Are there Crying Kids in Roomettes?

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Apparently discussion about lunar phases and enhanced viewing conditioins are out of bounds. :giggle:
I am the original poster.

Why are so many people getting mad at me for asking a legit question? I did not mean to come across as anti-social, or against all kids. I was simply asking if a lot of crying children are heard in roomettes since I have purchased one. Why are so many people taking this to another level and accusing me of other things- and now the moderator is saying this is getting taken down? For asking a question MANY people who travel and are paying extra money for would ask as well. I never knew there was something in the guidelines that said we can't ask about things like noise or disturbance of peace. It's baffling to me is all. Good day to everyone.
I did not put that he said it, the website did.
Yes you did.

You should learn how to quote properly if you're going to be quoting people. It's not rocket surgery.
No, it's not. But properly quoting other posts is more difficult on this forum than on others, IMHO.

Regarding this thread, I'd vote to shut 'er down. The OP has had his question answered.
I am the original poster.
Why are so many people getting mad at me for asking a legit question? I did not mean to come across as anti-social, or against all kids. I was simply asking if a lot of crying children are heard in roomettes since I have purchased one. Why are so many people taking this to another level and accusing me of other things- and now the moderator is saying this is getting taken down? For asking a question MANY people who travel and are paying extra money for would ask as well. I never knew there was something in the guidelines that said we can't ask about things like noise or disturbance of peace. It's baffling to me is all. Good day to everyone.
Then why did you use certain verbiage that was bound to set people off? You didn't ask if there would be the potential for other passengers in private rooms in general to cause annoyances but singled out children. If you read the responses, the possibility of adults walking through the hallways at all hours, talking in the hallway, being amorous, leaving the toilet door unlatched (where it slides and makes noise), being on the phone incessantly, etc were cited as the biggest issues in the private room areas of Amtrak trains. The real brats come in all ages. You never once responded to any of that but continued to mention that crying children annoy you.

You proposed "adults only routes" which is actually a money-losing proposition for Amtrak. They need every passenger they can get to defray their costs, and that includes kids. So pardon me if you don't feel that your posts were aimed at all children, because your brief history here indicates otherwise.

Again, if this doesn't appeal to you but you still want to take the train, I mentioned chartering a private railcar several times. The rest of the train is subsidized by taxpayer funds and is by definition open to taxpaying families. As for roomettes, it's not unusual for one parent traveling with one child. Although I haven't seen roomette travelers doing so, I have seen various families traveling with just one parent and one child.

You seem to have this mistaken idea that you're paying to be isolated when you get sleeping quarters on Amtrak. You're paying for sleeping quarters, meals, and showers. That's it. I recently paid for a hotel room in Manhattan - the most I've paid for a hotel room in ages. I got a comfortable bed, a TV, and toiletries. I also occasionally got to experience people walking through the hallways and talking loudly while I was trying to sleep. We got literally hundreds of HS musicians in town in our hotel because they were in some special event at Carnegie Hall. They often filled up the elevators (and the kids with large instruments were really fun) but never once did I complain that it ruined our experience or that I'd expect that such a high-end hotel should be pretty much child-free. This is what life is like in the real world, and Amtrak isn't any different.
You're paying for sleeping quarters, meals, and showers. That's it.
I'm pretty sure transportation is part of the deal, too.

But the room is in addition to what coach passengers pay. When I've priced private accommodations, the room is priced separately from the transportation. If I've got three passengers, the room expense is the same as if only one passenger books that room.
You're paying for sleeping quarters, meals, and showers. That's it.
I'm pretty sure transportation is part of the deal, too.

But the room is in addition to what coach passengers pay. When I've priced private accommodations, the room is priced separately from the transportation. If I've got three passengers, the room expense is the same as if only one passenger books that room.
Fair enough. But, you forgot the towels, soap, TP, juice and coffee!

the direction of this tread continues in the same manner as a few of the previous messages, this thread will stop and or go away.
Thank you. Please be specific as to what 'same manner' means. I don't know what that even means. Please explain. I'll happily play by the rules. But, I need to know what they are. Thanks!
Thats a great question. I thought this was Amtrak UNLIMITED, however, it seems to be more of a Limited or even an extra for that matter < posts and laughs before getting banned >
I take no issue with the term "brat". I don't think the OP was referring to all children, rather just the concern that if there are bratty children how likely is it that they would be heard.
I personally find no joy in children, happy or crying ones. But recognize that they are a fact of life when travelling in public.

As long as parents are doing a good job at keeping them occupied I won't make a peep about it. The problem is when the parents are clueless about how obnoxious their brat is being, which, as said above makes the parents the real brats!
No - it's a loaded term and was used to describe children in general in the context in which I read it.

