AU Staffing Changes

Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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Amtrak Rider
Staff member
Gathering Team Member
Jul 5, 2009
Orlando, FL
The following are changes in the administrative staffing of Amtrak Unlimited:

  • MrFSS (Tom) has retired and has transitioned from Administrator to Honored Member.
  • jebr (Jeb) has transitioned from Global Moderator to Forum Manager.

Thanks a million to Tom for years of service and hard work to AU. We wish you a happy, healthy and peaceful retirement. We hope to see you on the rails. :)

Congratulations to Jeb on his new staff position and thanks for his commitment of time, energy and computer expertise to Amtrak Unlimited.
Thanks Tom. Please give Sharon my best as well. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to see you both some time soon.
Yep, Sharon probably has a Honey Do List for Tom now that he's not tied to the Computer! Thanks for everything Tom, enjoy "Full Retirement!

Look forward to you sharing more of your great train pics and travel expierences with us!

And jeb, guess the Yoga @ the Gathering last year helped with your good karma!

Don't spend the Big Raise in one place!
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Congrats to Tom & Sharon as you enter the next phase of life.. second retirement :p Thanks for all the efforts you have made to make AU a great site for Amtrak riders.

Congratulations to Jeb. He has big shoes to fill but I am sure he has what it takes to make AU live on forever.. :)
Thank you Tom for your many years of outstanding leadership and support to AU.

Jeb, the very best wishes to you as you embark on new AU challenges.
Tom Thank you for your service, you and your wife were among the first AU members that I met along time ago in the Chicago Metro Lounge. If I remember correctly ( I know that memory is one of the first three things you lose, don't ask me what the other two things are as I forgot) that was on the way for many Au'ers to the gathering in Boston. I was sorry that I could not join but enjoyed the company while you were in my town and my wife's assigned work area. Hope to hear from you and possibly meet up again in the lounge or at a gathering.

Al aka oldtimer