Booking Error ID: 535S

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Lead Service Attendant
Nov 17, 2009
MS Gulf Coast
I'm attempting to book a round trip on 19/20 for next May and received Error ID: 535S. I suspect it's because I'm booking in 2019 for travel in 2020. It also could be that new schedules are planned for issue before May, but haven't been finalized yet.

Anybody run into this before? Thanks.
I just did a sample roundtrip booking from Wash DC to New Orleans in mid May and the booking did work. You can book on Amtrak 11 months out so that should not be a problem. Try again and if you still have problems call Julie at 800 USARAIL and they can help with the booking.
Thanks Bill, I went back as you suggested. Lo and Behold, success. I can only imagine that New Year's Eve partying had begun early within the reservations computer. So it took a little while for the self-check module to respond to error interrupts.

However, All's Well That Ends Well.

Thanks again, and Happy New Year.