The fact is that an Amtrak train is not a library. It's not going to be quiet. There's the sound of the rails, the bell, and the horn. The biggest personal annoyance factor on Amtrak isn't going to be children but adults, and several examples were given of how bad adult behavior made for a difficult Amtrak trip. However, the OP specifically homed in on whether children would spoil the experience. And if there is a problem, it's usually going to be the fault of an adult - with or without children.
Very well said.

I'll add that possibly my expectations of behavior, and forgiveness when not appropriate, is far different for a 3 year old than what it is for a 30 year old.
While it is true the name of the site is Amtrak UNLIMITED, that still doesn't mean everything is UNLIMITED. Remember, not only 40 year old adults from the US can read AU. It can also be read by 8 year olds, 80 year olds, people in Australia, England, China, even Timbuktu! We have to consider those readers also.
While it is true the name of the site is Amtrak UNLIMITED, that still doesn't mean everything is UNLIMITED. Remember, not only 40 year old adults from the US can read AU. It can also be read by 8 year olds, 80 year olds, people in Australia, England, China, even Timbuktu! We have to consider those readers also.
So it's like Ducks Unlimited. Only the people here aren't trying to save Amtrak just so we can shoot it down.
Why are so many people getting mad at me for asking a legit question? I did not mean to come across as anti-social, or against all kids. I was simply asking if a lot of crying children are heard in roomettes since I have purchased one. Why are so many people taking this to another level and accusing me of other things- and now the moderator is saying this is getting taken down? For asking a question MANY people who travel and are paying extra money for would ask as well. I never knew there was something in the guidelines that said we can't ask about things like noise or disturbance of peace. It's baffling to me is all. Good day to everyone.
You can ask anything you want. But when you insist on calling kids "brats" and go on anti-kid tirades proposing "adults only" trains, you're going to piss some people off.
When the entire thrust of your posts talk about wanting your room to be an isolated fortress of solitude, you're going to come across as anti-social and get treated as such.

You reap what you sow.
While it is true the name of the site is Amtrak UNLIMITED, that still doesn't mean everything is UNLIMITED. Remember, not only 40 year old adults from the US can read AU. It can also be read by 8 year olds, 80 year olds, people in Australia, England, China, even Timbuktu! We have to consider those readers also.
Sorry, I was being, well, a smart alec ( or is that elec ? )

I love Amtrak, ugly warts, slamming doors, chicken dinners and all. I do appreciate AU.
On my last trip on Amtrak, I personally talked with over 50 new Amtrak passengers who enjoyed the trip. Never once did I say that Amtrak is no good, Amtrak should not be subsidized or Amtrak should be shut down. So there goes that theory.
While it is true the name of the site is Amtrak UNLIMITED, that still doesn't mean everything is UNLIMITED. Remember, not only 40 year old adults from the US can read AU. It can also be read by 8 year olds, 80 year olds, people in Australia, England, China, even Timbuktu! We have to consider those readers also.
I appreciate that. It's even interesting, but not helpful. It does not address what IS limited. I still don't know what 'same manner' means. Just looking for clarification. Thanks!
I'm in no way a staff member or moderator, but I'm going to wager that this line of questioning isn't what GG-1 had in mind for the direction the thread should go.

The rules aren't complicated. Be polite, play nice, don't talk about politics.
Well - this is a private forum, and whoever runs it has the power to do almost anything on this forum even as far as just shutting it down. Almost like an Amtrak conductor.

I have heard of forum users getting fed up with what they felt was lousy and overbearing moderation and starting their own forums. That's their right. However, that often doesn't go too well because a healthy user base often doesn't want to move somewhere else.

I know of many forums where one even needs to be a registered user to read them. You can imagine how successful they get at attracting new users.
Anyone thinking that this place is overmoderated should go browse the forums for a few weeks.

This place looks like a kindergarden playground compared to that ridiculously heavily moderated place.
Anyone thinking that this place is overmoderated should go browse the forums for a few weeks.
This place looks like a kindergarden playground compared to that ridiculously heavily moderated place.
So, it's cool to bash other railroad forums here?
AU is one of the most liberal forums on the entire Internet. Even if I was not a moderator, I would be proud to be an AU member and to be allowed to post without going thru many channels for approval for your post to appear 3 days later.
Anyone thinking that this place is overmoderated should go browse the forums for a few weeks.
This place looks like a kindergarden playground compared to that ridiculously heavily moderated place.
So, it's cool to bash other railroad forums here?
I do not think Ryan is bashing another forum, just providing a fact.
Anyone thinking that this place is overmoderated should go browse the forums for a few weeks.
This place looks like a kindergarden playground compared to that ridiculously heavily moderated place.
So, it's cool to bash other railroad forums here?
I do not think Ryan is bashing another forum, just providing a fact.
Fact? This form is like kindergarten is what he said.
Also, That Ridiculously Heavily Moderated Place is what I call my mom's house

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