Umm...that may apply in your neck of the woods...where trains are far and few between. When this occurred (and when it occurs in areas with high saturation), there were passenger trains stacked everywhere. Why? The disabled train occupied a track and blocked it, the trains receiving the passengers blocked another track, leaving one lone track for everything else. This leads to single tracking which caused massive back ups. As I stated, TWRopr has the details but I believe 5 or 6 northbounds were slammed while 4-7 southbounds were impacted.
Additionally, the train had HEP so if anyone wanted to leave the heated train and self evacuate into the darkness of nowheresville, so be it.
Now, if this is the LAST train or there is nothing around for hours or there is no HEP, I would agree. It could be more dangerous than standees being cheek to cheek.