Soooooo, are there any more questions about the chef being removed from the CL?
That being said, this boils down to a few things. I mentioned it in the past and that is adaptation. People have already adapted, saying it could be worse. Indeed because the Star is getting NOTHING! When Amtrak declares this experiment a success, I'm sure you'll see other trains rolling out the same type of operation, particularly trains that only travel one overnight period.
That being said, I do note one other thing which is extremely subjective. The Star got away with their experiment because they lowered the price of the accommodation. I haven't head anything about them lowering the costs of the sleepers on these trains and that impacts something the is controlled individually:
The perception of "value."
That is something I'm not sure this regime gets. There are plenty of options for Amtrak riders. Is this worth it? What is "the value" for your dollar? A cold meal? I made this statement before and it is worth clarifying:
I can understand them consolidating the 2 meals and even allowing Sleeper pax only one turn; you would have to be a real Chow Hound to take on Breakfast and then 2-3 hours later pile in Lunch, especially with all the great eating options in DC.
This is what annoys me about all of these "experiments." If I'm paying for a sleeper that includes meals, I want the meals. ALL of them. I'll eat until I explode. First I want eggs and then I want a steak for lunch!! I paid for it.
I'm sorry but If I've fallen from bacon/ french toast/scrambled eggs to a cold, continental breakfast and from a steak grilled somewhere near my liking to a cold tenderloin or turkey sandwich, that hardly seems worth the extra costs.
Now, you'll say it beats riding coach but hell, for this I may as well just get on the damn plane. After all, the fees are closing in and the prices may be lower. One thing is certain, the plane will likely be quicker.
If the journey isn't far, I may as well get in my car and roll for it myself.
I almost prefer the Star's set up. At least they're honest and the "value" (or my perception of such) is there.
However, this is a Congressional mandate. It has been one for years. Until it changes, you have someone that is making a go of it instead of waiting it out or ignoring it. If ridership and revenue drops, they can use this to say the food is a loss leader. If ridership and revenue stays the same (or close), the savings may help in the eyes of Congress and it is money that can be turned into other things.
He is actually opening more positions in the company but with more emphasis on other departments.
Time will tell what each person thinks of this. I have the feeling that the initial uproar will end and people will adapt.
Besides, if ridership drops, the equipment will just move to another service. This may be the only support you'll need for your new, mini long distance consist.
Amtrak 2.0 plods on!