before.
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There is always the possibility that the program will end. Of course, they won't announce this until the day it may happen. Announce it now and Chase loses revenue immediately.

I posted this in the Tap to Pay thread, but recently had my AGR card replaced twice this year. The first time it was because it snapped in half. Received back the same exact card, same number, exp., CVV, etc. Then about two weeks ago, I lost it. When I got my new one, the expiration date was for May 2015, which was the same as all the previous cards. I though how odd that was, as when I've replaced other cards, they generally put the expiration date out 2-6 years.

Anyone with expiration dates past May?
Mine is June 2015 and I received an e- mail from Chase about converting to chip instead of strip but not sure of anything else? ( I also have a Chase Freedom Card and a Visa from my Credit Union).

Doubt that as a retired person on a fixed income ( small)I'd qualify for an Amex Card although I had one backin the day when Iteaveled on business and my income was a semi- liveable wage!

I hope AGR ends up staying with Chase, I've had no problems with the AGR MC except a couple of hacks and Chase sent me new cards and I had no liability! I especially like the no annual fee provision since I only travel for pleasure, mostly on AGR points or Paid Point runs!
Doubt that as a retired person on a fixed income ( small)I'd qualify for an Amex Card
I'm in the same boat (or should that be train :p ) as you - retired Fed on a fixed income. I got approved for an Amex last year! (Maybe the "Do you know who I am?" helped a little! :D )
Amex Serve? Anyone with a pulse can get approved for that too :p
Doubt that as a retired person on a fixed income ( small)I'd qualify for an Amex Card although I had one backin the day when Iteaveled on business and my income was a semi- liveable wage!
Doesn't matter if you qualify. Nobody takes Amex any more. :giggle:
Really?? Nobody??? That most assuredly has not been my experience. Just couldn't pass up making a comment. Wow! "Nobody", that's quite the declarative statement so easily disproved.
Doubt that as a retired person on a fixed income ( small)I'd qualify for an Amex Card although I had one backin the day when Iteaveled on business and my income was a semi- liveable wage!
Doesn't matter if you qualify. Nobody takes Amex any more. :giggle:
Really?? Nobody??? That most assuredly has not been my experience. Just couldn't pass up making a comment. Wow! "Nobody", that's quite the declarative statement so easily disproved.
Can you not see he was joking - hence the giggling?
I know of at least one business (a Chicago jazz club) which accepts ONLY American Express (and, of course, cash.) I suspect that is partly (aside from the fees) a way of saying, "We know you don't likely have it, so quit trying to use credit and just hand over real money." A fair amount of patrons end up running to an ATM.

Though, it does seem the opposite is usually true. Finding business which accept AmEx or Discover isn't always easy.
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