The way you dress is a reflection of who you are!! When you are in public, you should be well dressed.It doesn't take much effort to put on a clean shirt, pressed pants and proper shoes.
It also helps if you comb your hair and have a smile on your face!!
Happy Traveling.
And who I am is someone that does not wish to know someone who ignores me simply because I sometimes come across as a slob. Right now, as dressed for national train day, I am wearing a two-tone Amtrak shirt (of the kind they were selling on the webstore a few years back), a pair of dark blue sweats bleach stained in a few places, a pair of long gym sox, a brown pair of DeWalt composite-toed safety boots, and an Omega Seamaster wrist watch on a black nylon NATO-style strap. (and briefs, if anyone is interested- I hope you aren't!

I dress for comfort. T-shirts, loose ones in particular, are not confining. I don't like jeans- they are too stiff and abrasive. Sweat pants are not. When I'm working in my shop, I wear coveralls or overalls, because I need the protection of the tougher material, but otherwise its sweats. I wear the boots for the same reason.
I actually intended to aim for nicer pants this morning, as in unstained. I find the attire comfortable. I don't wear tight shirts, I'm aware that I don't look pleasant in them. While, on the one hand, I am kind hearted enough to not subject people to things they'd really not want to see, I also am not looking to impress people with the way I dress.
In fact, I tend to distinctly attempt to avoid it. Why? I don't suffer fools gladly, and I REALLY don't suffer people I consider shallow gladly. If my looking like a slob means that what I say is less valuable to you, I'd rather not hold the conversation.
Beyond that... I wear XXL or XXXL shirts. I can buy perfectly acceptable t-shirts at Foot Locker, 3 for $10. Or I could buy Polo-type shirts, at Frank's Big & Tall, for $15 a piece. If I need twelve shirts for my daily rotation... $40 vs. $180. $140 I can spend on myself for things I like... such as a 82.3% of a round trip ticket from New York to Chicago.
Pants even more so, 2XL and 52". I can buy 2 pairs of Champion (a name brand, and decent quality) for $10 at BJ's. Or I can buy one pair of Khaki's or Jeans at Frank's- $50. If I need twelve pairs of pants, its $60 vs. $600. Which buys me the other 17.7% of my round trip fare, Audrey's round trip fare ($170), and roomette accommodations both ways ($376), with some money left over to cover tips.
What gives me more utility? Impressing people impressed by my spending money on clothing or taking a enjoyable trip to Chicago in sleeper with my girlfriend? Gee, I wonder!